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Spoken Dictionary Web-developer

After the first article, I had one question and I decided to write a second article on it to figure it out - I started writing the third one, but I immediately realized that it was banal that I couldn’t decide in terms of concepts, there was a mess in my head!
He ran around searching, rummaged through the Internet and realized with horror that the normal human glossary of terms used by the link “manager, designer, layout designer, programmer” does not exist, it seems ...

Well, it is necessary to fix it ...
Habracheloveki , I began to make a spoken dictionary here that would make something readable and understandable to any of the people with whom you have to speak during the development

The actual dictionary itself. As thoughts come to my head and comments in this topic, everything will be supplemented and edited ... thanks

A brief glossary web developer


Website - Internet resource, any project on the Internet (forum, blog, store ...)
Browser - A program for viewing sites, their changes, send data to the Internet
Design - The process of designing a site. A type of art-design activity combining the principles of convenience, economy and beauty. (c) In practice, most often, a ready-made design is a set of layouts and some descriptions of the site’s logic for these layouts.
Technical assignment, TZ - a document describing a new project, its entire logic, structure, dependencies and transitions
Layout - the look, the page that the designer drew (psd, jpg, tiff ...).
Template - 1. HTML page, which the layout maker html + css + js has folded, 2. Template processed by the engine, divided into blocks, with variables, and code, for loading dynamic data with the engine.
The engine - the software part of the site, its core, is needed to connect the content part of the page and the visual part. He is responsible for all the logic, forms the structure of the site.
cms - content management system, ready engine, containing the necessary tools to manage the structure and content of the site.
Content - the contents of the web pages of the site. All text, all pictures, photos, video music and other information that does not relate directly to the design.
Scripts - part of the program code responsible for some specific action.
Server , Host is the place where the site is physically located; the host almost always has access from the Internet through a browser using its domain name or directly to files via ftp ssh
Domain - the name of the site, what the user writes in the "Address" line of his browser to get to the site
Admin, backoffice - A special section of the site from which the site is managed, its settings, content. From the admin panel you edit and add information, administer users, sections of the site
Counter - as applied to the web usually means a special software module that keeps site statistics. for example, it collects information on the number of visits, time spent on it, user’s browsers and others.
ftp (ssh) is a network data transfer protocol designed to exchange files (ftp ssh) and remotely manage a server (ssh), they are used to manage files and settings on the server


html - in general terms - the file format, perceived by the browser as a page, it describes all the markup of the site
css - style sheet, it describes the classes with styles that are responsible for the design of the entire page
Block - some kind of isolated part of the page, the whole page consists of blocks of different nesting degree
Tags - the html element is a text enclosed in angle brackets. It is an active element that changes the presentation of the information contained in it.
header, header - the upper, often static, part of the site, usually contains basic information about the site - the header, main menu, logo, search, links to the card and the user's personal account
footer, basement - lower, also static, part of the site, it usually indicate copyrights and contacts, duplicate the main menu, logo or indicate any other information


Layers are separate parts of the layout, each layer is an elementary part in the layout that can be changed separately from others.
psd is the “standard” format of photoshop, layout design, contains information about layers, fonts and colors, filters, transparency and other important information. Does not compress graphics. may contain several states of one element
swf, flash - multimedia format. used to display vector graphics on the site, create web applications using ActionScript, display any multimedia content (music, video, vector animation)


Language - (php, python, perl, asp ...) the programming language in which the engine is being developed, languages ​​differ in syntax and capabilities
Database, DB - (mysql, mysqli, postgres, oracle) structured organized data set describing the characteristics of any physical or virtual systems. (c) the database stores all content, as well as all service information about the structure and links of the site
Module - functionally complete fragment, separated from the main code, intended for use in other programs. Modules allow you to break complex tasks into smaller ones.
xml is an extensible markup format. Text format for storing structured data. serves as a layer between the databases and the site engine or replaces the base.
xsl , xslt - A language for transforming XML documents. With XSL, you can transform an XML document into any kind, be it HTML, WML, RTF, PDF, SQL, even SWF
JSON is a simple data interchange format convenient for reading and writing by both humans and computers.
AJAX - combined from several technologies allowing to update the data on the page without reloading it
log file with records of all events in chronological order. used to track performance, troubleshoot problems and errors
This is the second edition.
preparing the third ...

links lead for example to wikis, there is an encyclopedic interpretation of the concepts

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54259/

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