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Spade for a startup

“Friends, tell me the idea for a startup!”

"Does anyone know the working methods of site promotion?"

"I offer everyone who has no ideas, but who still wants to work, to unite with like-minded people."
“We are creating another social network and are going to lure users from already existing social networks with the help of some chips. Chip ideas are accepted. ”

“Who has any ideas on monetization?”

Phrases of this kind of Internet is now full.

Well, friends, I have ideas for a startup and its monetization.

You take a shovel, you look for, where they recruit unskilled laborers, repairmen, excavators (with the ability to use search engines it's easy), go, dig, get money for it. Everything.

Someone will say: “No! I do not want to dig! I want a startup! ”And I think that a person who has no ideas should dig.

Do not want to dig - borrow ideas. Themselves.

This is not as difficult as it may seem, but it is still more difficult than going to the resources you visit with a request to donate an idea or two.

Most new ideas are extrapolations and new combinations of old knowledge. Learn more about the world that surrounds you, and ideas will surely appear. Learn, read, look, analyze, draw conclusions. This is an old trick: the more the sphere of knowledge expands, the greater the area of ​​contact with the unknown , the more questions arise, and the question is an idea. Of course, if everyone except this one already knows the answer they need, the question is useless. And if they know, but not all? Where to find them, these are not all? In non-core areas. Say, all culinary specialists know how to cook cabbage, but motorists - not all. But how to interest motorists cabbage? There are many ways.

The first way is to become a “star”. It's very simple - become a notable maize man, table tennis champion, eminent web, I'm sorry, designer, famous pop singer, and everyone will immediately begin to be interested in your opinion on spelling rules, on international politics and on car repairs. Where does this path lead us? There, where the previous theses - to work on yourself.

The second way is to hang out and lure away. How many in the early years of the Runet (and even before that - in other spheres) such stories were observed - a significant person leaves a popular guest-house or forum for another resource - and a fair amount of people leave behind. But you have to be a significant person. Where does this path lead us? There, where the first.

The third way is to become a super-hyperexper through cabbage and create such a resource about it, that anyone who is interested in cabbage will certainly come to you. But first you need to become a super-hyperexpert, that is, work on yourself.

Further, in fact, it is possible not to continue: the fourth, fifth, and in general, all decent paths lead to the same person - to work on oneself.

But, let's say, you are already an authority and you know the very question that will interest many. That is, you have an idea. You thought and launched a project for this idea. Immediately everyone will come running to you and bring you their time and their own or other people's money? Maybe. That is, not necessarily, but possible. What's next? They came running once, ran two, three, and then said: “Ok, man, we already know about cabbage. It's all? Goodbye". Many in our era web2.0 seduces the concept of user-generated content. Like, the main thing is to gather more people, and there they themselves will each generate their own cabbage, and at the same time I will get it. This is partly the case. Many people attached to something are a resource. But to bind them, we must again work. In the same way, how to work if you create content yourself. Because otherwise, soon it will be more convenient for users to vebdvanolit somewhere else, and not you. And they will leave.

Unfortunately, instead of wanting to work on yourself, on a project, on the surrounding reality, instead of trying to do something really interesting and necessary for people, lately there has always been a mood to snitch an idea, “make a startup”, google or inquire somewhere then “thoughts about monetization” (or even worse, order a spam company, buy links from sites with high particles, etc.) and rest in dollars. Ugh. Excuse me.

I by no means want to say that everyone is like that, but the trend, as they say, is all-face.

It is clear that everyone wants money, fame, honoring and other stuff. But to get all this is not enough, for example, to come up with a social network for doctors, translators, specialists in ancient culture, cyclists. We must either understand what all these people need, or be a cyclist and a translator myself. But at the same time it is also desirable for a manager and, for example, an artist - for the breadth of his gaze. Otherwise what comes out? “I launched a service for translators” And who are you? Can you translate? Did you see a live translator near? Do you know what he uses in his work? Who are his customers? What difficulties does he have? Not? And why would he go to your site? Not because it says that it is a service for translators. He did not see this inscription, by the way, and did not see. In general, become your first startup .

I will make a small digression. During my work in various publications and publishing houses, I had to pull the columnist and columnist myself and work with such people as an editor. This work showed me that interesting and popular material can be made from everything. A dog in the trash, Ford Focus, morning erection, president, semolina, autumn - all this meat, from which you can soar great articles. Few can do this. But these are people who can call, say that we need four thousand signs by morning on absolutely any topic, and be calm, that the topic will be decent, and the note is good. Just because they know a lot, they have extensive associative fields and a dialectical approach to any question. Why am I doing this? Moreover, instead of a column there may be a dissertation, a novel, a painting, a seminar, a business project, an Internet startup. Of all. The column, however, is more environmentally friendly, or it creates less white noise if it is unsuccessful. But even it requires labor in writing, and most importantly - individuality, which is always the result of labor before writing - labor during life.

Especially, the web project requires individuality. Otherwise, why is it needed? And what the hell individuality can be in the project of a person who has no ideas? And what, by the way, can be like-minded people who have no thoughts? In general, study the world - and ideas will appear. Because different types of resources are somehow convertible into each other. And if there is knowledge, skills, experience, they will turn into something else. Get them before starting your own startup. Or dig.

Ps. By the way, the process of digging can also contribute to the emergence of ideas, the birth of chips and, in general, growth above oneself and sight to the root.

Optional to think:

about resources - blog.yatsutko.net/?p=27
about experience - yatsutko.livejournal.com/598596.html
about startups - reakcia.ru/article/?2004

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54647/

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