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Star nebulae, galactic clusters and exoplanets: Friday selection of space video


Self-satisfied philosophers and heartless scientists assure us that nothing lasts forever under the moon. Even the moon itself. But whatever science and logic do, the space compared to us is eternal. And we, like one-minute flies, rush through life and try to catch as much as possible. But let's stop a bit, take a breath and look at what was forever before us, and will be forever after us. On the boundless spaces of the universe.

The music video "Star dust" (in one of the roles - "Voyager"):

500 years ago a supernova exploded in the Orion Nebula. The amount of energy ejected was comparable to how much our Sun generates in 10 million years.

Perseid Meteor Shower in Joshua Tree National Park, California:

A selection of rendered scenes and pictures taken by the Hubble orbiting telescope:

The largest at the beginning of 2015 image of the Andromeda galaxy, the resolution is 69,536 x 22,230 pixels:

But these "pillars of eternity", they say, no longer exist, disappeared:

Procedurally generated space scenes at the base of the Space Engine:

With the help of a lens with a focal length of 400 mm, three magnifying adapters and such a mother, an enthusiastic astronomer shot the moon with a huge magnification and excellent quality. Pay attention to the atmospheric fluctuations leading to "fluctuations" of the image:

Emissions of plasma to the sun. At 1:07 for comparison, the size of the Earth is given:

Views of Mars, photos and renderings:

A pair of videos from which you can gather information about the star system TRAPPIST-1, consisting of a red dwarf and 7 planets, of which three are in the habitat zone.

Visual comparison of the sizes of planets, stars, galaxies and other objects in the Universe. Feel the insignificance of yourself, your problems and everything that has ever happened and will happen to humanity:

And from this video you can get some idea of ​​the size of black holes:

With this we will complete our session of contemplation of the eternal. Are there other sticking space videos to take? Throw in the comments.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/404463/

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