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About the market of information search on the Internet

When considering the search on the Internet as an economic category, the processes taking place in the information retrieval market and existing relationships and relations between the subjects and objects of this market are of interest.

What is he like? As an independent education, it includes three main elements: the market for services (search for Internet users, optimizing and advertising services), the labor market, and the capital market. All these three markets are closely interrelated and affect each other and their development depends on the development of all its components.

In other words, the search market of the runet as a mechanism (“big market”) consists of separate “small” markets - the site owners' capital (budgets for online advertising (context, media) and optimization budgets), the search services market for Internet users. , optimizing and advertising services and the labor market (optimizers, advertising agencies, SEO companies).

Thus, these “small” markets are of two types: resources for advancement in the search space (labor, capital) and services — which are based on a search for users (a feature of it is that this service is free for them) and online advertising, promotion and optimization, mastering these resources, transforming them into targeted traffic to the websites of customers - consumers of promotion services. Consulting and educational services (seminars, trainings) in the field of search promotion should also be attributed to small markets.
Subjects and objects of the information search market

It is well known that the subjects of the market are buyers and sellers. Sellers are primarily the search engines themselves offering advertising services (context, media) and the main “informational” product - search results with contextual advertising (this product is free for users, advertisers pay for it and they also pay for the services of optimizers trying to manipulate search results). Search engines can also act as “buyers” of advertising sites - paying for user clicks for contextual advertising on partner sites. This is followed by sellers from a large army of optimizers and internet marketers implementing their services both alone (freelancers) and as part of various advertising agencies and SEO companies.

Relationships and problems of the “small” market of services of promotion and optimization

Vendors from the aforementioned "army" represent an ever-growing industry of website promotion and, in particular, the search engine optimization industry (according to various estimates, the volume is more than 3 billion rubles a year). Search engines disagree with the latter in many respects, actively proclaiming the idea of ​​creating useful and significant sites that, in fact, do not need optimization. “Create high-quality content, and we will correctly carry out its ranking” - something like this. Or "build sites for people, not for search engines." The interest of search engines to “purity of search”, winning the audience and developing the contextual advertising market is obvious - it brings them the main profit, while optimizers “pull” it to themselves, moreover, fully relying on the long-term effectiveness of their services and short-term, rather costly effect of contextual advertising.

For owners of websites with small promotion budgets (representing small and partly medium-sized businesses), this issue is very relevant and their choice often stops at the services of professional optimizers, whose working methods are in most cases the same. The main focus of efforts is on getting external links (links from other sites), since this factor is considered to be quite significant today for ranking pages in search results.

In conjunction with the "content" promotion - the publication of unique, optimized in a reasonable degree of content (well perceived by users when reading) - this activity gives a good result in the form of increasing the conversion of sites (transformation of site visitors into buyers).

The activities associated with doorways (pages oriented to a specific search query and created to take a high place among the results of issuance) and satellites (auxiliary sites that are designed to promote the main site by setting links to it) are mostly very careful. but still it takes place and sometimes brings negative results to customer sites in the form of sanctions by search engines treating such activity as violating the license. Leveling these sanctions can later take a lot of manpower and equipment.

Outdated methods are replaced by new ones over time. Thus, the exchange of links by manual and automatic methods, were replaced by the purchase of links on the exchanges with the sophisticated skill of creating the texts of these links. However, this innovation does not go unnoticed by search engines.

Recently, effective sale of links (for profit from sites) and buying (for raising positions in search engines) has become unacceptable for search engines policy, declared “outlawed” and can lead to sanctions for both “selling” links and “buying ". However, what is the algorithm for determining the "violators" remains the subject of wide discussion for market actors leading a similar game. In addition, despite this, the considered technique is now widely used with the rules developed for a certain number of links on a page (no more than 5) and their “spread” across the page. It has been suggested that search engines "learned" to identify "corrupt" sites, but there is no evidence of this at the moment.


It must be noted that competition arises in any market. The question of competition in the search market arises when the site owner intends to start or improve the promotion of his business on the Internet. Looking for information on the network, doubts, wonders, asks friends. In fact, competition in any market is always a struggle for a place in the mind of a client. As a result, a person decides to apply for additional information to a particular company or freelancer precisely on the basis of the information that he has previously accumulated (often obtained from search engines) about sellers (subjects) of the market. Distributors of this information are promoted by “sellers”, publishing numerous articles on the network about the disadvantages and merits of various methods of promoting and optimizing websites in search engines, and they are also the owners of their websites that offer relevant services. In this case, they also become “buyers” of online advertising services from search engines and links on well-known exchanges.

Thus, market actors act simultaneously as both buyers and sellers. All subjects of the search market closely interact, forming an interconnected "flow" of sale.

The rapid development of the Internet (an increase in the number of its audience), an increase in the number of “selling” sites naturally intensifies the competition of sites already participating in the promotion and applying optimization in the “battle” for the first “dozens” of search engines and the latter here act as “monopolists” in the search market information on the Internet.

As is well known, monopoly creates free competition, and it - in turn - monopoly, and on the search market these phenomena are accompanied by conflicts in the form of various (already mentioned above) sanctions from Yandex - the main search monopolist of Runet. This is the removal of pages from the index, the pessimization of links, the promotion of the market for buying and selling links.

Optimizers, site owners, advertising agencies have to do their work in the face of such a conflict and the lack of detailed information about search engine algorithms and their fairly frequent changes. This process “supports” and “feeds” the market for consulting services in the field of search promotion - with numerous seminars, round tables and conferences, which defines certain innovations for all players, and thus determines one of the main directions in the competitive struggle - the introduction of these innovations.

It should be noted that innovations and technological progress are often also provided by the “monopolist” - a search system that constantly changes search algorithms and updates its index, which is accompanied by the “loss” of pages from “paid” places. Thus, it protects its commercial interest in the development of the contextual advertising market, advocates "effective search" and shows the "instability" of search engine promotion.

A big problem for market actors (namely, site owners) is the presence of unfair competition generated by optimizers (to put it mildly, an unfair part of them) for getting more benefits (with lower costs) and winning the rivalry, using methods and techniques of "gray" and "black "Optimization. This problem causes negative externalities: negative attitude of search engines to optimization as a whole, losses of companies from search engine sanctions for actions of "serochernyh" optimizers, littering of search engines index and irrelevant output at the request of users.

Features of the "small" market services promotion and optimization

The work (which means quality), especially in highly competitive (by keywords) areas, requires constant study of the search market, patience and a lot of effort, clear planning, understanding of goals and a comprehensive approach to search promotion. The results of hard work do not come immediately, but gradually and in order not to lose them in the future, constant work is needed to “maintain” carefully selected keywords, to refine them and to analyze the requests of site visitors.

Market players often emphasize their competitive advantages, for example, such as: free express analysis of the site, using only “white” methods, low prices, “integrated” approach to promotion, creating “beautiful” snippets, thoughtful good contract (guarantees are defined and sanctions), portfolio perfect.


Internet search forms a large complex market mechanism with a powerful set of links based on the interests of market players. It is characterized by a certain "opacity" from the actions of search engines, the actions of competitors, negative external effects (both tangible and intangible) and associated risks, characteristic of achieving results (time, methods) and determining the effectiveness of search promotion, features of competition.

Its continuous development and increase in volume entails the introduction of new methods of work by market entities offering promotion services, motivating them to search for new competitive advantages.

R.A. Dorofeev, faito.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40617/

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