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Simple miracle

Once Bankeya, a Zen master, worked in the garden. The seeker came and asked Bankei: "Gardener, where is the Master?" Bankei smiled and said: "Outside the door, inside, you will find the Master."

The seeker entered and saw Bankie sitting in the chair, the same person who was the gardener outside.

- Are you kidding? Release the chair. This is sacrilege. “You cannot disrespect the Master,” said the seeker.
Bankei got up from his chair, sat down on the ground and said: "Now you will not find the Master in the chair, because I am the Master." It was difficult for a seeker to accept that the great Master is so simple, ordinary. He left ... and missed.

On another day, when Bankei quietly preached, he was interrupted by a priest from another community. This community believed in miracles. The priest boasted that the founder of their religion could, standing on one bank of the river with a brush in his hand, write the holy name on a piece of paper held by his assistant on the opposite bank. Then he asked: “And what miracles can you do?” Bankey said: “Only one thing: when I am hungry — I eat, when I want to drink — I drink.”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54610/

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