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April ranking of the most scientific research developments: save shrimp and eternal killer fillings

Eternal fillings, mutation diagnostics, Yakut mammoths and Mexican shrimps, scorched Moscow Ring Road, fast gold and the use of gold hair are many more in the April charts of the most media scientific developments of Russian universities MISiS.


Hello! Your attention is invited to the April hit parade of the most media scientific developments of Russian universities. Let me remind you that this monthly project was started by us, on the one hand, in order to popularize Russian science, on the other hand, I really wanted to understand what scientific developments are getting good press and cause a resonance in the Russian media.

Recall the criteria that guide us in the preparation of the rating. Studies are ranked according to the simplest and verifiable principle - the number of reprints of the original message. The number of reprints is determined using the information-analytical system of monitoring and effective analysis of the Russian media "Medialogia".
Only Russian developments and only developments of researchers from higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation are included in the rating.

Another important caveat - according to the principle of “not to mix the immiscible”, the ranking does not represent the achievements of scientists working in the field of the humanities. The reasons are clear - and without that it is clear that any research on pensions in the media plan will tear everyone apart, like a Tuzik heater. For this, we do not include a variety of monitoring, measurements of subsistence minimum, etc. studies performed with a known frequency.

So, meet the most popular scientific developments in the media in April:

10. People "I"


At the tenth position of the TOP-SCIENCE charts is a study of geneticists from the Northeastern Federal University who created a chip for diagnosing mutations characteristic of Yakuts. According to the press service of the NEFU, it now takes only four hours to immediately detect five hereditary diseases common in Yakutia, whereas earlier each disease had to be diagnosed separately. Geneticists have been collecting more than ten years of the base of hereditary mutations of the indigenous population of Yakutia. According to the researchers, the TOP-5 hereditary diseases in the region include 3-M syndrome, also known as Yakut short-stature syndrome, SOPH syndrome, tyrosinemia, methemoglobinemia and congenital nonsyndromic deafness.
10 place, 98 publications

9. Superpolymers for superindustry


The ninth place in the TOP-SCIENCE rating from NITU "MISiS" for Kabardino-Balkaria State University named after Kh. M. Berbekov, the materials scientists of which reported on the development of a new generation of superstructural polymers. According to the researchers, the materials obtained are economical in production, thermo-and frost-resistant, radiation-resistant and at the same time twice as light as aluminum. According to the developers, the properties of these materials can be controlled at the molecular level, varying the characteristics in a wide range. It is noteworthy that these superstructural polymers were specially created for the three-dimensional printing of unmanned aerial vehicles, exoskeletons, complex parts of robotic devices and spacesuit elements.
9th place, 99 publications

8. Batyr on a canoe


Paleontologists from St. Petersburg State University and Tomsk State University discovered and described a new genus of Mesozoic mammals, creating one of the most popular news events in April. Perhaps the whole thing in the name - a previously unknown beast called Baidabatyr. As TSU paleontologist explained Stepan Ivantsov: “The name was invented by the word“ kayak ”, because it is only possible to get to the place of the expedition by kayak. And “batyr” is a Turkic “hero”. Usually representatives of this order are found in Mongolia, and in the names of most species the same word is included, but Mongolian - “baatar”.

It is a pity that there were no philologists on the expedition. They would explain that Baydarbaatar sounds much better.
8th place, 101 publication

7. There is no life inside the Moscow Ring Road.


In the seventh place of the TOP-SCIENCE charts are scientists from the Institute of Dynamics of Geospheres of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of Geosystems of MIPT. These worthy people built a mathematical model of possible events that will occur on Earth if an asteroid measuring 50–100 meters in diameter falls into the center of Moscow. For comparison, about this size was the famous Tunguska meteorite. Sad forecasts - a crater the size of the Garden Ring is formed in the center of the capital, a shock wave will kill all living things within the Moscow Ring Road, massive fires will sweep the Moscow Region, there will be no glasses left in the Central Federal District, communication problems will start all over Europe, and the whole Earth will wait for several years abnormal weather phenomena.
7th place, 101 publications

6. Mammoths killed the articular mouse.


Paleontologists from Tomsk State University told about the collection of bone mammoth remnants collected at one of the world's largest “mammoth cemeteries” in the old town of Berelokh in Yakutia. In total, scientists have found more than eight thousand bones, some even have cartilage remnants. In 42% of the samples there are signs of bone diseases, and two of them were found for the first time in mammoths - this is the so-called “articular mouse” and the openness of the transverse apertures of the cervical vertebrae. Such a high percentage of pathologies confirms the well-known hypothesis of TSU paleontologists, according to which "mammoths died out due to geochemical stress caused by mineral starvation due to serious environmental changes on the planet."
6 place 105 publications

5. Shrimp in silver


While scientists of Tomsk State University studied the Yakut mammoths, their colleagues from Tomsk Polytechnic University rescued Mexican shrimps. A drug based on silver nanoparticles, developed at Polytech, has recently been tested in Mexico for the treatment of the deadly shrimp viral disease - the “white spots virus”. The study showed that the drug works great - after treatment, the survival rate of infected shrimp was 80%. Numerous reprints of the story about the miraculous rescue of shrimp fry brought the plot to fifth place in the TOP-SCIENCE rating from NUST "MISiS".
5th place, 120 publications

4. Nanoparticles for cancer cells


Employees of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of the Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov in collaboration with scientists from the Federal Research Center "Crystallography and Photonics" of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Northeastern University USA offered a new type of anti-cancer agent assembled from parts of the cell. The use of the drug caused a programmable death of cancer cells, and even cells with resistance to other anti-cancer drugs died. The success of scientists in the fight against cancer was a sufficient reason to get into the "first scientific hit parade."
4th place, 128 publications

3. Namoem it quickly


“Bronze” in the March TOP-SCIENCE ranking is obtained by researchers from NITU “MISiS”, who, together with employees of the Chinese corporation ZijinMiningGroup, created a new method for extracting one of the most popular metals on the microelectronics market - gold. The new process for obtaining gold is based on the use of ammonium cyanide leaching: in this way, the noble metal is extracted four to eight times faster than using standard technology. And if you consider that this technology can be used to produce gold from electronic scrap and computer equipment, then the interest of the press to the golden prospects is not at all surprising.
3rd place, 147 publications

2. Eternal killer fillings


The “silver” of the rating is again at the scientists from the NITU “MISiS”, who have created a technique that can become the basis of a fundamentally new method of antibacterial therapy in dentistry and areas close to it. We are talking about fillings using nanoparticles of oxides of iron, zinc, titanium and other metals, which in dental materials have a unique property - they work as antibiotics without side effects. The use of such fillings allows you to solve a long-standing problem - the active formation of colonies of pathogenic bacteria at the junction of the filling and the tooth, and thus significantly delay or make the next visit to the dentist unnecessary.
2 place, 156 publications

1. Discrimination bald


The winner of the April TOP-SCIENCE ranking was the development of chemists at Tomsk State University, who calculate the characteristics of the human body and its susceptibility to certain diseases from the spectrum of hair. "Diagnosis by hair" allows you to determine the concentration of vital trace elements in the human body. Their imbalance leads to the development of various diseases, many of which are hidden for a long time. The interest of researchers is not limited to diseases. Scientists have shown that the higher the student's IQ, the less tin and cadmium in his hair.
1st place, 178 publications

In addition, in April, Russian scientists found traces of ancient earthquakes and antibiotics in maggots; found out how climate influenced the face shape of ancient people and how the inhabitants of Primorye ate in the Neolithic period; created a new way to deal with depression and "eternal" drives and dealt with many equally important problems. However, this news was not replicated by the media so actively.

In May, we are waiting for new discoveries of Russian scientists, which TOP-SCIENCE will tell in the summer. Stay with us!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403949/

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