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Interview with Peter Didenko (Microsoft)

As promised, Petr Didenko from Microsoft answered almost all your questions. And he answered thoroughly and with undisguised pleasure :) Angoy!

Hello! My name is Petr Didenko, I work as an expert in the Russian Microsoft. I mainly specialize in technology partnerships with major Internet projects, as well as doing the same with the largest hosting providers. In fact, my range of activities is not limited to this, so I am an expert in a fairly wide range of issues ;-)

Now I am actively involved in the “launch” project of Internet Explorer 8. I can learn everything about IE8 both from a technological point of view and about the prospects for its promotion, partnerships, and the future of this product.
I was glad and I will answer all your questions, as well as continue the discussion. Somewhere in the text I ask to contact the authors of the questions with me personally. My email is pdidenko@microsoft.com, twitter twitter.com/pdidenko, and I blog mainly at www.kip.ru. Thank ;-)

- Why did IE8 have a “voting system”, because of which the apple.com site and, in general, any site will be rendered by default not in the standard mode, but in the compatibility mode with ie7?
It is very difficult to guess what was meant here. Forgive me for that.

Probably, telemetry (I don’t know how to translate the English word telemetry into Russian, a system for collecting information about user behavior) shows that participants in the beta testing of IE8 often manually switch to compatibility mode. When installing IE8, everyone is asked two questions - “do you want to help make IE better” (you probably agreed, although in this context it does not matter) and “whether to use automatically updated lists of sites with which the browser will work in compatibility mode” ( here you seem to have agreed). Well, if you agreed, why ask this question? ;-)

Apple.com perfectly renders as in IE7 compatibility mode, as well as in standards support mode, which is used by default in IE8. About “generally any site” - this you exaggerate, it is not. Probably not understood. It happens to everyone.

Let's help you figure it out? My cell phone and email are written on any fence on the Internet - contact (no joke).

- "Microsoft on SVG) - does this mean that SVG will still be implemented in IE16?
Plans for the further development of the browser without comments. Let's wait for the release of IE8, the first results, and then we'll talk about the results. I hope for your participation in the conversation.

- When will IE fully comply with the standards?
We already fully support CSS 2.1, for example. CSS3 and HTML5 are working versions, not standards. If you immediately clarified what exactly you mean - I would give a more complete answer. A good question is half the answer.

We can continue the conversation in more detail, if you want - you give me a link to a standard adopted by a standardization organization in the current status, and I will give you thoughts on why it is necessary or not necessary to support it. Will arrange?

- Tell us about the new development of Microsoft-browser Gazelle and about at least a new search service codenamed Kumo.
On "Habré" there was a huge number of truthful and wonderful articles about these experimental things. I think if I just rewrite them by hand here, then there will be no more sense on this planet ;-) Regarding Gazelle there is an exhaustive text for a couple of dozen pages from Microsoft Research - research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/default.aspx ? id = 79655 . This is the source. Some secret plans about Gazelle, which you can tell here right now, I, surprisingly, do not know.

As for Kumo, I also know a little more than you. Honestly, like all Microsoft employees, I received such an invitation to participate in testing Kumo on the internal network, I went there and saw such a picture . I have nothing more to say ;-)

But, by the way, I played with Kumo and found out that there is a city of Didenko in Mali , which surprised me - not a single search engine seemed to say this to me before. Or did not consider that this information for me is somehow relevant and showed somewhere "in the basement." Or there were so many results that I did not notice. So Kumo has already earned my “thanks” ;-) In general, I liked the issue relevance and new UX features.

- Are you going to stop seeing competitors as competitors and see them as partners? The first step is Novell. So what is next?
Most of our competitors are also partners for us. For example, in the US, we are actively cooperating with Yahoo. In Russia, 1C is a competitor in some markets and a great partner in others. So we cooperate with many companies where there is indeed a mutual commercial, academic or humanitarian interest. What else comes to mind:
- we provide technological assistance to Zend / PHP, Sun / mySQL, RedHat / JBOSS, sugarCRM, Citrix / XEN, Firefox and many others;
- we have a joint lab with Novell on virtualization and interoperability, we finance it, and the results are transferred under the GPL;
- we somehow support a number of OSS projects (for example, a project with Apache and others).

- Does Microsoft plan to transfer its .NET Framework to other operating systems to compete with Java?
In general, we are developing .NET as part of our platform, but we are willing to support initiatives to port it to Linux, for example, the Mono project. In addition, partly based on .NET technologies, Silverlight works not only on Windows, but also on Macs and Linux under Mono. For example, during the official broadcast of Obama's inauguration , only Silverlight was used and it could be watched on any platform. Again, there is support for multiple cross-platform languages ​​within the .NET Framework - there is an excellent Wikipedia article about this, for example.

- Will IE ever come out for Linux?
We still do not see any noticeable meaning in this. There are many other browsers. In addition, you can run IE on Linux using a Windows virtual machine, if desired. It is simple and does not take a lot of resources, computational and mental.

By the way, in this connection they often ask a question like “how to put three different versions of Internet Explorer on one computer for testing purposes”. Immediately answer - like this . This is a universal recipe for users of Windows, and Mac, Linux, and in general for anyone. Yes, have a test virtual machine. You can take the finished here .

- Found your page, Peter, on My Circle - petr-didenko.moikrug.ru. There is: I am looking for work since 02 Mar. Is it true or did you just forget to update the information there?
The hand trembled ;-)

- Why does IE8 not support the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI) and there is no support for addEventListner (could it be made at least as an attachEvent alias)?
We have many of our technologies and interfaces, as well as, most importantly, our priorities. Therefore, throughout we do not support everything that mankind invented. Forgive us.

Although, I probably add informally from myself, that of course the issue with plug-ins in Internet Explorer is not easy. It’s not for nothing that people from the IE8 team participated in the Add On Con conference in Mountain View in December - read about it in the IE8 team blog . From there there are some interesting links.

- Does Microsoft cooperate with public organizations in Russia, for example, with charitable foundations, in terms of providing benefits or free products, especially to small organizations?
There are a huge number of programs similar to what you have described. I would not list them in view of the fact that this has already been done a hundred times, but for now I’ll just invite you to www.microsoft.com/rus . If you have questions - ready to answer personal mail.

- Do you use torrents?
Definitely not. And I do not have stolen programs. None. Not because I work on a government-owned computer or something like that. I just do not accept the theft itself - so my parents taught me in my childhood. I'm sure you too.

Torrents themselves, I agree, are not a sign of a crime or offense. But I still somehow unpleasant. I'm sorry. I am trying to squeeze out what is called the “soviet mentality”. I like to pay people for the work that they have invested for me in software, films, music that I like.

- Will Microsoft brand stores be opened in Russia, and if so, when (approximately)?
About Russia, while you can not hear anything, as you probably know. In the western prototype of such a store ( Retail Experience Center ) in Redmond, I was already. Looks chic-a-arno.

Imagine a giant store, where any equipment that you can imagine is exhibited on real counters: computers, laptops, various other devices made by Microsoft and partners, telephones, Surface tables , boxes with software and a million things. Real cash, everything is real ... and no one ;-)) This is a "test" store ;-) A unique spectacle. Shooting was strictly prohibited.

I also noticed an interesting shopping basket. You put what you chose there, and on a special small screen right on the basket you can see what you put there, how much it costs and the total price of purchases. It seems to work thanks to RFID tags.

I would like to have such, but real, working stores appeared with us.

- Do you think there are fewer pirates in Russia and how do you feel about the trial of the pirate bay and their impunity?
The level of piracy in Russia according to our data over the last five years has decreased by almost 20%. This is a good indicator and it does honor to the country. The fate of Pirate Bay does not personally interest me and I do not follow the news on this topic. Why? Because stealing is bad.

- How do you feel about alternative browsers Safari, Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and which of them do you use?
I treat well, I use the named browsers, all equally. Just to be aware. By the way, my colleagues on average do not do that. Maybe I'm the only one ;-)) (just kidding)

In Firefox, I like Adblock Plus, in other browsers I have nothing to note. IE8 of the latest build (now is March 12th, and I have a build of March 9th) suits me perfectly. I often launch other browsers, although I try not to do this - it just doesn't make the slightest sense.

- Will you bring Ballmer this year? :-) What innovations are waiting for us this year at ReMIX?
Under pain of death, they told me not to confess, but ... we will bring ;-) I hope that I will not be punished very painfully for this confession. You will soon see new products at the MIX conference - 2009.visitmix.com . We will try to talk about them on ReMIX in Moscow. My favorite novelty is Internet Explorer 8.

Now we are actively working on the program ReMIX. There everything is ambiguous - there is so much of everything delicious ;-). If you want to be in the know, go to www.remix.ru and subscribe for updates. There now hangs a funny teaser ;-)

- Peter, when are you waiting at Radio T? :) I'd love to listen.
I enjoy participating in Radio T. Unfortunately, there is such a rule that the guest must come himself - his type is not called. And I am very modest and do not come myself. Well, in general, in such a strange mode, and exist. Sometimes our paths cross and ... well, you know ;-))

Citizens! Listen to radio-t.com ! (I was in the 116th and 123rd editions).

- How does Microsoft see the perspectives of functional programming languages?
I can’t say about other platforms, but in Russia, with our F #, we are getting more and more somewhere in academic circles, parallel computing, high performance computing, and so on. The average developer does not understand all this, but it’s worth a try for everyone, I think. Real prospects, as you ask, I would not make a comment yet. It's too early.

- What does Microsoft think about netbooks? When will an adequate MS Windows based solution for netbooks be released?
For netbooks a certain part of the future, of course. If we talk about the future, it is expected that Windows7 will work fine on netbooks. I have already seen someone with MSI Wind, who assured me that Windows7 works better and faster for him there than, for example, XP.

Although, I do not have a netbook. I can not think why I need it. I always want to have everything with me and not to give up anything. Two-kilogram Lenovo T60p is quite suitable for this. In order not to strain - I bought a JanSport backpack, very convenient for carrying a laptop in America, and now everything is OK ;-)

- Why does Microsoft want to stick advertising in Office? And in general, is it true?
I think, then, why did Google put it into the search engine ;-) Probably everyone does it to monetize a free or cheap product for the user. However, I would recommend that you wait for the exact news from Microsoft about this.

- Do you plan to develop and start using OSS in your company? It's not about competition, but about improving the quality of products and improving reputation.
We already use it. Read in detail here, please: www.microsoft.com/opensource

- What does Microsoft think about “vendekapets”?
We don't speak Olbanian, at all.

- Does Microsoft plan to implement native ext2 / ext3 / ext4 support at least in the mount mode of existing disks?
Me and a number of specially interviewed colleagues do not know about such plans. I only know that the problems are such that writing / reading in any direction, no - if you want to tinker with third-party drivers. In principle, people from the Linux world should not be upset.

- Do you plan to collaborate with Novell and Samba not only to help implement Microsoft technologies — .NET, SMB and AD — in OSS, but vice versa, to implement support for Windows on things like LDAP?
LDAP is to some extent already in Windows. See more on Active Directory. Although, I personally doubt the future of LDAP as a technology, to say the least. As well as in the future SMTP, for example. All these are already protocols of the past, still used, but far from ideal.

- MS Expression Web is able, albeit limited, to work with PHP. Do you plan to support PHP in MSVS?
PHP support in Visual Studio is via third-party applications - www.jcxsoftware.com/vs.php . As for native support, I don’t know about such plans. Although I personally would prefer it to be. Would you buy it from Visual Studio for money, by the way?

- Is it planned, finally, to abandon further support for VB and VB.NET in order to reduce the number of entities to the required?
I have not heard of such plans yet. Although, if further development is called further support, then the future of these well-deserved technologies is really not very clear.

- Regarding exFAT, how aggressively will Microsoft promote it, and how aggressively will it sue those who entrench its support without licensing fees?
Sorry, but it seems you have come to the wrong address. I have nothing to do with services that are being sued. My work is the opposite - new interesting partnerships, primarily technological ones.

- What are the vectors of the company's product development now the most relevant, and where more effort is applied?
I think that no one will answer you better than Steve Ballmer: www.microsoft.com/presspass/exec/steve

- Is dissolution in Microsoft among employees flourishing? Please describe briefly your working day.
It is impossible to talk badly about colleagues - there is such a rule. You can talk about them well, but you asked me about something else ;-) Having plucked up courage, I will answer all the same about “good” ;-)

My colleagues are wonderful. What I like about Microsoft is that everyone is focused on their work area and as a rule they do their work very purposefully. This is unusual for the majority of domestic IT companies that I have seen. Especially Internet companies. I do not say that we do not welcome the initiative. I just like western accuracy and sense of purpose.

My day looks different every time and, as a rule, they rarely repeat themselves ;-) The fact is that at the moment I have two main tasks - technological issues of cooperation with the largest Internet resources, which automatically flows into business issues, and also work with the largest hosting providers. This, in turn, means helping them in the development of their business, both from the technological component and in matters of new partnerships, business ideas and so on.

In general, in the office, I am, of course, every week, but only one or two days. The rest of the time I meet with partners, I visit them a lot, and also work from home. By the way, Microsoft offers a huge amount of opportunities to work from home and even encourages it when it makes sense. For example, our employees receive reimbursement of expenses for home Internet, everyone has “state-owned” laptops, access to the Microsoft network (we call this corpnet) from anywhere via VPN and a lot more.

- Peter, why did you betray FidoNet and FreeBSD and start using the Internet and Windows? :-)
Oh god again! ;-) I used Fidonet since 1993, but then, at some point, this “idea” was somehow rotten. Therefore, 2: 5020/52 is not even in the nodelist now, in my opinion. Probably, the problem of Fido was that this self-organizing structure could not effectively self-or-ga-ni-zo-vat (uttered!). That is, those who could really help Fido avoid the mess, seeing the scale of this mess with their uncomplicated eyes (I didn’t think about myself!), Began to leave. As a result, the value of the network, which consists of a set of values ​​of all its participants, began to decline sharply and ... I decided that I needed to do something else ;-)

(in secret - I have a SCSI disk hidden on the fido.aha.ru machine, so old times are easy to return!)

About FreeBSD ... Oh, yes, I lived for two years on KDE / windowmaker under FreeBSD ;-) In this regard, for example, I know the answer to the question "how to patch KDE under FreeBSD." But what my email client looked like in 1999 - www.ljplus.ru/img4/k/i/kippie/pine.jpg . But now it's Outlook and it's much cooler than pine! Here, Windows really won - in respect of an individual, this is the absolute truth.

- How much has the crisis affected Microsoft’s plans for the timing of future releases / product development?
The crisis could not but affect, of course, and you probably read about it in the press. But I do not see any mention of any noticeable delays there. We'll see. Windows 7, , Office, .

— Windows ?
Ultimate – Vista Ultimate 15 , . , «how to change vista language» – ;-) – – , email.

— - , , CLI, Microsoft? , , - ?
, . Microsoft .

— , IE8 - -, ? ----… mail.ru? , ?
Mail.ru IE8. Mail.ru , .

, - Mail.ru – , IE8 . 3 , , , , IE8 – -, , .

, , IE8, ieaddons.com . Digg, Facebook, Wikipedia . , ieaddons.com/ru .

. , – . , , IE8 ;-) , . , IE8 – , IE8 beta1/beta2/release candidate.

: IE. . . ;-)

- - ( ) – .

— Web slices, , . , , — IE8. , IE8 — Web slices, ?
, , . , - . - , , - . IE8, , . , , , - – -.

- IE8 ieaddons.com/ru . 5 notepad.exe. .

— — // .. : , Windows — . \\- . Windows. - : « Windows , ». ! Windows. 4-5 Windows. , — , , . — Microsoft Windows?
, Microsoft, . , Microsoft.

, , . Windows ( ). EULA – end user license agreement, . . OEM- , .

, , , / . – . – . .

, EULA - « , » — , , . ? – , . - . , .

— Apple Store Windows Mobile?
So all the announcements have already been made, haven't they? The newspapers write, "Most likely, it will start working simultaneously with the release of the first devices on the Windows Mobile 6.5 platform." I have no other information, unfortunately.

- Peter, do you use Apple products, if so, which one?
«» MacBook ( ). ( Toshiba ), , «» . , , , ;-) – (podcast9.ru kip.rpod.ru). . Microsoft' Zune. , .

— Gmail offline?
, :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54331/

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