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Sapka competition prize fund

The standard practice of awarding the winners of the competition identifies three prizes. Probably, it has been stretching since those times when many were able to count as “one, two, three, many”. The most significant place was the first. Because the score always started with one.

But programmers have it all wrong. They all start from scratch and in the bill they are often limited to a bit grid.

The competition for programmers Sapka has a general sponsor of the prizes, which establishes a prize fund for awarding the winning teams with a nth sum of money.


In order not to blur the prize pool and not complicate our life with standard rules of calculation, we limit the bit grid to 2 bits. One bit is allocated for the round: 0 - Main, 1 - Overclock. And another place. And fill the table of values ​​for the function of the prize.

Overclock round - solutions sent in the first 3 days, just Saturday and Sunday get here. Main round - all 7 days, conceived as work in the evenings for the busy, but you can sausage for days - your right.

Decisions from the Overclock round will also take part in the Main round, and it is possible that the super team will take a place in both rounds. In this case, she will get the maximum of the prizes, and the next participant on the list will come to the vacant place of the winner.

The task

There is no information about the task, everything is secret. It is only known that the fictional task is in a state of evolution and is constantly changing under the influence of the weather on planet Earth, magnetic storms on Mars and the pulse of the Google group. What ultimately will come of this will be known in two days on Friday, March 13, at 18:00 (GMT + 2, Kiev time).

Anyone can join the battle. There are no restrictions. Neither geography, nor language, nor technology put obstacles. The main thing is to run your solution on our Sapka Live CD. It should not compile, just run.

And on March 29 at Codecamp'09 in Kiev, we will gather to award the winners, debriefing and communication.

Questions, comments and suggestions can be left here or in the Google Contest Group . Thank.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54099/

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