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Eclipse Tips # 1

image I'll try to start a new section in which I will talk about tricks and tricks when working with Eclipse, programming in Java. Today's talk will be about expansion, which, in my opinion, will help you in the development.

To start, download Eclipse, who have not downloaded yet - http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

* Aptana Studio for Eclipse
Aptana Studio is a Swiss knife for a web developer. It includes code editors for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, php. It has built-in support for many ajax libraries, jaxer built-in ajax server.

* Cypal Studio for GWT
Cypal Studio simplifies the development of GWT applications, helps to create a module and a remote service, compile it into JavaScript, deploy the application on an external server.
* FindBugs
This plugin uses static code analysis to find bugs in Java application code.

PMD checks the source code and looks for potential problems such as:
* Various bugs - try / catch / finally / switch empty constructions
* “Dead Code” - unused variables, parameters, methods
* Non-optimal code - use String / StringBuffer
* Duplication of code - copies of code sometimes lead to a copy of errors

Continuation will surely follow ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40785/

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