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Farewell to Habr

Well, what, really, is “time to throw stones, and time to collect stones.” Time to work in a social network resource, and time to leave it. Habr's turn came. For me, in any case, it certainly has come ...

It so happened that my first article published here almost two years ago, and the last one, to a greater or lesser extent, dealt with the same phenomenon - the children's disease of Bolshevism in the Networks, when an aggressive minority “always and in everything right” begins to dictate its own Opinion silent majority.

Between these two notes, I published my thoughts about Habré . They noted the fact of the constant change of "local" elites - leaders of public opinion in the resource, which, as it seemed to me then, could lead to a gradual deterioration in the quality of, let's say, the resource itself.
Alas, my worst assumptions have come true. Once again, I had to make sure that any resource where questions of correct communication were left to chance, becomes a victim of web Bolsheviks, who begin to rule the ball here. Regardless of the declared intentions of the owners and the administration, for which the pursuit of the shaft - the number of users is considered as the most priority task. The madness of the crowd gradually begins to conquer the wisdom of the collective mind, and anyone who tries to somehow deal with this, inevitably begins to remind others around Don Quixote 2.0.

My final decision to leave Habr was influenced not only and even not so much by the increased intolerance to the opinions of others. I am no stranger to the impudence in the social Internet. Most of all, I was jarred by the fact that already in Habré an aggressive minority was suppressed by the silent majority. And that this is so, the figures show (I undertake to justify them to anyone).

Of the more than 40 readers who agreed with my opinion expressed in the last note , and being here in the majority (!!!), only one and a half of them ventured to say so directly. On the price of virtual "friendship" is better, I generally keep silent.

But the dissenting minority, led by the ascended Habra-star , not only “spoke out” from the heart, but also actively “prominus” everything that came to hand: me, my note, all my comments, without exception ), No luck even the collective blog, in which this article had the imprudence to appear. Got to those who somehow decided to support me. One of these comments by my supporter received even a black mark as a result. I had to make an attempt to remove this label somehow. And it happened in less than a day, during which the note was open to public viewing.

Similar "like-mindedness" on Habré was not observed earlier. I testify as an old-timer of this resource. Moreover, the passion initially inflamed around the ordinary, in general, topics. By the way, that all your start-up capital :) the new leader habored in the “struggle” with me around my two notes about the fate of startups in an era of crisis . And this capital was quite enough for him to immediately rise in the rating somewhere from 3000 to 300 place (when this note was being prepared, it had already made its way into the first twenty - “oh, times, oh mores!”). Time is running fast today. Therefore, the modern Ilya Muromets turned out to be such a one for himself, who instead of 33 lay on the habr-stove for just one year, and then ... "and only fight ...".

Paraphrasing a well-known axiom, I will say that the users of each social resource have the leaders they deserve. I'm leaving Habra, because these are not my leaders, not my colleagues, or even my opponents. Such "shovels , " "vacuum trucks" and "mujahideen" (my readers gave them other equally interesting names) represent an alien culture and environment in which I simply have nothing to do!

We will go another way. No, there will be no revolution, do not be afraid :). However, the struggle against the alien to me virtual order, leaving Habr, I do not finish. Having learned from the experience of the unsuccessfully created community “ For the new social web ”, I decided to make a second attempt in the same direction.

In the professinalah.ru for yesterday, March 9, the group “ Intellectuals 2.5 ” was formed, to which I invite all the participants of the habras blog “Intelligent social web and Enterprise 2.0” to join . In the near future, the Enterprise 2.0 and Cloud computing (cloud computing) groups will be created there, two more topics that are supported in the collective blog I leave. And, of course, as always, extended versions of relevant notes can be found in my iTechBridge blog .

Well, and about all the rest, the interested ones will read in the first materials, the sketches of which have already been laid out for discussion in the mentioned group . A copy of the Code of Honor of Intellectuals 2.5 can also be found at iTech Bridge. As one of the ancients said, “if not us, then who? If not now, then when?".

FORGIVE HABR! You taught me a lot and in many ways helped me. I met a lot of interesting people here. Not all of them and not always agreed with me. But even the fiercest disputes with them left me with a completely decent feeling. However, alas, one after another, these people left you, Habr, or stopped actively cooperating with you. So "not long the music played" ...


PS If there are preliminary questions, please do not leave them in the comments, which I can hardly read. It is better to write in person (my account in Habré remains, ... still remains )

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/54060/

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