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Who are you - a man with Habra?

Hi, Habr!

Our collective mind has long been dominated by habrastatistika and this weekend was spent in a most interesting study of the interests of users . It is difficult to tell everything in one post, but for those who are interested, here’s a little squeeze:

interests of users Habr

UPD Added statistics on the use of social services and messengers

Immediately I apologize for the freedom and subjectivity of clustering. But without it, complete nonsense came out, because in this context it is difficult to consider “web-programming”, “php”, “zend framework” as separate independent interests. I had to combine something with something. If you disagree with such a calculation - correct me, maybe we will redo it, if the objections are principled. Here is the decryption of the clusters for this graph:
There were other clusters, for example:
Web standards : microformats, semantic web, semantics
Science : mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry
I didn’t forget about Microsoft either (you don’t think that I deliberately left only Apple). But they all did not score enough points. Yes, I did not warn you, I took only the TOP interests, ignoring the “long tail”.
And also, for dessert ...

Programming languages

popularity of programming languages ​​among users of Habr

Musical preferences

music preferences of users Habra

Interests of girls Habra

interests of girls Habra

The popularity of social services

The popularity of social services that users

Popular Messengers

Popularity messenger among users Hara

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54541/

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