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Freelance one day

The experiment lasted a day. I didn’t sleep, I didn’t eat - I just looked in the window of the RSS channel where there were suggestions that “We will give you a lot of money, just do that ...”

During the day, as a PHP programmer, I earned ...

3 WMZ - I earned it in an hour (3-4 hours of the night).
Do you know what the most annoying? - the most expensive projects are addressed to PRO users, FOR WHAT ??? For what these PRO users paid?

I do not consider myself a cool programmer, but still - where is the justice?

UPD: do you think - can use habr - a system for the filter Pro - not about
UPD 2: on the downside, you can determine the PRO users))))))))
UPD 3: oops))))))))

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54382/

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