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Karmagram or diagrammatic ranking method in social networks

one of the options Digital ranking, or as I call it - "linear." Everybody is familiar with it - five stars or two arrows up and down, two signs + and -, two words like / dislike, as a result, each user-topic gets some weight expressed as a number. In my opinion, linear rankings are ideally suited to eliminate bad guys that hamper the development of the network. It also forms the “ego” of the network - charisma, “inner voice”, recognizable look.

approximate type of karmagram I propose to discuss the possibility of a fundamentally different way to rank users and content, not based on mixing all qualities into one and presenting them as a number, and vice versa - identifying them, listing all the qualities inherent in the subject, evaluating each of them separately, and conveniently representing the multidimensional the pictures.

So - Charting ranking method. In the future, out of habit, I will call it “Karmagramma”. Visually, a karmagramm is a pie chart. Each color corresponds to a certain quality - “Stupidity”, “Mind”, “Funny”, and so on, everyone can add a new quality if they do not find one that is suitable in the ones created earlier. There is a possibility of a quick visual assessment of several qualitative data of the user or the whole group at once. In addition to “identification”, a karmagramm serves as an excellent defense mechanism; by attaching it to a topic or the whole community, you can control the composition of users authorized to create topics, comment and have other active influence, the possibilities of “targeting” are much higher than the ban on the “passing ball”.

Now the important things that need to be considered in order to have an idea about the possibilities of using karmagrams:
- Karmagram does not have the property of growth. When you first enter the network, the circle has a gray tint (the color of “not a certain color”). Color does not occur by “injection”, but by changing one color to another, the sum of all colors always occupies the entire area of ​​a circle, which is equal to one.

- Each of the colors of the karmagram corresponds to a specific "tag." Karmagram tags have a lot in common with blog tags, which we all know well, perhaps the Karmagram ideology will require expanding this concept and transforming a flat form into a tree, by creating tags in the tags themselves. It is also important to note the absence of a direct relationship between the color and the tag, anyone can locally change the match of any of the colors to any of the tags, initially a “generally accepted” link between tags and colors based on the majority opinion is proposed.

- Coloring karmagrams , happening under the influence of users at each other, on topics, topics, comments and so on. The action is expressed in the indication of two colors (tags) corresponding to the directions “to” and “from” - for example, from “Rudeness” to “Envy”. I consider using karmagrams as nearly as simple as using up / down arrows for linear rankings - you can choose a “from” color in any visible karmagram, and specify “where” with a second click.
You can also consider the case of unidirectionality, when only “where” is indicated, then the specified color is added by replacing it with a certain share in the existing colors, i.e. the “from where” zone is the whole circle. The fill volume may depend on many factors, including the amount of a given color in the karmagramme of the user having an effect.

- Perception of diagrams . I think the obvious question is about the convenience of “reading” karmagrams. A person easily and consciously perceives pie charts of 2-3-4 colors. It’s not a fact that this number of colors will dominate in all karmagrams, most likely many of them will have a too motley, unreadable look. Working with karmagrams implies the existence of a mechanism for quickly creating “prisms” - grouping several quotes into one, indicating only those that one would like to see or vice versa. Prisms can be easily changed, deleted and created new. By installing this or that prism, karmagrams at once take a readable form, it becomes possible to quickly identify any circle of users by several arbitrary parameters at once. Another point is the effect on the subconscious channels, which are capable of perceiving the number of colors much larger than four, a similar effect is absent in digital ranking.

- Targeting capabilities . As a consequence of the preceding paragraph, they are limitless. I suggest everyone here to self-fantasize.

And the last thing I wanted to pay attention to is the correctness of karmagrams . The points described earlier imply the correct type of karmagrams, i.e. the distribution of colors, the qualities of the user reflect his real data. What rules should be imposed on the use of karmagrams? How to prevent the "cheat" desired qualities?
I see sufficient input of the following rule:
- "Each object is limited in action on the subject." In digital ranking, the rule is implemented simply - a ban on voting twice, always takes into account only one vote in favor (or against) the subject. The literal transfer of this prohibition to karmagrams is doubtful - it is impossible to prevent the subject from being re-assessed, the user may wish to evaluate another of the qualities that he hasn’t previously appreciated for one reason or another.
I see a way out in limiting the “scope of action”. For example, the first action was the desire to add to the subject "Mind", the second post of the subject caused a feeling of "Rudeness", the third called "Laughter", the fourth again "Mind" and so on. - as a result, all user actions on the subject can also be represented in the form of a pie chart, the total weight of which is strictly equal to one. The amount of gray in the “action diagram” characterizes its adequacy - if a single action is applied to the subject, with the desire to add “Mind”, the action diagram does not completely color in the color of “Mind”, only its segment will be painted, the size of the segment depends, for example, on the amount of "Mind" in the user itself has an effect. As a result, the result of applying the action diagram to the subject's karmagram is formed - no matter how much the user wishes to add the “Mind” to the subject, however many times he adds it - the number of the “Mind” added by him grows with each action, but there is also some meaning exceed that number can not.

So far, everything ... It seems in places too carried away and immersed in details, I just wanted to describe the concept of chart ranking in as much detail as possible and give everyone who wants to have a fantasy about the possibility of using karmograms in social networks — is it effective, will networks accept a similar mechanism ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54186/

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