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Thinking about the past, rejoicing in the present ...

Leo Tolstoy was a brilliant writer. This is a well-known truth that does not require any evidence, citation ratings or statistics of the popularity of his books. But in my opinion, writing was only a “by-product” of this man’s more significant and often forgotten global talent: first of all, he was a great thinker and philosopher. And he tried to convey to the average person his own understanding of the universe, choosing the most convenient and understandable form of presenting such serious material - literary works.

At the same time, one of the most important qualities that enabled him to comprehend the secrets of the structure of the world was ordinary observation, thanks to which Tolstoy could find answers to his questions or evidence of the conclusions made right in the surrounding life. And from this complex interweaving of all sorts of factors, connecting links and other components of our bustling life, he was able to single out only the most important thing, getting at the output the ingenious formulas of its simplicity and clarity. What is worth only his determination of the value of an individual for the surrounding society: "Man is a fraction, where the numerator is what he is, and the denominator is what he thinks of himself." His observation is also widely known that the first half of the journey we think about the places we left, and the second half about where we are going.

Surprisingly, this simple formula is perfectly projected onto human life, which is also a kind of dear - from birth to death. Only everything happens exactly the opposite, in a mirror image: the first half of the life’s journey we think about the future, and the second half we remember the past more and more. If you wish, you can even theoretically predict the duration of your journey in the current incarnation: as soon as the number of memories is equal in scope to the remaining plans, it can be stated that you have reached exactly the middle.

However, thinking about the past not only allows us to calculate our current position between points A and B. In fact, it is the experience of the past years that allows us to make fewer errors in the future, but also just helps us evaluate what has been achieved at a given point in time. Now, if you read this line up, you probably have a very reasonable question: what do the arguments about Tolstoy in general and about life in particular on Habrahabr in the Opera Software company blog ?! I will explain.
In fact, everything is very simple and quite fit into a single associative array: the reason for the appearance of this article was the memories of the past, initiated by the events of the days of today. Perhaps, in their significance, these events cannot be compared with the works of Lev Nikolayevich, and even more so they cannot correspond to the depth of his philosophical reflections on being, but our life consists of many small details, including the fact that I will report just below. But first, there is still a small excursion into history. Look at this graph at the starting point of the coordinates.


Only about three years ago, the share of Internet Explorer 6 was almost 80% in the Russian market, and in the world it was even more impressive. Now try to remember if anyone could have imagined that in just a couple of years there would be no trace of this greatness, and the browser, which has multibillion-dollar capital, would have to fight for space under the Sun with other developments on an equal footing? Perhaps - it was only a dream of a small number of users who did not want to put up with the current state of affairs. Undoubtedly, the group of such dreamers included the developers of alternative browsers, who understood better than others how much damage the artificial monopolism in the browser market inflicts on the entire Internet. And now it has happened - for the first time in the entire history of Internet Explorer 6 in Russia, it lost its position to software that was not produced by Microsoft. And the Opera browser, which managed to survive in the troubled times of browser wars and retained its basic qualities - speed, security and innovation, was the winner today. In fact, the change of positions took place in early March, but at that time it was still unclear whether this situation would continue in the future. Now we can definitely say - yes, IE6 is gradually disappearing from the scene, giving way to better and more reliable counterparts.


Here, in general, and everything that I wanted to tell you. The world is changing, and it is very pleasant to realize that you yourself have at least some relation to this. I can also immediately say that you should not apply the formula for calculating life expectancy to Opera browser: I promise you that the developers of the company still have many interesting plans, innovative solutions and other pleasant surprises for Opera browser users. As they say - stay tuned for announcements, and in the very near future you will learn something that will allow you to discover new facets in such a seemingly simple matter, as browsing the web.

PS Yes, as a source of statistical data on the share of browsers in Russia today the resource Liveinternet.ru appeared .

PPS I should also say that, for example, in Belarus, Opera browser took the absolute leading position as early as September last year , but Belarusian users themselves will tell about this better.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54201/

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