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Learn to get rid of the limit of 750 "friends" and learn to search by comments

Among the innovations that will appear in LiveJournal in the near future, will be the abolition of restrictions on 750 "friends" and the ability to search for comments in magazines. The correspondent of "Tapes.Ru" was informed by the head of the blog service of the company "Sup" Anton Nosik.

Recall, under an agreement with the company-owner of LJ Six Apart, “Soup” receives the rights to service and provide new services to Russian-speaking users of LJ. The Soupa specialists have access to the LiveJournal software core and will make changes to it that will affect Russian-language bloggers in LiveJournal both in Russia and abroad. One of the first innovations will be the abolition of the quota for the number of friends (extremely relevant for Russian users of LiveJournal, many of which have reached the limit of 750 "friends") and the provision of the Yandex.Blogs search service with access to indexing comments.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/404/

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