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Behavioral advertising in Yandex, does it work?

Definition: Behavioral advertising is the display of advertising on the site depending on the user's previous behavior.
Those. A clever system remembers which sites a person visited, what searches they did, etc. and displays advertisements on network sites depending on this.

Below I would like to discuss how it is correct and useful (for the visitor of sites, advertiser and resource owners).

Yandex's official report on the topic can be found here.

Partially quote it:
“Behavioral targeting determines the target audience, even on those sites where it is impossible to do so within the context of the pages viewed. And such sites often have a very wide audience, ”said Vera Suslova, manager of the advertising technology department at Yandex. - Adding behavioral targeting to the context allows us to significantly increase the volume of the target audience, access to which we offer our advertisers. And on the first tests of the new type of targeting, it became clear that the CTR of advertisements that are displayed taking into account the interests of users is even higher than the CTR of thematic ads broadcast on the Advertising Network. ”

Those. how everything should be better. Is it really?

1. The user's point of view. Today I went to RuTub, to see what are the new videos about iPhone. Launched the search and got its results. Screenshot of the results .

Pay attention to what advertisements are shown to me:
- half of them about cars
- half of outdoor advertising
Those. they are not related to the content of the page, but are built solely on the analysis of user behavior.
I did some time ago (on cars for a long time, on outdoor advertising today) entered the corresponding search queries into Yandex, so the behavior tagging worked. However, does this mean that these ads will be interesting to me now? I don’t know the general answer, this requires statistical studies, but in this particular case they were not at all in the subject. Why doesn't Yandex show half or at least 1/4 of ads on the page theme (iphone)? I think that the probability of clicking on such an announcement is quite high.
Summarizing: for users, behavioral ads are not always "in topic"

2. Point of view of the advertiser.
By and large, the advertiser doesn’t seem to suffer much when paying for a click, even if the ads do not correlate with the user's interest. However, indirectly there is harm: the fall in the CTR of the ads has a negative effect on the price of getting into the special placement and can lead to the shutdown of advertising for a very low CTR.

3. Point of view of the owner of the resource.
The owner of the resource is interested in the maximum number of clicks on the most expensive ads. I agree with the respected specialists of Yandex that for some category of resources, on which there is absolutely no behavioral tagging suitable for indexing content, this is the only acceptable way out. However, for some sites the results will be rather negative.
Example: we are doing a content site, say on mobile phones (or air conditioners). Competitive themes, high stakes. Do we need ads to appear on our site, for example (do not kick, if these are really valuable topics with high rates, do not check) sites with recipes, just because the new year was recently and the user was looking for salad recipes? I think that no, we are better off, even with a higher CTR for behavioral advertising, to show ads on our mobile subject with a higher CPC. On the other hand, for sites with content on low-cost topics, this may be a plus.
From personal experience and communication with the owners of sites, spinning advertising Direct, almost all say the fall in income.

Maybe all of the above is of course unrepresentative, so it is interesting to listen to other opinions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40840/

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