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Soon the earth will boil!

Eniologist Yuriy Lear, who studies different types of human interaction with the Universe, as well as his colleagues collecting information all over the world, is sure: the current natural disasters are only flowers compared to what the Earth is waiting for in the very near future! The Mayan Indians warned us about this ... Predestination of the Great Cosmos

- Want to say that nature is crazy? But this, in principle, cannot be, because otherwise one will have to admit that chaos reigns in the Universe, and indeed all the processes in Cosmos are regular and interrelated, emphasizes Yuri Lear. - And global climate change is only a consequence, and the reason ... On the one hand, we see the result of what humanity managed to do with nature, but on the other - everything is much deeper. In essence, what is happening on the planet right now was predetermined by processes in Cosmos, and an unwise person only aggravates everything, pumping oil to the last drop, extracting huge amounts of coal and other minerals. At the same time, we do not think that for the Earth it is the same as for humans - blood, lymph and protective tissues of the body.

So, in the early 1990s, scientists finally proved that there is a "dark mass" of the Universe - the invisible and most of it. Representatives of the so-called official science only now began to study the phenomenon of "zebra structure" - the lattice of cosmic magnetically stripe formations, although eniologists, who consider all processes in the Universe completely, have already spoken about this. These cosmic formations enter into resonance with the magnetic field of our planet, and as a result, the Earth, enveloped in electrical wires, literally shakes. But, most importantly, solar energy, passing through the "zebra structure", dramatically changes its characteristics: on the way to Earth, the radiation either weakens or intensifies. By the way, some Soviet scientists-physicists spoke about these processes and sent closed reports, including Kosygin. However, at best, their documents were postponed, because the position was not shared by scientists close to the authorities ...
And now our solar system is entirely in the galactic flow into which it began to enter in the late 1940s - early 1950s. This stream is in a certain way saturated with information and energy of a beam emanating from the center of the Galaxy - its previously unexplored "dark mass" (not to be confused with a "black hole"!). Once again, people who are comprehensively suited to the science of space, have revealed this in the Soviet years and, through certain departments, informed the government, but alas ...

Ray is Fire Cleansing
Planet Earth “The ray is not artificial and not paranormal, but a natural formation,” says the eniologist. - And the solar system passes through this beam in cycles. And it took place more than once in the far-distant past! However, the characteristics of the beam change over time. Now it is extremely saturated with cosmic forms of energy, which hits the Earth especially powerfully. Now our planet is close to the dense part of this ray, and when it comes out of it - a separate question ...

The essence of the matter is this. Translated into the philosophical language, the ray is actually that Fire, which is spoken of in many prophecies, in particular, of the Old and New Testaments. Also about this Fire can be found in the texts of the pyramids of Egypt and the Mayan Indian tribe. It says that the Earth will again pass through the Purifying Fire, as it was in a very distant past. Then the civilization that existed much earlier than Atlantis, about which Plato wrote, was lost ...

What happens to the Earth, which moves through this ray – Fire? And what happens to the kettle if you put it on fire? The water starts to boil and starts to blow off steam. So our planet, completely covered with water, is the very same kettle that was “set on fire” - a ray from the center of the Galaxy. And where is the "steam"? Many regions of the world (and the Baltic, as you can see, are no exception) more and more days in a year are deprived of the sun hiding behind solid clouds, and the temperature is higher than the one we are used to. We live as if in a greenhouse ... Our planet is "boiling"!

By the way, in the ancient manuscripts of the same Maya it is said: the people who sailed from Atlantis were survivors of the global catastrophe, when the Earth passed through a similar ray. It says that for two years, before almost everything perished, the sky above the Earth was constantly overcast, rains, winds and hurricanes raged, and the Sun rarely showed ...

IT moves to Earth

“But a rise in temperature is not all,” continues Yuri Lear. - Serious ufologists (and not primitive seekers of "flying saucers" and green men!), Working with facts, carefully evaluating the processes in the Universe, stated: a certain cosmic body is approaching Earth. This is not a trivial UFO, but a large cosmic body, which is not clearly manifested in our space. It refers to "unconventional", unexplored matter, in a word, something completely different. Nevertheless, this very "IT" has a mass and inertia, and most importantly - a number of electromagnetic parameters. As it approaches to certain coordinates of our solar system, all the parameters associated with the concept of the "electromagnetic field of the Earth and other planets" change dramatically.

And on Earth this is already happening! The first who felt the change - the birds. After all, they fly from continent to continent for a reason, and along the electromagnetic lines of the planet (ask any professional ornithologist about this!). And it is in this field that shifts are taking place. Already now there is a sharp shift in all natural processes associated with the electromagnetic field of the Earth. Here is one of the main answers to the question: why did some birds not migrate - not fly, for example, from France to Africa, or why did the rooks return to Latvia? Another consequence of a failure in the electromagnetic field of the Earth is a hindered change of seasons.

Notice throughout Europe, including Latvia, winter is now the third year in a row not in December, but in mid-January, spring in the second half of April, summer by the end of July, and autumn in the middle of October ... It aggravates All the processes and what I said earlier are the interaction of the Earth’s electromagnetic field with the zebra structure.

Until the Apocalypse remains ...

Asteroid - You say all this is nonsense? From the point of view of the "Orthodox" from the "Nobel" science, skeptics - yes. But I prefer not to communicate with such kind of skeptics, the interlocutor notes. “After all, no matter how many facts you put them literally under your breath, these people still say: I do not believe, they say, I was taught differently at the institute, and in smart books everything is not so!” But the so-called official science rejects many processes in the Universe, and if it thinks about them, it certainly does not speak in public. But I just feel sorry for scientists who live by the principle: if the fact I met does not correspond to my ideas about certain laws, then so much the worse for the fact! These people are not trying to figure out, dig deep. As a result, the majority of “normal” climatologists and weather forecasters are extremely short-sighted, wandering in their narrow corridors and still trying to predict something ...

However, let us return to the information received from long-gone peoples. Representatives of ancient civilizations who built the pyramids, warned future generations about what to prepare for. For what? To the changes that are now taking place in the world. But what is the result of what is happening now?

The Mayan calendar is the date - 23.12. 2012, after which comes the Great Emptiness, the timelessness. In the New Testament this time is called the Apocalypse, and all the prophecies of the last days are described in it very clearly. Take a look around, watch international news channels, and then reread the New Testament, where you will find answers to many questions ...

I stress: no civilization can survive to the end until the planet passes through a beam from the center of the galaxy . What, in fact, the ancients warned us, leaving messages in different places on Earth. Further. For some reason, and for some reason, someone does “crop circles” ... But this is also the answer, because today the alphabet of “circles” already exists, everything is systematized in it, and the information is quite readable. Often the information is very specific. So, in 2005, a Mayan calendar appeared on a field in England, where the date was highlighted - May 20, 2012, the day of the solar eclipse. Apparently, this is the date of the beginning of the planetary catastrophe, the completion of which will occur exactly at the end of December ... Based on ForStart.ru materials

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5432/

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