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Scriptlets for web developer + gift

To start. What is a scriptlet?

A scriptlet is a javascript placed in a bookmark and executed on an open page when you click on that very bookmark.

With the help of scriptlets, you can modify the page, edit or debug the design, look for errors in your scripts, and much more ...
Interested? =)

Let's start with the scriptlet for the web developer

Unfortunately, Habr does not allow scriptlets to be inserted as links ... Therefore, you have to give everything as it is ... In the code tag ... = (
In this regard, I immediately ask you to forgive me for the “bloody mess” of the code on the page. I made out everything neatly in references, but Habr cut everything.

Giants Overview


( http://westciv.com/xray/ )

This is a very convenient tool for checking your guesswork. Exactly. You simply run this scriptlet, and after downloading JS, you see this window. And you just need to select any element of the page to get detailed information about it.

Scriptlet: javascript:function%20loadScript(scriptURL)%20{%20var%20scriptElem%20=%20document.createElement('SCRIPT');%20scriptElem.setAttribute('language',%20'JavaScript');%20scriptElem.setAttribute('src',%20scriptURL);%20document.body.appendChild(scriptElem);}loadScript('http://westciv.com/xray/thexray.js');

Fire bug lite

( http://getfirebug.com/lite.html )

FireBug needs no introduction. This is a very famous and all the favorite plugin for FireFox. But now it is available in the Lite version for all browsers!

Scriptlet: javascript:var%20firebug=document.createElement('script');firebug.setAttribute('src','http://getfirebug.com/releases/lite/1.2/firebug-lite-compressed.js');document.body.appendChild(firebug);(function(){if(window.pi&&window.firebug){firebug.init();}else{setTimeout(arguments.callee);}})();void(firebug);

Now let's move away from monsters like XRAY and FireBug Lite. Review of "small" scriptlets.

View passwords (replace asterisks with letters)


Images on page


Find all the links on the page


Regular Expression Search


Translate unnumbered to numbered


Open JS shell (debug window)


Similar, but does not interact with the page.


See how the page looked with other styles.

View created JS styles.


Remove all CSS from page


Similarly, but with pictures

View all CSS from a page in one window

Similar to javascript

An indispensable scriptlet for JS-developer. View all javascript variables

javascript:(function(){var%20x,d,i,v,st;%20x=open();%20d=x.document;%20d.open();%20function%20hE(s){s=s.replace(/&/g,%22&%22);s=s.replace(/%3E/g,%22>%22);s=s.replace(/%3C/g,%22<%22);return%20s;}%20d.write(%22%3Cstyle%3Etd{vertical-align:top;%20white-space:pre;%20}%20table,td,th%20{%20border:%201px%20solid%20#ccc;%20}%20div.er%20{%20color:red%20}%3C/style%3E%3Ctable%20border=1%3E%3Cthead%3E%3Ctr%3E%3Cth%3EVariable%3C/th%3E%3Cth%3EType%3C/th%3E%3Cth%3EValue%20as%20string%3C/th%3E%3C/tr%3E%3C/thead%3E%22);%20for%20(i%20in%20window)%20{%20if%20(!(i%20in%20x)%20)%20{%20v=window[i];%20d.write(%22%3Ctr%3E%3Ctd%3E%22%20+%20hE(i)%20+%20%22%3C/td%3E%3Ctd%3E%22%20+%20hE(typeof(window[i]))%20+%20%22%3C/td%3E%3Ctd%3E%22);%20if%20(v===null)%20d.write(%22null%22);%20else%20if%20(v===undefined)%20d.write(%22undefined%22);%20else%20try{st=v.toString();%20if%20(st.length)d.write(hE(v.toString()));%20else%20d.write(%22 %22)}catch(er){d.write(%22%3Cdiv%20class=er%3E%22+hE(er.toString())+%22%3C/div%3E%22)};%20d.write(%22%3C/pre%3E%3C/td%3E%3C/tr%3E%22);%20}%20}%20d.write(%22%3C/table%3E%22);%20d.close();%20})();

View generated HTML code


Analogue of the FireFox function. The code for the selected fragment.


Select boarders of all divs


Display alert when an error occurs


Promised gift

I understand that the popularity of VKontakte on Habré is falling, but nevertheless VKontakte is an excellent music search engine. But watching what it downloads via FireBug or Cmd + Shift + A (Safari) is inconvenient. Sometimes you want to download a song as soon as you see it on a friend’s page.
For this purpose, this scriptlet was made.

javascript:%20var%20elems%20=%20document.getElementsByTagName('td');for(var%20i=0;%20i<elems.length;%20i++){if(elems[i].innerHTML.indexOf('playimg')>0){params%20=%20elems[i].innerHTML.split('%20');params[4]=params[4].split('operate(').join('');params[4]=params[4].split(');"').join('');params[4]=params[4].split("'").join('');%20params%20=%20params[4].split(',');href%20=%20'http://cs'+params[1]+'.vkontakte.ru/u'+params[2]+'/audio/'+params[3]+'.mp3';elems[i].innerHTML=elems[i].innerHTML+'<a%20href="'+href+'"%20target="new">%D0%A1%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C ';}} void (null)

This scriptlet was written by a friend of mine. On Habré his name is snetgrom .

PS Once again, I apologize for the mash-code on the page, but it was not possible to insert it into the links. The parser "Jevix" cuts it all.


Google-oriented scriptlets

Add highlighted text to Google.Notepad


Adding links to Google. Bookmarks


Adding feed to Google.Reader


UPD This is all a cross post from my blog .

Unfortunately, I could not get WordPress to post such long links, but I framed everything with CODE tags and everything became pretty nice.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40716/

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