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Movement method

Even on the New Year holidays for the fun of their time, the junior album of the next “Prince of Persia” was bought. This one differs from the previous games of the series in one subtle detail for most players - Jordan Mechner is no longer indicated in the credits, the same man who, with the help of Broderbund, released the very first of the noble family siblings in 1989.

However, Mechner entered the history even earlier. In 1984, as a 20-year-old student at Yale University who studied psychology, he managed to become a pioneer of rotoscoping in his first game, Karatek. In those years, the games were remarkable for their conceptual minimalism. First of all, this was due to the very modest hardware capabilities of computers of that era. Despite this, Karateka truly amazed with the realistic movements of the characters. Small, the size of several tens of pixel figures of characters seemed really alive. In comparison with the wretched animation of the heroes of other games of that time, Mehner made a real breakthrough.

Karatek was written for the Apple II computer and later ported to other platforms. The author of these lines can document the hypereffect that the game produced on the boys of that time, since personally acquainted with the original at the computer Pravets 8A (Bulgarian copy of the same Apple) with another monochrome monitor. Overnight, Mario’s beloved brothers were transferred to the second rank, and the Japan magazine, which was bought at a nearby kiosk, immediately appeared on the table.

5 years after the appearance of his first fighting game, Jordan makes an even more perfect game “Prince of Persia”, which becomes a benchmark of the genre in direct, portable and any other ways. Even today, looking at this ordinary miracle of twenty years ago, one wonders how it was possible to achieve similar kinematics of heroes without video capture technology? The secret is simple. Mechner literally redrawn the frame by frame of the phase of running and jumping of his brother David, taken on video.


Throughout its history, Prince appeared 9 times in various games created for both PCs and consoles. Moreover, Mechner was engaged in development, only in the first two games. Nevertheless, the name of Jordan, probably out of a sense of gratitude for the original presented to the world in due time, was indicated in the credits of each of the games created without his direct participation. Except, as you already know, the last. So Mechner’s time is up? Yes and no.

No, because even in the summer of 2008, a rumor had passed that Mechner had undertaken to shake out the dust from Karateki and was preparing her reincarnation. And yes, because the generation has changed. Young fans of the modern "Prince of Persia" were born after Jordan's own child lost relevance, most likely they know nothing about the progenitor. But, on the other hand, they know a lot of things that were not known to Mechner in 1999.


Parkour seems to have no barriers to entertaining entertainment. Especially after Luc Besson invited the Frenchman David Boll, the founder of the new urban discipline, to star in the film “13th District”. With the unrecognized obstacles, the antihero has already happened to face detective John MacLean in the fourth "Die Hard". And the parkour scene at Casino Royale was perhaps one of the most impressive episodes in the entire history of the Bondiara.

It was easier to jump from cinema to computer games to parkour than to tracer to jump over a bench in a city park. But will the example of the new “Prince of Persia” released in 2008 be correct in this case? Perhaps not quite. It's amazing that at that moment, when even comics try to shoot as realistic as possible (remember, at least the last two screen versions of Batman, directed by Christopher Nolan), the Prince begins to treat the laws of physics with disdain.


Here, fabulousness and unreality are approved by the engine, extracted from “Assassin's Creed” and converted to the needs of artists. The latter, thanks to Cell Shading technology, were able to achieve a visual that was striking in terms of artistic skills for action games. "Prince of Persia" is more beautiful than ever. Screenshots are not able to demonstrate the entire picturesque of the game. Before us is one of the rare cases of literally revived concept illustrations - paper, paints, watercolor stains of bold strokes, everywhere extreme imagery. It seems that the landscapes were painted by expressionists, and the pitch blackness of opponents, skillfully woven from flowing smoke, makes them widen their eyes in surprise. Great graphics implementation worthy of all-round praise!

At the time, Mehner, having in his hands a 16-color palette, could not have dreamed of such a thing. But with all this, the “Prince” of Jordan in fact turned out to be more realistic, tougher, not forgiving the player for any wrong keystrokes.


To save the princess in the original game, we were given only 60 minutes. During this time, it was necessary to overcome the maze of rooms that conceal deadly traps, fight with the guards and kill the sultan. One wrong step and our hero fell into the abyss. An unsuccessful jump and a small body were torn apart by sharp stakes that jumped out of the ground. We needed an hour of hard and nervous work. To complete the game from the first time was almost impossible.

So torment the modern player will not allow any marketer. In order to turn the game from hard work into pleasant entertainment, the guys from Yubisovt turned everything upside down in the literal sense of the word. To die now is simply impossible. From any fatal mistake rescues us princess, pulling out with the help of magic from any scrapes. And what if you need to run on the ceiling? No problem, especially for this gravity was slightly adjusted.

The arsenal of the hero of twenty years ago included only a few simple tricks. New game to the brim is filled with acrobatics. And at the same time it is as sharpened as possible under simple management. At first it seems that all the crazy stunts performed by our Alter-ego will require the accuracy of the pianist’s fingers, which run around the keyboard at a fantastic speed. But after half an hour of the game, overcoming the discomfort of the novelty, one wonders how cleverly I can!

In fact, we have almost nothing to do with it. Even our grandmother with a certain skill can do the same. But the creators of the management interface, of course, must be submitted to the award. Few of us think that the complexity of physics and realism in games in turn increases the number of pressure points on our keyboards and mice. Their proper distribution is the cornerstone of any dynamic arcade.


But if an Arab comrade, assembled in Canada, can ignore the laws of attraction, arranging surreal races on any vertical planes, the Stockholm model from Digital Illusions CE studio, in contrast, claims that the Swedes have everything in life as in games. It seems that we have got a virtual parkour trainer and now anyone can climb into the skin of a person falling from the 30th floor.

Try it, it will surely make a huge impression on you. Dying in Mirror's Edge is more curious than any other game. Breaking off the roof, you are flying at incredible speed past a series of windows, trees, cars and people below are rapidly approaching, and then everything around is rapidly darkening and the last thing we hear is the crunch of your own bones. But if you forget about the subsequent reload, it becomes a bit creepy from the thought that in reality this can be experienced only once. In addition, it is very doubtful that in such a short time you will have time to flash before your eyes the whole life. Well, except that she was very, very short.


It can be said for sure that Detective John Ferguson (who was so successfully played by James Stewart in Alfred Hitchcock's “Dizziness”) would be terribly scary to even look at the screenshots of Mirror's Edge. On the other hand, it can be assumed that the game is able to wean from the fear of heights. After all, the main task as quickly as possible to get from point A to point B, overcoming any obstacles, is elevated to absolute here, pushing fear to the periphery of our consciousness.

Parkour lessons are very superficial. In the first training level, we will be taught several very simple methods of movement, the most difficult of which is to push the wall away from the wall with a subsequent turn of 180 degrees. The time-held Shift key allows you to group in the air or roll over your back to soften the blow from a fall. Any horizontal pipe for us crossbar, on any vertical you can climb up. Run, push, jump, grab, swing, jump again, roll. Our fingers repeatedly tap the usual range with the keys. The marketing principle is the same - the game should be as simple to manage and as visually as effective as possible.


Since the appearance of Lara Croft in 1996, an entire era has passed, filled with a string of various action-acrobatic games. Today, a change in the form of a small, slanted Asian girl, richly decorated with tattoos, has come to a circle-faced and full-breasted igrosymbol. The new character does not like firearms, although it knows how to use it. It does not wag you in front of your nose seductive loin pieces. And in general, he does nothing that could detract from the main task - the contempt of any obstacles encountered on the way. Everything else is secondary here. Perhaps that is why the competition at the time of many seem more interesting passage of the game itself. It is not surprising that the names of the speed champions are diligently collected on the official site’s Hall of Fame.

The network already has instructions that allow you to make in the Mirror's Edge a third person. But we, unconditionally supporting the decision of the creators of the game, to demonstrate everything that happens around only the eyes of Faith, we will not use them for anything. And the point is not that the courier running with a yellow bag behind his back looks less sexy than some archaeologists we know, but that the same reality effect that the guys from DICE have so diligently disappears.


In fact, we face a neatly tuned simulator, the use of which is most adapted to our suits. Croft at one time infuriated by her clumsiness, Faith from the very first minutes of the game makes you devour delights with ladies. It took decades of difficult hardware and technological genesis for the hero of Mirror's Edge to be able to appear before us like a sports car.

Practically everyone participated in this business, from developers of computer games who injected new technologies into their work, like Motion Capture, which allowed us to add a couple more spoonfuls of credibility to the thickening gameplay to equipment designers who make the keys of our manipulators more accurate and fast every year. and tactilely enjoyable. And, of course, the players, thanks to whose money all of the above has been created and modernized.

Games have become much more dynamic. They are much easier to manage. They are more loyal to the player. It’s fun and funny with them, like a Sunday entertainment movie for the whole family. And, despite the fact that many of them are more narrow-minded than their ancestors, they are still better.

What awaits us in the future? New devices like the Wii, where you will have to work not only with your hands, but also with other parts of the body, expelling extra calories and hypodynamia from it. Volumetric three-dimensional monitors, allowing even deeper dive into the world of the game and truly cause us acrophobia. Whatever it is, it should be wonderful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/53526/

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