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Personal experience: Organizing a home network in an apartment

Probably, many of those present here have gone through this stage in their lives. I will share what I myself encountered. I hope someone will find this information helpful ...;)


In due time for comfortable work, in addition to the home PC, I purchased a laptop (2 years ago). The choice of a particular laptop model is a separate long story.
This purchase gave me the opportunity to always keep the materials at hand and, if necessary, work at home. Plus, thanks to mobility, I could now be with a computer anywhere in the apartment - where it is convenient for me.

At that time, the Internet in our city began to develop more or less, good tariffs appeared, and the internal network of the city (between providers' subscribers) began to grow rapidly. Internet connection at my home was carried out through a network cable, stretched to the home PC, which, in turn, was connected to the ADSL line of the provider.


After some time, the desire for even greater comfort came, because tying a laptop to a PC with a cable nullified its mobility.

It was decided to purchase a Wi-Fi enabled ADSL router. The choice was for Asus WL-600G .

Unfortunately, my then Internet provider could only connect to the Internet using a VPN connection via PPTP. This router does not support this feature, and I had to use my home PC as a proxy server. But all the same, as a result, I received exactly what I then needed - mobility. Finally, I could be anywhere in the apartment and still be in touch with the global network. Long live technology! :)

Network appearance

A year later, I finally managed to switch from an ADSL line to an Ethernet line. A real dedicated network has emerged with 100-megabit access to the provider’s intranet resources. Compared to ADSL it was something! By this time, unlimited tariffs began to appear gradually in our city. In connection with the transition to Ethernet, the main function of the WL-600g, as an ADSL router, has lost its relevance. It began to be used as a normal Wi-Fi router (and I put it on a leisurely sale).

After another six months, a new laptop appears in my apartment - my wife's laptop. An intra-apartment network has already begun to form from a home PC running Windows XP and two laptops running Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Switch to Linux

At this point, I began to think about transferring a home PC to Linux, since there were no problems with laptops - licensed versions of operating systems are used that completely suit us. I repent, on the server at that moment there was a pirated version of the OS.

The time has come to choose from versions of various Linux distributions. And I had not even thought about their diversity before. After reading many forums and topics, the choice was on the Ubuntu 8.10 distribution. Due to the fact that my then-provider was in a local network with Yandex , I was able to download the latest DVD distribution of the system from a wonderful mirror of Linux distributions and install it on my home PC. Now he has turned into a full-fledged server for me.

How much was the torment of a newbie with the elevation of PPTP, the installation of squid and samba . The advice of our provider's forum users who have already switched to Linux helped me a lot, but I still can not help but note the remarkable resources:

New - well forgotten old

Just a few months ago, I noticed that a sufficiently large state-owned provider of Russia, finally, began to turn to face users, instead of what it had been turned before. There were sane rates for affordable money.

It was just useful that I did not sell my router - my new provider provides services through ADSL. At the same time, I get unlimited at speeds up to 2 Mbit / s and only 100 rubles more than my previous unlimited 256 Kbps / sec from the previous provider.


At the moment, I have an interaction scheme in my apartment:

Of course, encryption is configured for Wi-Fi, NAT is configured on the server (it also took a lot of time to find a solution), and routing is configured for free access of laptops to the network of the previous provider. In addition, he set up routing on the server so that he also had access to the Internet.

As a result, at the moment I have unlimited internet at speeds up to 2 Mbit / s with the ability to exit from any corner of the apartment, plus the ability to exchange files within the network of the previous provider at speeds up to 100 Mbit / s.

Yes, I got what I wanted. And a great merit in this is Ubuntu , since what I managed to realize completely free of charge would have required a lot of capital investment if I implemented it under Windows (taking into account the installation of additional necessary programs and the requirements of “licensing”).

P.S. After I installed Ubuntu, I started to more clearly understand the thesis “Set up? Works? Do not go! " :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54607/

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