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GoDaddy blocked sites Majordomo

Recently, hosting provider Majordomo received a notification from GoDaddy.com that 1399 domains of Majordomo clients are blocked, since the Russian hoster is allegedly involved in spamming.

The term “blocking” means that the DNS servers for these domains are changed to ns2. suspended-for .spam-and-abuse.com and ns1. suspended-for .spam-and-abuse.com: here's an example .

The reason is a alleged violation of the Majordomo user service agreement. More precisely - complaints from the anti-spam public organization Spamhaus , which is engaged in the compilation and maintenance of a database of IP addresses of servers found in spam mailings. Here is the original text of the letter from GoDaddy, and this is a file with screenshots of two complaints in Spamhaus, on the basis of which 1399 sites are blocked.
The XLS file contains two complaints under the numbers SBL36165 and SBL42891. Each of them describes a specific case with one of the sites through which the Trojans spread. In SBL36165, this is viptimeclub.ru, for which NS-servers * .majordomo.ru are defined, and in the case of SBL42891, this is a site hosted by Peterhost , which has no relation to Majordomo. These two cases became the formal reason for blocking all domains related to Majordomo.

In its press release, the Russian hosting provider points out that the second complaint has nothing to do with Majordomo, therefore GoDaddy has no right to talk about “numerous” claims, and even more so block almost a thousand and a half sites on the basis of a single case! Frankly speaking, practically any hosting provider in Russia has a website that has been hacked at least once and where Trojans have been placed. But so that after this all sites on this hosting were blocked - this has not happened yet.

The company Majordomo categorically denies that its customers are engaged in spamming. At the very least, they call the Spamhus complaints a “knowingly false” reason for the closure of sites.

According to Majordomo, GoDaddy domain name registrar is trying to make money in a trivial way by offering Russians a paid domain recovery procedure. Recovery costs $ 199 for each domain (i.e., the recovery of 1399 domains will cost $ 278.401). Alternatively, you can go to another registrar for $ 50 ($ 69,950). It is clear that even for a large Russian company this is a very tangible amount.

“The method of doing business, demonstrated by the registrar, can be called at least uncivilized. Of course, none of the proposed items can suit Majordomo. It is very disappointing, first of all, for innocent customers who are not at all related to the strange attempts to enrich GoDaddy.com, ”the representatives of Majordomo commented on the actions of their business partner.

Currently, a class action lawsuit is being prepared against GoDaddy.com from owners of blocked domains, including not only individuals and large legal entities, but also government institutions in the CIS countries. All affected clients register domains in spb.ru and msk.ru zones for free.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/4084/

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