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Start-up: ISIF - online personal finance education system

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Finally, I managed to find a start-up, about which so far very few people know that even in the few months that it exists, there is not a word about it on Habrahabre. And I decided to fix it ... :)

A new format of distance learning will be discussed, i.e. via internet, finance and investment. Simply speaking, you will be taught to control your personal finances, keep track of expenses and incomes, draw up a budget, start to postpone eventually, but this is just the beginning, a huge part of the course is devoted to the study of investment tools and their practical application (practical exercises online time on the interval to 3 months also have a place to be).
The project is called the International School of Investment and Finance , which in Russian, the International School of Finance and Investment, in short, ISIF .

To begin with, you are invited to use a wonderful flash-tool called the Dream Calculator , in fact, a formula for calculating compound interest, which I could never use, denounced in a digestible format. In any financial planning book you will find it, in the example of how to become a millionaire in 10 years, I entered a term, an interest rate of 20% and an amount (million :) and the calculator calculated how much I need to postpone every month to become a millionaire. Here I think, to find someone who develops the same, no one wants? ;) In order not to go to their site every time, it is there and you can play around yourself ...

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The creators of the school stress on the following differences of their project from others, which is popularly written on the main page, I quote literally their learning advantages:

High-quality and modern education , which is possible to transfer due to the fact that educational programs are prepared by practicing financial experts.
Simplicity. Studying in our school is easy. You only need to have a personal computer with Internet access.
Practical experience. Unfortunately, the theory is usually very far from the practice, and, understanding this, we build our training exclusively in a practical plane.
Freedom . You decide the time, place and pace of learning.
Manufacturability. We are sure that it is impossible to build a modern financial institution without using modern technologies.

In short, they managed to combine quite interesting material on the topic of finance, because each person is somehow connected with money, put it into simple language, attract investors, develop, in my opinion, a unique and very advanced web system and pack beautifully the product. Look at how beautiful it looks ... :)

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A bit of history

Personally, I learned about this project from very good friends, and therefore I immediately joined in, because the level of trust is quite high. In the end, you did not see the banner on the Internet, but you, i.e. I was told about him by one of the managers working in TNK-BP. And I learned a bit of history ...

In short, it is as follows. The founder and the leader of this whole show, Heinrich Erdman , the most important thing about him is to know that he has been engaged in such things for a long time, and that he is our compatriot with you, i.e. Russian people. The project itself started in October-November and only after the first presentation attracted, as he claims, more than 1000 people. All those who were at the beginning can now proudly consider themselves the founding fathers, as even on the website there is a magical list that has already ceased to replenish, after all, spring is already in the yard ...

The flip side of the coin is that the school is still international, if you visit the Contacts page in London, the training is available in English. When I first came to my browser for some reason decided that I was not Russian, being in Moscow :) and gave me all the materials in English. Of course, I know him well, and therefore I began to honestly study materials in pure English. By the way, all the materials I see initially and are prepared in English, a very beautiful language, and only then are translated into Russian. There are five other languages ​​in the language mortgage, including even Chinese, but for the time being I only managed to see the materials in Russian and in English.

At first, the roof travels from the self-PR of this school, well, look at the presentation in which you will draw financial success, the well-being of your children, a beautiful house, a car, etc. And now you are already swimming in money. :) I call them “professional charlatans” because the candy wrapper around the candy is so attractive that it is impossible not to eat it. I am well aware that simply life does not exist so simply, and these are only strong motivational techniques that are used in public speeches by well-known “millionaire” speakers, that in their books, anywhere, this is not good or bad, but it is so. The picture is so beautiful that you want to go there right away and the first days of emotions just rolls over ...

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And all because they use the multi-level marketing (MLM) method to promote their product. Again, I repeat that since I received information from my acquaintances, and I already had a little time to get acquainted with their system, I have every reason to believe that this is really network marketing, and not financial pyramids and cheating. And in his introductory lessons in this school, this is also explained in detail ...

This project is on a par with Amway, Avon and others. Well-known companies that make a) quality product b) distribute it using MLM, but the ISIF product has one big, I would say, just a huge difference, which is that the cost of goods to strive for zero (and therefore you can earn more) and this is an online product (and therefore, do not need anyone to deliver anything anywhere).

Heinrich Erdman attracted Don File and his wife to develop the MLM system for their project, and he was in Russia at the opening of the project in November. If someone does not know, Don is a well-known comrade in the world, go to any book shop - his books are there, and he managed to drag in 1'000'000 a million people in their MLM organization ... :) All newcomers are encouraged to read his pamphlet " 10 lessons on napkins ." On the school website, his speeches specifically for ISIF can be viewed online in recordings.

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Now about the training itself. I already had access to the closed (paid) part of the site, and the first lessons began to come. Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity to show them to you, although I would really like it for two reasons: 1. the organizers will probably be unhappy with this 2. they did everything possible to protect the materials from being copied, so I cannot even technically pull out the most valuable presentations from their website :)

There are 48 lessons in the part of Master of Personal Finance, and the first four of them are just about Personal Finance, the rest is about investments. And this is not counting the next similarly capacious Master of Investment course. Pretty rich program. After registering, you have a window in which you can see all your program. In general, the training program is designed for a year.

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I like learning myself. I really read a good half of all the books on personal financial planning, in which, apart from common truths, there is also a system that must be followed so that your finances feel good. Therefore, all that is going, I already know. But these are only the first four lessons. And then entirely - an investment, which is much more interesting.

Here is a small educational program for Lesson # 1 of the ISIF Master of Personal Finance course.

1. A very interesting exercise is proposed that should prepare you to determine what you want. For example, I am 26 years old. We must take five years, i.e. 26-5 = 21 years. And the resulting figure is divided into 3 parts, so get three periods of your life: 0 - 7 years, 8 - 14 years, 15 - 26 years. And then “go back to the past” and remember three brightest and brightest events, when you were happy ... and write them down! The main thing that you can say "I was happy at this moment, and I want to experience it again!".

And here is the main point that I somehow lost sight of, and noticed only now, when I began to tell you about it. You will have nine events, three in each of the three segments, and you need to write down exactly what you enjoyed. :) As usual, it turned out that I get a buzz from trips (4 events), communication with people (2 events), a regular walk, active rest and a banal state of relaxation of the whole body, for example, after a good bath. And where is the expensive car and country house? Personally, I need all this to a much lesser extent, so I spend most of my money on travel, preferably in the company and all kinds of rest on such trips. But can something be different for you? I recommend doing the same to find out ...

2. And then everything is simple - setting financial goals. In a few tricks:
a) write out everything you want in this life
b) see what you really want to achieve from this
c) and reformulate your craving for a specific goal, indicating the cost.

Example :
Hotel: I want to travel
Just a goal: go abroad to Spain
The purpose of the term: to go abroad to Spain in November 2009 for 3 weeks
How much: suppose, 3′000 Euro

The final financial goal : to go to Spain for 3 weeks in November 2009 for 3'000 euros

And if you continue to follow the concept of smart, which ISIF is silent about, your goal should be achievable (a.chiveable), and therefore if for the remaining half a year you have nothing to save 3,000 euros for a trip, then there are two options: either change the goal (go to the village to the grandfather, for example :) or change something in your life (work, for example :) to earn more!

Well, as usual, if among your goals there are only houses, cars and travels, then they suggest you not to forget to answer the following questions, I quote literally:

* At what age do you plan to stop going to work?
* What amount of monthly payments would you like to have?
* What tasks would you like to solve in the next 10–20 years?

Well, then, banal (for me already banal, for you maybe not :) the theory of accounting for personal finances. Take into account, budget, earn more, spend less, postpone, and invest the accumulated. Here is such a first lesson, while they only offered to keep a record of income / expenses, the rest, I hope, will be in the next lesson.

The great thing is that the lessons have forms in which all dreams and desires can be filled in according to the rules for building financial goals, and a simple table is given for recording expenses and income.

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By the way, to say, instead of text, all materials are made on FLASH and there are presentations, interactive tricks and videos of live teachers. Here is just an example of the slide, which is in each lesson.

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In parallel with the Master of Personal Finances theme, there is a Master of Investment theme. The organizers say it is good to master it in parallel. :) It's great, because they would go for “consistently” more money, but the course materials are available, although one or several lessons are opened every day, so skipping to the expert section does not work out - you will first need to learn all the basic material. But beautiful girls still sometimes reveal the secret behind seven seals what will happen next ...

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ISIF is very different from network marketing, although it uses its principles very successfully. Obviously, there is no product here, or rather a product, there are only services, their cost is absolutely disproportionate to the final cost - it’s like developing a Windows one time and replicating it on a CD. The prime cost tends to zero. And by and large there is no CD, no expensive box, no delivery, everything is online!

The dynamics of distribution is colossal. Soon this project will compete with such giants as Oriflame, Amway, etc. Hermann's goal is a turnover of 1′000′000′000 USD in ten years. The company has not yet published figures (or I have not seen them), but judging by how people say, their paravozik accelerates, despite the crisis and other phenomena. They have already attracted famous people, and are going to attract new ones. After all, with increasing sales, their opportunities are growing. And this despite the fact that they started a few months ago.

For promotion, ISIF offers you not only to tell your friends about ISIF, but also a platform for creating a website, and all this for free! In general, the means of promotion is in the site, business cards, and clear instructions and what to do and how to attract people and earn some money.

Herman said that of the 25 students who sign up for the familiarization course, about 5 will become active (they will pay for the training), of which one can become successful, and start attracting other people. In general, on the one hand, it is very difficult - even if you follow the logic of Don File and hold 10 meetings a day, then how much will you need? About 2-4 weeks, to distribute 100 business cards, of which every fourth (I fantasize) will sign, but in the end you will pay back your course for the same month. Attract 5 students and a hat. You paid for your training.

But do not forget that this is an online product. And you can never meet anyone, although it is better not to miss this opportunity. And the number of contacts, your virtual business cards-sites to increase significantly, not 10, but 100 per day, not 100, but 1000. With relevant consequences. You do not need to go to the warehouse, buy the product, and go to someone to take it. Send e-mail, and it's in the hat! Further, according to the founding father, the system works by itself.

And this is the case, since the design of the sites is very beautiful !!! So I made a website for myself, very quickly - only I changed the text to my own, and everything was already thought out for you.
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For those who wish to build their business with ISIF, there is a marketing plan. The idea is not to sell the product, but to learn how to “not sell” others, but to teach others ... to attract people. Well, after that, you use, pay, and your partners use - you get% from them. Here is a simple marketing plan.

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But who you can become, and was in the online seminar, people really are and it is easy to calculate how much they earn.

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Summarizing the above, I note once again that the system is sufficiently transparent and has two components: in fact, the teaching of personal finance and investment itself and the principle of multi-level (or network) marketing, thanks to which all this is sold, firstly, it also earn.

The course is visible immediately after registration, several introductory lessons for free, then for money. Three modules: teach personal finance, investment, and learn how to promote and earn it. According to a certain scheme, there is an element of practice in the training system, where online your money is invested, and after 3 months you receive income from them. Communicated, in people really get - 40% (10% / quarter) per annum in the current conditions of the crisis.

Multi-level marketing plan also has a transparent scheme. 30% from direct partners attracted by you, and 5% for all the rest, in brief. Plus, various bonuses and other delights that I will deal with as they enter the system. You yourself study, pay for your education accordingly, and attract others, they learn, and also attract others. It's simple.

Now the numbers. Education costs about $ 100 per month. Accordingly, you can easily pay it back by finding three partners. Further net profit. Today I talked to people whose income is $ 200, and $ 500 and more than $ 2,000 - depending on how actively they are doing it ...

Interesting facts about the school

* This is a clean runner who “came out” in November 2008. In the first month alone, they attracted about 1,000 people.
* The idea belongs to our compatriot Heinrich Erdman
* The project itself, as they say, “was founded in the UK”, but it doesn’t matter, the school is truly international, the teachers are foreigners from the states, Great Britain, Australia, and all this is translated into Russian and five more other languages
* About all the other interesting facts, everything is written on their website - the fact that this is online training, quite everything is technologically accomplished, a clear interface, a good design, everything is up to par.
* Only Don File, in the team of their teachers, is worth something!

A noticeable advantage is that this community, which means that people meet, write that this year, they are going to organize a rally in Turkey in May. Something like this…

And now my warnings, or what you should know in advance, before you look for adventures on your head. :)

Firstly, this is just a training - an online course, interactive, thoughtful, built into the system, with well-known teachers, but this is a course. — , , . , , , , , . — , , , . 1000. $1000. …

-, , , , … , , , , , , .

-, , … , , $1000. , , … :) , , .

, , , , , . , , , $100, , 26 , ! . Those. $100 20% ( , 10% ! !), . :) $100 , , … .. - $100. =)


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, , , “ ” . () , $1000 $100′000, 40 , $1000…

— “ ”, , , , . “ ”, 100% .

, . - - . , ! . Because , , Herbalife'e, , . What do you think?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54314/

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