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What does Cloud Service hide behind services, how they are hardware implemented and what they give to the end user

Hi% username%! Today we will talk with you about the clouds, a little about their device and that allows providers to maintain infrastructure, while saving on costs.

Cloud storage. Cloud service. Cloud computing. The term “cloudy”, which is more out of place and out of place, is increasingly sculpted on all services accessible via the Internet, even had a little time.
Especially in cases when ordinary hosting is issued for cloud storage. This also happens, and more and more recently.

In this article, we will describe how various cloud services are hardware implemented using the example of the Cloud4Y provider, and describe what they provide to the average user.

To begin with, let's define what exactly we will consider a cloud. Unlike a virtual or dedicated server for storing data, whose configuration and location are immediately known to the client, the cloud is a network of multiple repositories, servers for computing, renting licenses, connected in such a way that the data is stored on them. Such networking increases both availability and resiliency. Of course, even a zipper can fly into the Amazon data center, violating the stability of the work of almost the largest player in the market, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

For a client on the other side, the cloud is something abstract. Many people understand that there is no cloud, but there is just another computer. This is how it works, except that there are many such computers.

The work of the cloud is not so much a computer as a hypervisor. A reliable hypervisor with full functionality will transfer the virtual machine "on the fly" to another host. Server hardware, of course, is very important, but virtualization technologies make the cloud a cloud. Without it, there is no cloud, there is a data center.

In the cloud, virtual machines may not be tied to a specific server and move between them in order to optimize the load distribution between fewer machines.

You can buy 100 servers and load them at 10% each, you can 15 servers with a hypervisor and load them at 70%

What can make a client, be it a private individual or a large company, switch from its own capacities to cloud ones? The two most common motives are money and trends. Money - because most often the transition to the cloud (if it is organized correctly) is an opportunity to save on infrastructure and its maintenance. Trends - "everyone ran and I ran." How does it feel to be a leading company in some field when competitors claim that they have everything in the cloud for a long time and you are a little not so attractive to customers?


Organizing your own infrastructure is always good. All the data is at your fingertips, you know where the servers are and who has access to them, administrators monitor the hardware, everyone is happy.

Usually, the decision to go to the cloud is associated either with the growth of the company as a whole, or with a periodic desire to calculate current expenses and see what can be cut.

In the case of hosting the infrastructure, you must pay:

Each of these points additionally becomes a weak link in the work. A substation can suddenly be cut off in the area, leaving the coffee machine, all server capacities, and the whole area as a whole without a light. The administrator can be on vacation - get sick - urgently leave the workplace - you need to underline. Well, how many horror stories goes about cleaners, methodically and with cold calculating tilting buckets just so as to cause maximum damage to the server.

And if the company is international and it needs to simultaneously place the iron in different countries and cities, at the same time be sure that everything is set up correctly and works adequately. And if a number of employees work remotely, and you cannot guarantee the level of security of their home devices?


By placing the necessary power in the cloud, the client removes some of the problems. Of course, not everything and everyone will immediately become perfect, no one has canceled the human factor, but at least:

An additional plus, for which I must say thanks to a large number of providers and healthy competition - the constant freshness of the iron itself. If you do everything within your own company, you can buy top-end hardware according to the version of 2010 and update it as it fails.

Cloud providers are trying to update the hardware as new things appear on the market with better features than they did yesterday. It is necessary to meet all new and new standards and buy the most reliable hardware. The end consumer only wins from such competition (however, as elsewhere). Of course, the top hardware will always affect the price level of those tariffs on which it is used, but nobody canceled budget tariffs with weaker capacities either.


In order to meet modern needs, Cloud4Y uses proven equipment from corporate-class suppliers, which has already proven itself to work.

Blade Servers from HP (BladeSystem c7000 Platinum)

POWER UNIT (Redundant Power Modules)6 pieces
Fan (redundant fan modules)10 pieces;
EM Card (control modules with redundancy)2 pcs
10Gb Intelligent L3 Switch (10G Redundant Switches)4 things

HP BL460C G8

CPU2x Intel Xeon E5-2670v1-v2 family processors, 2.6GHz
Memory256GB Registered ECC
Storage2 SFF SAS / SATA / SSD
Storage controllerSmart Array P220i / P230i
Ethernet10 Gbps 544FLB FlexFabric, 2 10G Ports


Fixed configuration switches for fast switching in the network core. The Cisco Nexus 3000 Series Switch does not delay data transfer, even during part-time channels.
Number of ports52 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports (48 SFP + and 4 QSFP +)
Speedup to 1.2 terabytes per second (Tbps)
Broadcastup to 950 million packets per second (mpps)

As a provider providing cloud hosting services, Cloud4Y is also interested in ensuring that the investment is adequate. The user, by the way, will also benefit if the provider manages to purchase reliable and high-quality, but at the same time inexpensive hardware. After all, all the increased costs for iron, which the provider bears, are paid, including by the user, due to the increase in the cost of the tariff on which this hardware is used.

And one of the ways to save money on the purchase of server memory , while not getting subsidence in quality, was the use of low-voltage DDR3 memory and DDR4 RDIMM / LRDIMM (Load Reduced DIMM) from Kingston.

In the case of servers, one of the main characteristics of memory is its fault tolerance and compatibility. There are no problems with this.

First, in the Kingston lines there are models for every taste and color that are compatible with any equipment used by the provider. We have boards compatible with the hardware of all well-known rack manufacturers, ensuring stable operation without problems.

Secondly, before putting on sale each die from each batch passes a rather serious stress test. And because of this, we can give a lifetime warranty for memory. All dies are made from the highest quality components, undergo additional testing and fully meet the requirements of JEDEC .

Third, support and test drive. If suddenly (suddenly), something went wrong, the buyer is relieved of a headache in terms of all kinds of support. We have an official representative office in the Russian Federation, it works properly (by the way, write down, 8-800-700-13-50), the guys on the other side of the pipe will solve the problems you have and answer all questions. And besides this, the server memory buyer can simply take our memory for a test drive to see how it will work in the field on its particular hardware.

Quite useful is the ability to buy memory from one vendor for different needs - ValueRAM, ValueRAM Server, and memory for branded systems, whose hardware provider is used to using. So potential problems with compatibility of iron are solved at a stage of a choice of the supplier.

What is important - on request we always have the required number of dies for shipment.

Server memory - an element that has a direct impact on the speed of the server. The good old principle of "Memory does not happen much" shows itself in the cloudy world in all its glory.

After all, the more memory, the larger amounts of information can be processed in less time. And if we talk about how often they began to use clouds for testing and virtualization, then high-quality memory is almost the first thing to start building a cloud for customers.

Virtualization is a cloud-based technology that allows you to slice a physical server into virtual machines, using a hypervisor that is responsible for virtualization. He also rolls the virtual machines between servers, if necessary, and allocates resources within the server.

Clouds have become more common, this is done as a replacement for any proprietary IT infrastructure (for testing, storage, computing, applications). Cloud is a business model when everything is leased via the Internet.


The SaaS scheme allows you to approach the very future when the computer is only a terminal for accessing data, and not a physical machine on which everything is stored and processed. In the case of SaaS, the user needs only a login and password from the desired service and quite an average machine.

More and more services are gradually moving to the cloud. If earlier it was limited to just data storage, now the cloud is corporate portals, CRM, accounting, and PBX. In general, almost everything a modern company needs for work can be used as cloud services.

These are what Cloud4Y offers today.

Office 365 - a package of necessary office software, including the ability to install versions for PC, OneDrive cloud and all other Microsoft benefits for this product.

1C (rent and hosting) - from 753 rubles per month. An isolated environment for each customer, backups, USB keys, the ability to use their licenses, and the provider only has to be hosted, installing any programs and much more.

1C Bitrix Corporate Portal

For hosters - ISPManager

Cloud IP PBX from OKTELL

The remaining services.


Cloud4Y has a lot of relevant infrastructure solutions and here are just a few of them:

Configurable for your needs virtual servers based on enterprise solutions.

The Cloud FZ 152 solution frees the Operator PD from the costs of creating a secure IT infrastructure to meet the requirements of 152-FZ and 242-FZ.

GPU (cloud graphics) - graphics processors in the cloud - the solution is suitable for "heavy" software such as Sony Vegas Pro, GRAPHISOFT, Solidworks, Compass, Nanocad, T-Flex, Polymatics, the entire line of Adobe CC and others.

"PCI DSS hosting" allows companies to work with banks directly through the payment interfaces of the bank and the Internet enterprise itself.

Backup data center - 2 in 1 replication and backup.

Catastrophe- resistant solution SYNCCLUSTER is a solution that combines a cluster-based array with synchronous mirroring.

Cloud CDN (content delivery network) is a unique approach that allows visitors to your site from different parts of the world to get quick access to all the necessary data: audio and video streams, text files and pictures.

And what is the perfect cloud for you? What services and features should be offered so that you can transfer all your current work to the cloud?

And most importantly, would you trust everything to the cloud, without periodic local backups?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/404109/

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