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As I searched, and found the Russian voice for Mac OS

As a PC user, I actively used voice solutions.

Various reading rooms and voice text converters, translating interesting articles and books to me and listening to them on the go from a player or computer before going to bed. It turned into a stable habit, which allowed me to pleasantly and usefully spend time walking and long trips. About a year ago, having bought Macbook Air and iPhone almost simultaneously at the same time, I was surprised to find the following fact:
On the one hand, Mac has an excellent and deeply integrated voice service in the OS. Many beautiful built-in voices.
On the other hand, there is no Russian voice for poppy!

Russians don't give up

I generated a lot of searches in Russian and English. And found some interesting information.
First of all, I'm not the only one who is suffering.
Secondly, the voices are really NO!
Third, I found information that indicated that some work on creating a Russian voice for a Mac from Acapela is still underway.

I wrote a letter in Acapela in English and Russian in the spirit of:
"How so? The popularity of poppies in Russia is growing ... But there is no voice ?! Is such work being done?
And if so, when, where and for what money can I get it? !!! „
I still have not received an answer to my letter.
By the way, not so long ago, Acapela finished off-line iSpeak for iPhone for $ 1.99 with voice synthesis of the translated text.

But I'm not desperate.

Forgetting troubles, running is stopped, robots are driving, not a person ...

What to do? Maybe I missed something?
I decided to create a search query using the Google Web Alert service. Good thing, I’ll report back to you, although there are still tools for creating a query, less developed than in the advanced search menu.
And because of this, you may receive quite a lot of different “garbage” or duplicate information. But still the service is convenient, I recommend to use.
For almost a year, from the daily reports of the service, I caught two “grains”.
There were as many as two foreign non-profit systems that are trying to develop, including their own Russian voice for poppy. Interested I will say right away. Installing them, it's not a trivial matter and I did not bother with the installation. Mainly because the authors honestly admitted that although the system is working, the synthesis is still not very perfect, etc.
And about a miracle! This morning I received another email from a search engine that contained this:

“Google Web Alert for: Russian voice for Mac
Z-Store: Does Mac speak Russian? Yes, it already says.
But most importantly, the version of iVox 1.3 finally received a Russian voice. ... To work with Russian, the program requires Mac OS X 10.5 installed and ... "

Solution Price

The price is considerable, asking whether $ 99, toli € 99 (it is written as something vaguely), go and compare with solutions for other languages.
It would be nice if such a package appeared for the Russian language:
"Infovox iVox and GhostReader bundle
(includes Infovox iVox and GhostReader for one language of choice)
Single user license (non-Scandinavian language) "at a price of US $ / Euro 109
those. we have a solution integrated into the system, and at the same time a program that can create audio tracks for iTunes and audio books.

Actually having an mp3 file, I have been creating audiobooks for about a year with the help of a wonderful program Audiobook builder , read about it here .
The program is inexpensive, i.e. about $ 10, what it costs, it works out for the glory. My iPhone audiobooks are beautifully decorated and easy to navigate.

We are testing

As well-known Bobuk says: “Everything is fine”
In fact, we are promised the same, well-known to many, voice of “Alena” wrapped in a Mac envelope.
On the PC, the voice sounds good, let's try it on a poppy. Of course, among American voices there are voices much better, there are characteristic voices. There are even singing voices!
But we are pleased and this.
The installation package contains two voices, American and Russian.
It weighs 325 MB, given at a good speed.
Download demo version with Russian voice (326 MB)
When installing, you will need 301 MB of disk space, the remaining 24 MB, these are several video tutorials included in the package.
The version is fully functional, but with a limit of 30 days, which is quite a lot for mine to test.
The installation took about 2 minutes and required registration (not necessarily mine) and restarting the computer, which is also not surprising, given the deep integration into the OS.
Reboot and ... And nothing!
Any attempt to start a voice in any application causes the application to restart.
I try to see the "Speech" in the system settings.
As soon as I open this section, the system settings are reset.
And you can see “loading voices” in the panel for a while.
Probably the voice itself is the cause of this outrage.
For the first time I meet such a "severe" Makovsky application.
Well, Uninstaller is also included in the package.
If nothing helps, then try to use it.

And I wanted to finish on a positive note.


For a year I used to live without a Russian or any other voice on a computer.
For the only PC program that I need for work and of which I can’t find a worthy analogue for MAC OS, I purchased Parallels (by the way, now it still has a 20% discount) and as a result I can attach any “window” program to Mac, and there it is full of inexpensive voice solutions.
And finally, platform independent online text-to-voice services appeared.
There are those for the Russian language. For example Ubot
But let everyone make their own choice.
Another assumption, in the long term the release of Mac Os 10.6, maybe there we can get the built-in Russian voice of good quality? Given that Russia has recently become more and more a full-fledged member of the Mac community. What are some thoughts on this?

I thought, is it worth it or not to write an article, meaning failure with the installation of the program?
I decided to write for the reason that maybe the problem described is my personal rake, and others will be fine .
With the filing of makoomazan transferred the topic from the Apple blog to the blog Mac OS X

Acknowledgments : I am grateful to no_smokin author Habraredaktora . I designed the Habrareditor as a “web application” with the help of the Fluid program and used it with great pleasure when writing the article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/53511/

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