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The battle of authorities or how the TCI was born

The story of the birth of thematic Index of Citations (TCI) . When did it appear, how did they wind it up and how did advertising brokers appear, without which lovers of “twisted” weight can't live? In this article we will try to restore the history of the emergence of TCI and its consequences ...

Main events:

Thematic citation index was intended to streamline the sickle. For the first time, this phenomenon was sealed on August 2, 1999 . Here it is - the great birthday of the “authorities” who accomplished a revolution in the development of the Runet. Initially, the subject citation index was only an indicator of resource weight. But here the unimaginable happened - this indicator began to influence the ranking of the Yandex directory sites, which began operating on October 18, 2000 . Very good move at that time. Just a lot of webmasters reached for the top of the directory. Competition played a role - it is necessary to increase the “authority” more quickly than its rivals. The first wave of promotion ran - link exchanges (of course, there is nothing wrong with that, and there was no reason to consider such a promotion as a “wrap”).

In 2002, the first advertising broker appears on the Runet's open spaces! Yes, this was the second wave of the increase in the citation index. He offered webmasters to set links on their resources, and optimizers - to pay for them! Price naturally depended on the TCI. It suited both sides. Most of the websites tried to place paid links on their website and earn “easy” money. Others wanted to get high places in the catalog, and so much that they did not spare money and bought links in large quantities. But the real cracking happened when in 2003 a rumor went around the Runet that the TCI influences the position of the sickle. It was here that it swam, went ... Everything was chasing after the "authority" indicator, because more and more sites are being added to the directory and we must keep up with our competitors.
Link exchange systems have appeared. Some are completely honest, offering to choose sites for exchange (based mainly on the subject of resources). Others were created with the sole purpose - to wind the TCI. They automatically placed links on the wallpaper pages of the parties. Often the webmaster did not even know with whom he was changing links. Here it is the lack of ranking on the citation index: automatic link exchange systems simply manipulated this indicator, attracting more and more resources to its ranks. Yasha, of course, did not think out the protection, but he could not distinguish the site from the normal one. There were very few cases of deletion from the index database, so webmasters were all stretching and stretching to the automatic winding system.

Yasha was precipitated and held seminars in different parts of Russia, as a result of which we heard 2 important statements:
  1. Yasha is preparing a bomb for linkators, which is designed to automatically ban all those suspected of such dishonest exchange.
  2. The TCI does not affect the search results and is only related to the ranking of the resource in the directory.

The May default of Yandex is the first mass collapse of the TCI that occurred in May 2005 . Apparently, this was the same bomb. According to the observations of SEOs, the citation index was reset to zero on pages with many links. Unfortunately, this also affected honest webmasters, who manually changed links, albeit to a lesser extent. Further the chain reaction of weight loss proceeded, since some of the resources have lost their authority and, accordingly, links from them also became low in weight.

At present, white directories are popular. A huge number of site owners are registered in them, it's free, and you will always get good backlinks - at least it won't be worse. But Yasha did not like it either, and once again he decided to clean the indices in the summer of 2006. Then a decent amount of directories fell out of the sickle. But do not worry, because this did not affect citation indexes much, and the action was most likely aimed at intimidating the owners of linkwashing.

Finally, I would like to note:
Selling and shopping links will not die yet! Yasha doesn’t have it, and most likely there will not be an algorithm that can automatically recognize such links. But do not hold linkkomoyki! Remember, links are better divided into blocks and scattered across different parts of the page. But read about it in the corresponding article ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5355/

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