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Sattvic work

Periodically I meet on Habré articles telling how to succeed. All of them are workers, they all lead to success (at least by the authors themselves). I want to share and I reasoning on the topic of success in general and in business in particular.

First, some terminology:
According to the ancient Sanskrit treatises, everything in the world has its own energy, and all the energy in the universe is divided into 3 types:

Tamas or tamo-guna - the guna of ignorance. One of the three gunas, or qualities of material nature in Hinduism. The term is also used in Buddhism. Among the three gunas - sattva, rajas and tamas - tamas is considered the most negative, or the lowest guna of material nature. The main characteristics of tamo-guna are:

Rajas or rajo-guna (Sk. रजस्) - in the Sankhya philosophy, one of the six schools of Indian philosophy, is one of the qualities (guns) of material nature - the mode of passion or the mode of activity. If an individual or an element shows great activity, passion or excitement, that person or element is under the influence of rajas. Rajas is manifested in the following:

Sattva (Skt. सत्त्व, sattva? - “purity”, “pure”; literally “existence, reality”) is the mode of goodness, one of the three modes (qualities) of material nature in Hinduism philosophy, in particular in Sankhya philosophy - one of the six orthodox philosophical systems of Hinduism. Among the three gunas - sattva, rajas and tamas - sattva is considered the purest and sublime quality of material nature.

Sattva is the purest and most fertile energy. The phrase is not clear, now I will explain. The bottom line is that everything we do, all our actions are charged with the energy in which we arrive. If we do something with anger in our hearts, then the result will be appropriate, if we do something with a pure heart, then the work will be pure.

Now I will explain why all this is necessary. According to the laws of nature like attracts like. A magnet attracts a magnet, or rather the metal from which it is composed, the ducks gather together and fly to the south, the gopniks pile at the stall and discuss the waste mobiles. Similar attracts like.

Let's go back to work. The energy with which we charge the fruit of our labors, whether it is a design layout, or orders to subordinates, or this change in the store, will contact the consumer - the person to whom our action was addressed. This person receives energy and (in most cases) sends us a charge of the same energy. Remember the commandment: treat people the way you want them to treat you. That is, by doing work, being in a state of Sattva (blogging, peace) we will receive the same energy of goodness from our partners.

Now I will talk about what it is to work in the state of Sattva in the everyday sense.

Forget about the money
The end in itself should only be a benefit to another person. This does not mean that we urgently need to start working for the gift. Not. This means that the driving force behind your activities should be the desire to create good, and money - a nice addition.

Whatever is done is done for the better.
I will give an example from my freelance practice. I once worked on a single project. The customer seemed to be adequate, but I passed each layout for several weeks. At the beginning, I was very outraged, I made the next contradictory amendments with gnashing teeth, tinkling at a careless customer. But then I remembered the simple truth “everything that is done, is done for the better”, and began to make amendments quite calmly, reconciling with them. After that, the customer's layout was satisfied and the work was handed over.

Perform work as if you were working on yourself
It's simple. We must forget about money and be motivated by the mere desire to help. This means that the work must be done not “just to pass”, and so that it brings the customer the greatest possible benefit, that is, to work out not only strictly within the framework of the TK, but somewhat more. If you are engaged in web-design, it means that you need to prepare a layout for the layout designer; if you are a programmer, you need to prepare all the technical documentation so that you can easily figure out the code after you; if you are an entrepreneur, take care of your subordinates so much if you yourself were subordinates.

All this sounds like something unprovable, abstract, near religious and inapplicable to the masses. But if we consider these points from a logical point of view, then in everything you can find a rational grain:

Forget about the money. It is difficult to imagine that constantly thinking about them, you can concentrate on work and give something worthwhile, that is, it multiplies the amount of work that entails a decrease in material gain. Therefore, we must forget about money.
All goes to good. It's simple. If you constantly harass yourself with the feelings that everyone around you rides and mocks you, your nerve cells do not recover :) Consequently, do not worry.
Do the work for yourself. Through the setting of higher goals than is required, development takes place, and development is new opportunities, and new opportunities are new material benefits. Therefore, we must work in full force.

In confirmation, I will give one parable:

A man walked around the city ... Which city, and which street, I will not say, this is a secret. So, a passer-by was walking around the city, thinking about something of his own, and suddenly found himself standing still. Looking around, he realized that he was locked in a corner, and there was no way back. He felt so sad that he lay down and fell asleep. And this person had a dream that he continues to walk, and there is no corner. He liked it so much that he decided not to wake up.

The drkgoy man was in the corner. And, being a strong-willed and purposeful man, he decided to fight this angle. And he fought, fought, inventing new and new ways of struggle. Little by little, the man forgot that he once had a completely different goal.

The third man hit the corner. He found that not alone in this corner. He met other people, learned their stories, sympathized. And him
sympathized. He felt some commonality, and then he went so far into the affairs of the collective that he had no time to talk about corners. And he - deep down - was even glad about that.

The fourth man walked and walked, and accidentally walked into a corner. He grieved and prepared to die. Another person walked by, saw the first one, and said: - There are no corners, you yourself invented a corner, and you yourself got into it.
The first did not agree:
- How so!? Here is the corner, here I am, there is no way out, and this is not fiction!
Then the second answered:
- Maybe you're right, but judge for yourself: what will bring you more benefit - the truth that you're in a corner, or a lie that angles do not exist?
The first thought deeply.
And while he was thinking, he accidentally took a step, then the second ...

At first, the person simply did not pay attention to what was happening to him and what was surrounding him. And when I once lifted my head and looked around, I found that the world around him was different, and he also became different. And the man smiled sincerely - for the first time in a long time.

Before believing or disbelieving, think about what you will get by following this and what you will get without following.

If you follow these simple points and do the work with the tranquility of an elephant above the waters of the Ganges River, without meltseness, this will mean that you have found Sattva and that Sattva will respond to you in return. But the "reciprocity" for each person is different, for one it is Lexus, for another - foam from all sides. The most important thing is to understand that we all learn and everything that happens to us is the lessons of fate. But more about that in another article.

I told everything very karyavo, as I understand the essence. Original source

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40416/

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