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Search for products from Microsoft

Microsoft quietly opened a new service based on the online platform Microsoft Live . The Microsoft Live Products search engine is a direct competitor to the Froogle search engine.

At the time of the opening of the service (this happened without any announcements), Microsoft Live Products database contained descriptions of goods from 100,000 sellers. Like Froogle, the service searches only among commercial positions. It allows you to compare prices of different stores and, thus, helps to find the most advantageous offer. Both of these services are free for sellers.

There is one important difference between Froogle and Live Products. The Froogle service receives information from sellers through the Froogle APIs (sellers update the information in the search index themselves), but Live Products operates more technologically and independently finds product offers on the Internet. In this regard, Live Products resembles a new generation of product search engines that independently explore the Web in search of goods for sale. Perhaps the most technological of such developments (Dulance system) in the spring of 2006 was bought by Google, and the company's founder, Sergey Burkov, was appointed head of the Russian R & D center, Google.
Product search engines of the new generation have a number of advantages. First, the index is updated automatically. New online stores get there immediately after a search robot visits them. Secondly, the search results can be presented taking into account the reference ranking of websites. True, there is a drawback: the product base is more difficult to structure. When sellers do it manually, there should be no errors, and in the case of automatic classification inaccuracies sometimes occur.

Judging by the first impression , now Live Products cannot yet compare with Froogle neither in terms of search quality nor speed of operation. Froogle produces results almost instantly, whereas Live Products requires 2-4 seconds to process a request. In addition, Live Products search results contain a lot of unnecessary information, and viewing them is not as convenient as Froogle listings.

Froogle also has links to customer reviews about a particular product. This is not available in the Live Products service.

However, the development of Microsoft still has some interesting features. For example, a mobile Ajax-slider for interactive control of how much information should be output (including turning on / off photos).

It is not yet known how Live Products will be integrated with the Live Shopping service. The good news is that, unlike Live Shopping, the Live Products search engine is compatible with Firefox.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/4043/

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