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Sight restoration by the method of Shichko-Bates. Lectures Zhdanov V.G. Short review

Sight restoration by the method of Shichko-Bates.
Lectures Zhdanov V.G. Analysis. Feedback. Additions.

Briefly, and in essence:
0. Tested, helped, now vision is more than 160%. For the first 3 days of classes I restored from 85 to 100, because the task is simple. Keep palming and six basic exercises.
1. You can learn from the video, but you need to understand what is being said and have enough motivation and inner discipline.
2. As an exercise, simple and effective techniques are given, based on the Bates approach.
3. If you started to restore the vision with this method, the more strictly you follow the approach, the more success awaits you; if something is fixed, it is no longer the original method, but Rabinovich sang, although it can work too. For example, it’s not enough just to “drop glasses” - it can even hurt, it is worth doing the exercises, it will be beneficial.
4. Extract from the method:
Quickly abandon points. The six oculomotor muscles relax-train. In the work to do three-minute breaks for palming, to introduce into the habit of doing exercises for the eyes (left-right, diagonal, rectangle, dial, snake) at the bus stop, in transport. Periodically do solarization of the eyes on the candle.

According to the results of the first 20 minutes of the article’s life in Habré, partial squeezing and links to resources remained. Personal experience and recommendations are removed in the journal. Next follow the reasoning on the topic. If you are interested in just a brief description of the method and experience of its application, then read enough!

What is it?

A six-day course of intensive general healing and restoration of vision based on the theory of vision and eye exercises by William Bates and the method of psychoanalysis of Gennady Andreevich Shichko.

Where to get?

There are many sources. I will give here several for the usefulness of the article.
Lectures Zhdanov V. G. “Give back your sight” in six parts. Detailed Content of Lectures
Detailed summary of the first lecture
Brief summary and links to six video lectures for download


As always, when introducing absolutely any innovation, and even more so for checking which requires its own time and intelligence, crowds of skeptics and inductors appear. Here - in fact, Google to help; I picked up a couple of relevant topics, already on request "Shichko Bates Zhdanov Method" you can google : a few ten relevant links. For example, the Kovrov Forum has some discussion on this topic. In this article, I rather give a positive assessment of the lectures, therefore, in order not to blur perception and sticking to someone else's experience, you can read contrasting opinions and compare, a critical look at things usually enhances the positive effect of perceiving information from people harmonious (those who live and sensations, and logic) and exacerbates people centric (contextual comparison is clear). What you see in them is only your business, and it is only your feelings; not in one book to read about their feelings; only a few can tell how to detect these.

The purpose of this article is to satisfy the desire for awareness, what and how is happening there, how and when it works. First of all, you just have to understand what it is about. Further, we can say that it uses NLP, please, forms a feeling of a clear intention and confidence in the correctness of its own actions. Yes. The central point in the success of this technique is the internal state. Achieved goals are quite simple: recovery, because a sick person is, generally speaking, nonsense. The human body has great potential and safety margin, an advance signaling system and self-regulation to maintain health. Since the goals achieved are simple, success even has a power effect on the subconscious: induction on a healthy lifestyle, self-programming using a diary. That is, when a person's heart stops, they make an electric shock in order to return to life, then, when the immediate threat of death has receded, it is urgent to begin to heal and heal. Accustomed from childhood that the truth should be sought in the Pravda newspaper, that information enrichment comes mainly from the outside, this person already with great difficulty without external support will be able to feel what the alpha state of the brain is, how to cause an altered state of consciousness with his thought that such a creative process by request, the use of dreams for solving problems, and all this together and every day :) It all requires the coordinated work of the mind and sensations, and the above described person already hears, but does not comprehend, already lives, as if he does not. First of all, he is not for himself. The rest is the effect. So this natural system, Professor Zhdanov, possessing the strongest sense of self-righteousness, and shakes and activates. At the end of the course, even a person who, before this, did not suspect that the consciousness of something might pay attention to his body. Further development - from the age and maturity of the soul, let's say; The result: a person who has realized this and has a sufficient inner core can both adapt the techniques for himself and successfully complete the course independently and reach a new level of self-development relative to his previous experience. This is not even the first step, this step is the exit from the basement to the zero floor. There is still a huge improvement pyramid ahead of which Mr. Zhdanov doesn’t even talk, for the goals are different. For six days it is necessary to carry out a very dense and concrete work.
Many will notice the methods of synchronization of the lecturer with the audience:
- Who has myopia? Raise your hands. - Here is your problem and misfortune, - with the intonation of complicity and willingness to help, in this situation it is easier for a person to trust, and this is correct, since the student must trust the teacher; "- Who had farsightedness? Raise your hands. Here, I, too, Had farsightedness
- induction of practicality of the method. That is, the living person who stands in front of them was wearing glasses, and now without glasses. Again, the underlying mechanisms of the subconscious are activated: “a, your own!”. I emphasize, effective and efficient method, synchronization. The word induction should be perceived precisely as a scheme, a method of transmitting information, without emotional coloring in this case “A! Inductor! In the blast furnace! ”, We just understand the processes.

Here it is also important to analyze after some time; not to exacerbate the sense of skepticism, strengthening the protective barriers to the receipt of new information, namely, to inquire with an inquiring mind what, how and why it works and to adopt this skill. When I discovered for myself that it turns out that not all people are interested in the world in this way, and that it’s not generally the sweetest thing for them in the world - to know it, I was extremely surprised, but this is another story :) That is one thing: schizophrenic everywhere PRO, and another thing: to have missiles that are simply immune to any missile defense. Or go to the pool in a life jacket or just learn how to swim. Here everyone already chooses a scheme that is closer. Of course, people are different and the labels are bad and we don’t hang well here, just different models. In ancient China they said, Let there be all flowers . Let be.

It is interesting to note the method of using a limited number of similar patterns in the construction of sentences. Speech becomes structural and schematic, it is easier to digest, it creates a sense of understanding the process, and therefore greater confidence.

Vivid examples. Good lectures abound in bright and verifiable examples, from which arises a clear conviction: Vision will be restored. The example of Kramorov, the example of Zhdanov himself, the example of his mother, whom doctors prescribed blindness. At the same time, he honestly says that it will be necessary to work longer with a flat eye. That is, the domain of definition of the method is wide, but it gives examples where it is already extremely difficult to help in reality (in fact, it is impossible, most likely, but I just use tolerant wording), when a person with a cane comes, again demonstrates that he does not go too far and fantasy and mysticism must be discarded. It is also an important aspect: a person nowhere explicitly appeals to the need for faith, simply explains the mechanism.
In short, during the classes a sufficiently powerful emotional vector is set, which sets a powerful field for the movement of thought, if we use the terminology of D.S. Verishchagin. First, the positive pole is organized: We will see well! And further installation: glasses - optical crutches - the strongest negative image, coupled with the current situation. From this position just want to run! And where to? There is where! See above in the notebook; given clear algorithms instructions; so the lectures are very talented and informative in terms of the presentation of the material, this can also be learned. This method can do an excellent service in setting any goals.
However, there are not entirely successful examples, and they catch the eye. How to treat this is your business exclusively; I consider the selective approach effective: accumulation and registration of the perfections and merits of the method and presentation with either simple omission of unsuccessful or irrelevant formulations, or their modification and improvement for myself. There are people who, having noticed the imperfection and gaffe, negate the whole image for themselves. Together with the water, the child is splashed out. It is possible to draw attention to mistakes for a long time, when another already takes the best and advances ;-) To whom do we prove? Why do we prove? Etc. Let me draw your attention to the fact that this is the year 2000, the situation has since changed considerably for the better in terms of a person’s ability to self-analyze. This is from a personal point of view of statistical analysis.

The concept of false and true programs for consciousness.
In these places, the trivial language, literally on butterflies and fingers of prof. The purpose of the course is not to clarify the causes and mechanisms, where these programs come from and how it works at a more abstract and general energy-informational level. An interesting aspect, the phrases “People are not to blame ... They were programmed like that”, etc., etc. Here, the lecturer relieves tension from the feeling of guilt, which allows for a moment to look at the situation not through the eyes of the startled rabbit, but from the outside, no matter what, just from the other side . He says simply “They have been programmed in this way”, leaving a comprehensive explanation, “who”, “why”, “why”. It is clear that the ability to look at the task from several angles is an important tool for improvement in general. As one wise friend of mine said, “There is no place for stationary points of view in the world at all; the more you cling, the more you fall later.” But this is if you move, I add. So, a talented lecturer relieves the feeling of guilt, sticking a protective dose from such thoughts, but then he also works to install other, more healthy programs, with the expediency of which everything seems to agree, and everything is fine. And what happens now if a person watches video lectures on his computer and just listens to lectures “for general development”, satisfaction of information hunger, whatever. He received the injection, but did not take any active steps. Further, these thoughts remain in the subconscious and everything works in the opposite direction: “And what can I do! It is still / already age, at my age this problem cannot be solved! ”. And a new injection of self-justification removes the need to do something, but you can continue to whine about a miserable life, because it’s bad! And here now an interesting aspect. He is satisfied with this state of affairs! Subconsciously. The subconscious of a person always strives for what suits him, because it is precisely he who is responsible for the ability to survive, it is he who has the sensation of what contributes to survival and what does not. If since childhood a person has a program that a financially wealthy person is bad, only a speculator and a thief can drive such a machine, an honest and spiritual person cannot earn much and so on, then whatever business he does, attempts will fail. the subconscious mind will simply take it out of the success zone to its current true value fields. And laying programs (albeit hammering a pile like a hammer, for simple purposes it rolls, as has already been repeated) into the subconscious, a person changes the subconscious thinking paradigms, working with the subconscious fields of the values ​​“bad” and “good”. Poison is associated with the majority with a clear and strong feeling of "bad", health - with "good." Creating anchors and associating consciously some images with zones that are understandable to the subconscious, we assign the work of the subconscious. Again, this is far from the limit, and it’s simply the simplest and most visible to anyone, like an internal combustion engine or pliers or a hammer; further - more interesting, thinner, more efficient and more. So, an explanation is given of some intermediate and important mechanisms of the subconscious, but only to the question “why” there are not all the answers. Inquisitive mind to continue independent searches.
A diary. Nickname.
A good method of removing responsibility and guilt is a very important aspect when working not at the deepest level with causes and effects, but at such an intermediate one. That is, gentlemen here and on karma pay attention, or rather bypass it, isolate. An interesting method. Simple and working, however, I repeat, this is quicfix, then it is worth moving to more advanced tools. But why the mother's maiden name - xs, why the middle name cannot be changed - also xs.

About installations and diary.
Some installations simply admire their simplicity and practical naivety. But in fact, how to move the neurotic from a dead point? After all, this is a very neglected case, and the truth is, you need to relax, that is, to start from the future, “next time I will behave calmly and in balance” and so on. (But the difficult thing about this approach, this very next one, will follow the emerging installation and not postpone until the next time :), however, when there is an idea, when there is an alternative, it is easier to choose a behavior model than to invent something new in an emergency situation. If you follow the entropic model of the world, then this same model of ordering, increasing, reducing entropy - that is, first increasing entropy - gave slackness, but it freed up energy for further self-improvement, and then it was easier to go along the auto reference frame stairs and generally see what this pyramid is.

Vetom, Propolis. I only recently acquired it and I can really note the positive effect! These dietary supplements (these are not drugs, yes, this is also their attractiveness) was lucky to be consumed in one period of powerful energy practices that I conducted; the positive result due to this applies to all events that took place during this period; therefore the most positive reviews.
Contribution It is purely psychological in nature, Zhdanov honestly tells about this. In the case of self-propelling this “kick outside is not” and it’s not enough for another person to have a tasty apple in front of him, in order to strive for it, he also needs to put his energy irrevocably in order to perform actions: I am sure you often heard from your friends, “well I signed up for courses, I’ve already paid for it, now I have to go, don’t turn away ”or“ I need a good trainer who will make me work , otherwise I can't ”. This is a consequence of the habit of receiving and information about what to do, and energy for actions from outside. And who will give this information and energy? That's right, only the one who needs it. A healthy, independent and free-thinking person, by the way, a person is not so necessary for society. One may speak about freedom of mind, but the most useful slave is the one who considers himself free. If such stimulation is required for you (again, without emotional colors, it’s just a fact!), Then forgive someone for the debt, donate this 3000 r. or better buy a gift for them to your loved one, money will not go in vain ;-), and you will have an incentive that “Now everything! Classes are paid. ”

Supplement to the exercises;

Your workplace is your training ground.
Much of the time I spend behind the monitor. As I learned the exercises on central fixation, and then I understood the usefulness of small text, various Reference Cards appeared on the walls with wallpaper. Very convenient, efficient and useful: a large amount of information is placed on a small area and it is always available. In the breaks, you drive off. The following mechanism works: the brain approximately remembers what should be written in this place due to the number of repetitions, sees a receptive image, tries to associate it with knowledge, sensation is connected with knowledge,
Conclusion Your feelings and your thoughts - the most accurate tool for self-improvement. And Everything is a skill ;-) Success!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54461/

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