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Rambler has updated the mobile version of the portal

Dear friends!

Thank you for your constructive comments about "My Rambler"! They really helped us improve the service.

We are not satisfied with what has already been achieved and now we are offering you to test the updated version of the mobile Rambler - m.rambler.ru . Unlike other mobile portals, Rambler provides access not only to its own resources, but also to a multitude of external services, and also allows you to use your own personal web page.
Visit m.rambler.ru from any mobile phone or communicator connected to the Internet and choose the topics you are interested in (among them - News, Entertainment, Weather, Exchange Rates and other relevant headings). Here you can follow updates on various sites from around the web.


To use your own webpage from your mobile, just log in to myrambler.ru and customize your start page using the My Rambler personalized page builder (instructions available at mobile.rambler.ru ). After that, go to the mobile "Rambler" under your own username and password, you can freely use your page - all selected widgets will be available for viewing in the mobile version.

We are waiting for your comments!

Marina Anisimova, Rambler Press Secretary

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54148/

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