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Cisco: Exam 640-802 (CCNA) Preparation. Brief summary.

Inspired by the topic of Cisco: Certification paths are inscrutable.
  1. Preparations for 640-802. Theory.
  2. Preparing for the lab. Practice.
  3. Exam preparation. Registration and order.
  4. Certificate.

1. Preparing for 640-802. Theory.

There are two ways to obtain CCNA status - this is exam 640-802 or a pair of 640-822 + 640-816. In this review, only the first option is considered, in the terminology of Tsisko so-called composite exam (13).

Recently, the exam is available in Russian. Personally, I am quite skeptical about this, since in my subjective opinion the quality of translated literature leaves much to be desired. And further implies that you are going to take the exam in English.

We will begin with the choice of the training manual. It's simple. Acquires literature on Amazon or get it in another way . To date, there are two main options:

I liked the first author more, and I personally would recommend him. One should not only assume that this kit is sufficient literature for preparation.
These are only specialized guides that cover the topics and objectives of the exam. Discuss the literature to prepare and just read the reviews in Russian here (7) in English here (6) .

2. Preparing for the lab. Practice.

The actual exam 640-802 consists of 50-60 questions, including one laboratory work. In the laboratory, you are asked to solve any task on the subject of the exam - as a rule, configure the router (simulating a real network with routers, hosts, etc.).
Lab is one of the main elements of the exam, and failing it makes your chances of passing the exam very slim. Preparation for this element is the most important, and most useful for you in practical terms. Therefore, the key skill for its successful implementation is practical training.
To create a stand, you will need two or three Cisco routers (in principle, almost any fresh ones), and at least three of their switches (preferably 2950-2960). Most likely this equipment is available in your organization if you work in an operator or system integrator. If this is not the case software emulators can help you.
There are a lot of similar programs but a special place among the emulators is occupied by dynamips, which is essentially a virtual machine for executing the original IOS (software running the Cisco routers and switches) therefore the adequacy of such a model often approaches the real stand. Currently, the 1700, 2600, 2691, 3600, 3700, 7200 series are supported.

Dynamips is a console application with parameters passed to the command line, so for practical work it is often more convenient to use front-ends for it.
Dynagen is a frontend to dynamips which allows you to describe the schema as a text file, which is much clearer than just command line parameters.
And finally, there is gns3 - a graphical frontend for dynamips.


Dynamips, dynagen, gns3 feel great on both Linux and Windows. What comes bundled with Wireshark turns this software into an excellent laboratory bench, where debugging is possible and much more complex tasks than you can find in the CCNA track.

Links to this software, see the end of the review. The only component that is not freely distributed is Cisco IOS itself. But here we will be helped by favorite Google “index of /” ios, it should also be added that a rather large selection of IOSs specifically for dynamips is available on TPB.

3. Preparation for the exam. Registration and procedure.

Well, actually the exam.
The organization of exams for Cisco (and many other vendors) is carried out by Pearson Vue. If you live in a city with a population of about 1 million and more, then with a high degree of probability, you have at least one certification center (I mean the CIS, the bourgeois have more of them). On the Pearson Vue website, click on Locate a Test Center, and look for the one that is most convenient for you.

Further, there are two options:
First, you personally come to the center for registration, either with cash or with your visa-type credit card (with the card is usually more convenient) and with the help of the administrator choose the testing time that is acceptable for you. I recommend this option if this is your first exam in Vue.
Second, on the Vue website, through the web interface, you register for the exam yourself at the selected test center by paying for all this “luck” with a credit card (preferably not yours, but for example, the boss) and you are at the test center at the appointed time directly for the exam. It would be very convenient if it would always be true :-) In fact, the real scheme is often this - call, choose the time, agree with the administrator of the center, and then register via the Internet.

After successful registration, Vue will send you a confirmation email with the time and conditions of the exam (duration, etc.)
So, for successful delivery, you just have to be prepared to appear at the appointed place at the appointed hour (- 10 minutes) having with you TWO identity documents (I don’t know if this is a feature of the certification center I go to, not Vue policy?!).
The center administrator will give you an A4-size laminate sheet, a marker and show your PC workstation running the testing software. To carry and use on the exam calculators, PDAs, phones, dictionaries, etc. things are prohibited.

After testing, information about its results is displayed on the PC screen. Also, you are required to print and hand out a paper version of the same document (it is also called a transcript).

4. Certificate.

In the case of a successful exam, confirmation comes from Cisco (within seven days (?!)), In which you are asked to register on a special tracker of specialists, for which you will need CSCO and / or VUE ID (available in the transcript that you gave from the certification center).
After that, you need to confirm the information about your address and select the type of certificate - pdf or paper (OR). Creating a pdf version of the certificate takes about two weeks from Cisco (!!), paper usually comes within a month and a half (there are exceptions).

The review does not pretend to the originality of the ideas expressed and the fullness of the scope of the subject matter. All additions and corrections are welcome. About dumps did not write consciously.


  1. www.ipflow.utc.fr/index.php/Cisco_7200_Simulator - dynamips homepage
  2. www.ipflow.utc.fr/blog - dynamips blog
  3. www.dynagen.org - dynagen page
  4. www.gns3.net - GNS3 homepage
  5. www.7200emu.hacki.at - here you can ask questions about dynamips, dynagen, gns3 and pemu. And also find ready-made schemes lab
  6. www.sadikhov.com/forum - here you can search for materials, ask questions about certification and Cisco solutions themselves
  7. www.certification.ru - a small conference in Russian
  8. www.testinside.blogspot.com - description of current CCNA labs
  9. www.gns3-labs.com Labs and articles to prepare
  10. www.blindhog.net About the same as above
  11. www.brainbump.net About the same as above
  12. www.pearsonvue.com/cisco - Testing Organizer.
  13. www.cisco.com/web/learning/le3/current_exams/640-802.html - Exam Description on Cisco

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/53529/

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