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Ecology of business: a few words about the work of file-sharing hosting, or "do not spit in the well"

I have been sitting in the internet for the last week, furrowing, you know, open spaces and slowly crap. No, of course it often happens that way when I haven’t done anything for a long time - I didn’t look at the TV or didn’t open the newspaper, mda ... But somehow, too much of the disgusting one caught my eye in recent days. I wanted to spread, share and shed the light of truth, or rather, slightly clump, sorry my French. I do not pretend to absolute truth, I do not scatter revelations, personal interest is zero point tenths, if someone needs something. Just for power hurt.

A couple of introductory words. Those who dropped in to school for something else, except to smoke in the toilet and grab girls for pigtails, should remember from the sixth grade biology course such a thing as an ecological system. This is when a lot of everyone lives together and affects each other. Well, there, the crocodile antelope eats, antelope trample weed, grass weed dead crocodiles, normal everyone is happy and happy. Remember, yes? And remember, what happens when one of the components of this ecosystem begins to actively produce ge in its environment? No, well, maybe for some time, abundantly harvested grass and will be more delicious for antelope. That will only fade very soon - and with it the hoofed hoofs will hoar, and the crocodiles will die of hunger.

With such an elegant comparison, I say to the kagbe that before doing something that seems to promise a good profit, it sometimes makes sense to think a couple of steps forward.
Strictly speaking, ambulla. Over the past six months, plus or minus on the Internet spaces of the BSSR like mushrooms after a rain began to crawl out in large numbers of new ones and to rise from the graves of the old file hosting sites. Or rather - the services that call themselves that way.

What is the general scheme of file hosting? You have a file and someone to whom you want to show this file. It is assumed that the file is legal, or at least the right to watch it and show someone else, and if not, these are your problems . There is file hosting where you write this file, give the link to the recipient. The recipient of the file takes away. If he wants to pick him up quickly, comfortably, with a lot of service, he buys a premium. If he is satisfied “slowly and sadly” - he shakes for free. As a matter of fact, it is in the production of added value in the form of an improved service that the hosting and live. Well, plus advertising, of course, but this is not the main source of income. If the service is interested in more users who theoretically (note - it’s not at all necessary!) Will buy its additional services - it pays for webmasters downloads of their files, that is, it actually pays for services to attract new customers. Roughly speaking, if you don’t go into details, the scheme is similar to the distribution of shareware software - the basic set of services is available on the ball, for additional chips with the cache.

From the point of view of the law, all three participants in the process act independently and within their rights. Hosting does not know what information it contains on its servers - it only provides download-pull services. The user has the right to put his file anywhere. Another user has the right to merge information (another question is that he doesn’t always have the right to use it - well, so let them figure it out, maybe he could vista for two weeks only to complain later, you never know). Yes, the system is doubtful, if you look at it from the Criminal Code at the ready, but it is quite stable, does not infringe upon anyone's rights and works. According to this principle, monsters such as Rapidshara, Depositfiles, Megaapload, well, Aploading can be called in the sweat of hard drives for the first year.

And here on the muddy waves of the "rat" they rise from the deep, hmm ... and all sorts of self-generated, excuse me, smelly desks like Vipfayl, Letitbit or prosthospispodi Aplodboks. Well, let's forget for a minute how much financial, human and material resources a company must possess in order to organize something of at least approaching in quality to the old market players. How many people need it in the first place, also omit (No, well, cho, I decided to gossip for myself, war is a garbage! I'll take it and do it. I'll start here before the end of Tuesday). Yes, you yourself look at the quality, it seems that people are literate - in the same place the quickie from every hole is rushing. Well, that's all right. Let's see what side.

What are these offices can make money? After all, it is obvious that the standard, legal scheme for them will not work. They do not create new service, they do not produce added value. Instead, at best, they are forced to pay for the opportunity to download a file uploaded by someone else; resell your content, in fact. This thing, as far as I know, is illegal on its head. And thank you, Lord, if you are forced without a pistol at your temple - and then I heard all sorts of horror stories about windows not disappearing without SMS ... If you still bought an account under such pressure, do not rush to rejoice - the service "reserves the right to stop the account in case ... ", That is, you bought it for a month, and after a week you blocked it, again, what kind of reasons do you like, many of them.

If you are a little less lucky, after a couple of links downloaded in this way, you can grow a new form of life on your computer - and then, they say, everything evolved from viruses on Earth, and suddenly you have ... well ... In the boundary state - Trojans, theft personal information, well, everything connected with it, continue to taste.

This is what can be seen from the side of a simple user of aka user of a similar, sorry, service. On the part of the webmaster: yes, offices of this type promise - and sometimes even pay out - amounts two to three times more than stable and long-existing ones. At first. Then fold and molt, quickly flickering heels. Well, the guys fulfilled their task, grandmothers laundered them, or they trod down Trojans, what else to do? For some, all the more it will not be the first time, aha - the signboard has been changed and we pretend that no one has recognized anyone, nude-nude. Again, this is the simplest case on the surface, a hello from MMM and other Sovereigns. The situation is a bit more complicated: after some time, your profile is blocked - for violation, at instigation or in order to avoid, and on the files you uploaded, the office continues to withdraw money.

Or even no one is blocking you, they just tell plaintive stories that not a single user has bought any primac by your link, he did not bring money to the office, but you bet, put them, and satellite sites rivet, maybe when something ... not familiar, no? - what a score.

Lousy looks, the right word. And this is probably only the tip of the iceberg, I do not have enough solid knowledge to dig out the hidden in the darkness of the depths. And there certainly still a lot of fumbling, I smell the scent.

And finally, a couple of words about ecology. What happens if, as a webmaster, you put it on a well-fed resource, whether it is your own or a network-independent, broken link? Once - prokanaet. Two - maybe too. Three - "and this is a habit, grandmother."

And if servaki fall like ripe apples in the autumn, once a week? And if half of the files on the links - broken? And if users don’t download for free, kill me? And viruses? And the torn connection? And so on, and so on, and so on ... Examples - even rowing gati.

I think you yourself know what will happen. To begin with, the stratum of the actively pumping population will have a strong prejudice against such a resource, especially if it is new and “it didn’t hurt”. Download from there they will stop. Then the admins intervene - if we are talking about external resources, and either file hosting is banned (at best) or a poster (which is much more likely). No, well, of course, our users will once again be silent and silent, but foreign people are not accustomed to such treatment, relaxed, spoiled ... After a couple of viruses caught in this way, the bSSR links can be completely ignored and downloaded, You never know what kind of people are strange.

The Internet, despite its seeming infinity, is a shallow and tight puddle, everyone knows everything in the end. Word of mouth - a terrible and merciless thing, where there Russian revolt. In one place he did something nasty, shamefully covered himself with paper paper - and in another place, in his own consequences, he plunged into it. Vaughn, with the Box, which Uploadbox, for the last couple of weeks, how many fakaps on large foreign forums have been? - the procedure ... One napakostil, - all otgrebayut. And who will guarantee that you will not become the injured party tomorrow?

A similar situation was recently with advertisements on websites, all sorts of popanders. There was a ban on even discussing them, and even on many resources there were extremely smelly themes of a Trojan advertiser and the responses “what the *** do, they pay money”. After that, a huge number of sites turned out to be banned, users happily waved a pen to resources where such beauty was standing, they don’t seem to have a bigger nose, and I still understand them ... No, well, in the short term, webmasters got their penny of course. Only here the trickle of finance itself is tight. Here it is, epta, business in Russian.

As always, the decision, how and on what to earn is a personal matter. In our area, in general, somehow historically it happened that “here-and-now-not-moving-away” is preferable to “slowly but surely”. Though you look at the industry, even look into the business. But, damn it, people! - be smarter than you even a little bit, eh? Well, you head not only to eat it? "

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/53644/

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