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After reading the topic about thoughts that faded away, I remembered “Dunno on the Moon”:

“Didn't you hear anything about the Fool Island?” - surprised Kozlik.
“Nothing,” Dunno admitted.
- Well, listen. We can do anything here. It is impossible not only to have a roof over your head and walk down the street without a shirt, without a hat or without shoes. Anyone who breaks this rule is caught by the police and sent to Wacky Island. It is believed that if you are not able to earn a living and a garment, then you are a hopeless fool and you just have a place on the island of Fools. The first time you will be there and feed, and water, and treat what you want, and you will not have to do anything. Know yourself eat and drink, have fun, sleep, and walk as much as you like. From such a stupid pastime, the little one on the island gradually becomes stupid, wilder, then begins to grow into wool and eventually turns into a ram or a sheep.
- Can not be! - exclaimed Dunno.
- Here you go! - Kozlik smiled. - I tell you the truth.
“Why do the little ones turn into sheep there?”
- There, you understand, some kind of harmful air. Everything from this air. Anyone who does not work and lives without care, sooner or later becomes a sheep there. To the rich, living on the Foolish island, it is profitable. First, they spend money to feed the little ones, give them the opportunity to loafer, and when the little ones turn into sheep, they can be fed with grass and no money should be spent.
- And what is the rich? - asked Dunno. - We don’t have any rich people.
- The rich are those who have a lot of money.
- And for what the rich, so that the little ones turned into sheep?
- As if you do not understand! The rich force workers to shear these sheep, and wool is sold. Big capitals are making money!
“Why don't the rich turn themselves into sheep there?” Doesn't harmful air affect them?
- The air, of course, acts on them, but whoever has the money, he will get along well on the Fool's Island. For richer money, he will build a house in which the air is well cleaned, pay the doctor, and the doctor prescribes pills for him, from which the wool does not grow so quickly. In addition, for the rich there are so-called beauty salons. If any richer one swallows harmful air, then rather run into such a salon. There, for money, they will begin to make various poultices and ointmentings, so that the mutton muzzle looks like an ordinary short face. True, these poultices do not always help well. Look at such a rich man from a distance - as if a normal shorty, and look closer - the simplest ram. Only one thing, that he has money, and the fool is a fool, honest word! However, it's time for us to sleep. Let's go find a regiment for you, ”finished the Goat.

In fact, this is not only related to the Internet.
Vital thing ... ©


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54227/

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