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Thoughts on the state of the venture capital market in Ukraine

On Friday, I made a presentation of the Comindwork project at a meeting of the Club of Private Investors in Ukraine . And I want to tell the situation with venture investment in Ukraine, since I saw it.

The global economy does not come to all equally. We first had it in the form of competition, and soon it will be in the form of opportunities. As a result, there is virtually no local venture capital market. For globally-oriented teams there’s nothing to look for here.

Alas, there are still borders: Western investors do not directly want to work with Ukraine directly (logically, another country is an additional risk). And local investors have nowhere to appear, since they
- are not used to working in global markets (unlike investors in highly competitive countries)
- can not as risk as investors in the United States, lower the overall market culture
The cost of creating a product is about the same throughout the world, but geographically local markets have become too small. Therefore, my first logical solution is only global advanced projects and ideas.

The second conclusion: it will be awesome right now to gain experience in the creation and management of global businesses. Watch, think and try. "Innovations not only in technology or in a product, but also in business."

The third conclusion. In the next couple of years legal and managerial assistance for startups, tying up local teams and foreign investors will be very popular and in demand.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40480/

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