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JAVA class for determining free space under * nix

Somehow, when writing billing, I needed
determine the remaining disk space for storing backups.
The task was to make rotate backups, on the servers where they were stored
detailed traffic data of a fairly large network.
Searches for ready-made solutions were not crowned with success.
I had to write my class. I post it here, nothing complicated, but suddenly someone will come in handy.


Habr, however, a little code cripples ...
 package com.unkur.tools; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.*; /** * Only to use on *nix OS * Class represents info about mounted partitions * and free/used space on it. * It calls df system tool to get required data. * @author dmytro@unkur.com */ public class SpaceInfo { /** * Contains info about mounted partiotion. * @author dmytro@unkur.com */ private class MountedItemInfo{ public String mountedOn; public int available; public int used; public int size; public int capacity; public MountedItemInfo(String[] params){ this.size = (new Integer(params[1])).intValue(); this.used = (new Integer(params[2])).intValue(); this.available = (new Integer(params[3])).intValue(); this.capacity = (new Integer(params[4].substring(0,params[4].length()-1))).intValue(); this.mountedOn = params[5]; } public String toString(){ return "Mount Path:"+this.mountedOn+", Size:"+this.size+", Used:"+ this.used+", Available:"+this.available+", Capacity:"+this.capacity+"%"; } } private HashMap mountMap; /** * Converts(writes) InputStream to String * @param in * @return * @throws IOException */ private static String inputStreamToStr(InputStream in) throws IOException{ StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; for (int readCount; (readCount = in.read(buf)) != -1;) { out.append(new String(buf, 0, readCount)); } in.close(); return out.toString(); } /** * Executes "df -a" command in unix console and updates info * about available space and drives capacity. */ public void updateSpaceInfo() throws IOException{ this.mountMap = new HashMap(); Runtime runtimeObj = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process dfProc; dfProc = runtimeObj.exec("df -a"); InputStream dfIS = dfProc.getInputStream(); String consoleAnswer = inputStreamToStr(dfIS); String[] cAnswerRows = consoleAnswer.split("\n"); for ( int iRow=1; iRow < cAnswerRows.length; iRow++ ){ String[] driveParams = cAnswerRows[iRow].split(" +"); if (driveParams.length==6){ if (driveParams[4].substring(driveParams[4].length()-1).equals("%")){ MountedItemInfo itemInfo = new MountedItemInfo(driveParams); this.mountMap.put(driveParams[5],itemInfo); } } } } /** * The constructor */ public SpaceInfo() throws IOException{ this.updateSpaceInfo(); } public boolean checkIfVolumeExists(String volume){ if (this.mountMap.containsKey(volume)){ return true; } return false; } /** * @return FreeSpace/AllSpace*100; */ public float getVolumeCapacity(String volume) throws Exception{ if (!this.mountMap.containsKey(volume)){ throw new Exception("Required volume does not exist."); } MountedItemInfo info = (MountedItemInfo)this.mountMap.get(volume); return info.capacity; } /** * @param volume * @return Free Space(kb) on partition */ public long getVolumeFreeSpace(String volume) throws Exception{ if (!this.mountMap.containsKey(volume)){ throw new Exception("Required volume does not exist."); } MountedItemInfo info = (MountedItemInfo)this.mountMap.get(volume); return info.available; } /** * @param volume * @return Used Space(kb) on partition */ public long getVolumeUsedSpace(String volume) throws Exception{ if (!this.mountMap.containsKey(volume)){ throw new Exception("Required volume does not exist."); } MountedItemInfo info = (MountedItemInfo)this.mountMap.get(volume); return info.used; } /** * @return Set of mounted partitions */ public Set getVolumes(){ return mountMap.keySet(); } public String toString(){ Collection volumes = this.mountMap.values(); Iterator vIt = volumes.iterator(); String result = ""; while(vIt.hasNext()){ MountedItemInfo volume = (MountedItemInfo)vIt.next(); result+=volume.toString()+"\n"; } return result; } } 

Py.Sy. It was possible to use regulars, but the task was solved faster and easier without them.
If anyone needs a version with regulars - contact.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40536/

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