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CISCO buys Jabber Inc

As representatives of CISCO said on Friday, the purchase, which cost the company an unannounced amount, was made in order to increase the product line for online communication. According to Giles Chekroun, unified communications and Webex technology will be enhanced with the help of Jabber tools.

Analyzing the situation, Michael Remond, president of ProcessOne, a CISCO competitor in the field of IM, noted that the purchase occurred shortly after Adobe acquired another Antepo IM platform. Remond also mentions that the acquisition of Jabber is a significant victory for open protocols over SIP / SIMPLE, which CISCO used earlier, and a sign that Internet protocols are winning telecommunications.

via LOR
PS Let's hope that Cisco will support and develop the best IM protocol, rather than prefer to quietly bury it for the sake of SIP.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40455/

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