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Two Tao implementations

Recently I found a parable in the vastness of the RuNet in the blog of some the7ofdiamonds . Very much liked. And with a humor and about IT and it seems like there is an inexhaustible eastern wisdom. In general, I decided to share it with you.

One day, Frau Catch asked Go Tu:
- Teacher! How carefully should a programmer seeking enlightenment work on his code?

Master Go Tu thoughtfully took a sip of tea and went to the refrigerator for a lemon. Taking out a fresh lemon, he put it on a saucer and otbmsal the very edge of the lemon coccyx. Then the master cut a thin yellow slice and put it in his hot, fragrant tea from a bag. Tea from the master has always turned out fragrant, even if only Lipton remained in the office.

“We will all die,” Master Gow Tou finally answered his apprentice.
Fraw Catch choked on tea.

The master slowly sipped a boiling drink, Fraw Catch was silent in bewilderment. Cakes ended yesterday. The master's cup was half empty, and only then teacher Gou Tu told the appropriate koan.

“One perfect-wise programmer,” the master began slowly, “once I realized that someday he would die.” Therefore, he stopped using the Hungarian notation and smart pointers; he checked the code for memory leaks, only if all two gigabytes of RAM flew in twenty minutes; and even indents he set as haphazardly. Then this programmer really died.

After a pause, the master threw a second semi-transparent lemon half circle into his cup.

- Another perfect programmer also once realized that someday he would die. Therefore, he became unusually attentive and careful; he checked interfaces for a long time; its code did not need comments; all his defains had long, intuitive names; colleagues grieved if they had to replace his function with someone else.

- And what happened to him? - could not stand Fraw Catch.

- He died too.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/53641/

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