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Kilopower space reactor

An interesting NASA / DOE project eluded me in preparation for previous reviews of space reactors [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]. This is the easiest and simplest version of a nuclear reactor, designed to replace the plutonium RTGs in both long-range space missions and the power supply of small astronaut bases, at least according to the creators.

The project is interesting because many conventions in appearance have been rejected here that prevail in different paper reactors, and the low level of complexity allows us to make the design as simple as that of RTGs, which in fact can lead this project to success. The simple design and the correct ideology make it possible to go through the development stages at a very high speed, which is not typical of decades of space nuclear reactor projects.

The conceptual image of Kilopower, from left to right, is radiators-refrigerators, 2 assemblies of Stirling generators, radiation protection and heat pipes, a reflector of a beryllium oxide reactor (a reactor inside it).

Kilopower power should be from 1 to 10 kW of electric (and 4 times higher - thermal, which gives a efficiency of 25%), and be configured for a specific mission. What is interesting, as I understand it, only the heat-electric part will change from power, and the nuclear part, in fact, will remain approximately the same for all options. The reactor, being worked out in the American laboratory of LANL, is a cylinder made of 7% molybdenum alloy and highly enriched uranium 235, which (HEU), for some reason, are afraid of space reactor developers, although they haven’t found any terrorists or dictators beyond Jupiter’s orbit. The cylinder diameter is ~ 11 cm, length is 25 cm, weight is ~ 35 kg, inside there is a channel 3.7 cm in diameter, where the only boron carbide rod is located.

Molybdenum in the alloy with uranium is needed here to impart mechanical strength and stability of uranium to phase transitions during heating, and reactivity is regulated by boron carbide neutron absorber of boron carbide - in the inserted state, the reactor is subcritical even when released into water, in the withdrawn (once and for all) - goes to zakritiku and gaining thermal power. Power is governed by the geometry of the reactor and the reflector, which is chosen so that when heated to 1200 K, the thermal expansion of the uranium alloy of the reactor will reduce Keff (the neutron ratio in the next generation) strictly to 1, and then it will warm up for more than 10 years with the ongoing chain reaction.


Plate with calculated Keff reactor: 1) a cold reactor with a withdrawn rod, 2) a cold reactor with an inserted rod, 3) a heated reactor with a withdrawn rod at the start of operation 4) a heated reactor with a withdrawn rod after 10 years of burnout.

The reactor is surrounded by a neutron reflector (to reduce the critical mass) of beryllium oxide, into which heat pipes are inserted - and this is absolutely the whole structure of the reactor itself. Between the block of energy converters and the active zone there is a segment (shadow, protecting only in one direction) radiation protection from layers of lithium hydride and tungsten.

The most amazing thing in my opinion is the absence of a shell in the uranium core - it is not needed in space, on earth this reactor never starts up. It remains only to envy the unbeaten thinking and the lack of atomic surveys in the orbit of Neptune.

The reactor core and two options for fixing heat pipes on it. By the way, fixing heat pipes to uranium is one of the unexpectedly difficult problems in this development, mainly because the remaining elements of the reactor are simple or have been worked out.

Heat removed from the core and the reflector by heat pipes is supplied to the hot ends of the Stirling generators (in different studies of the reactor there are different numbers and capacities, but probably about 4-16 pieces), and their cold ends are connected to radiator coolers. Here, too, there is a robust simplicity in the design - heat pipes are widely used in spacecraft, and Stirling generators for space NASA has been testing for the second decade. At the same time, it is believed that Stirling’s closed gas construction is better than the branched and equipment-requiring construction of turboelectric transducers (on the Brighton cycle, which are fashionably referred to in Western articles as the Brayton units).

Passed in 2016, tests at the NASA Glenn Center assembled from a reactor simulator (made from alloy uranium, heated by heating elements) and 8 Stirling generators assembled in pairs in 4 assemblies. Stand for testing the system in vacuum.

The competitiveness of RTGs with Pu238 Kilopower is distinguished by much greater cheapness (35 kg of highly enriched uranium costs about $ 0.5 million, compared to about $ 50 million for 45 kg of Pu238 required for a kilowatt RTG) and much smaller handling problems during the preparation of the spacecraft and its launch, however, today developers from LANL have been talking about the ten-year life of the reactor, while the RTGs of the Voyagers have been working for 40 years already - somewhere this may be an important circumstance.

The test site in Nevada, where the reactor tests and the Stirling generator will remain, which NASA has left after the Stirling RTG creation program.

The ten-year period of work, apparently, is mainly limited to the mechanical part of the reactor (Stirling generators). In any case, the uranium core for 10 years of operation at a power of 4 kilowatts (thermal) will burn out less than 0.1%, and the swelling and damage to the material will be about 1/10 of the thermal expansion, the reduction in power due to poisoning is also considered insignificant.

Video from LANL, telling about the project (in English).

An important circumstance for space is the mass of the reactor. NASA assembles its RTGs from cubes, with a minimum option in the form of a MMRTG weighing 45 kg and a capacity of 125 watts, there is also a GPHS-RTG weighing about 60 kg and a power of 300 electric watts, while the minimum version of Kilopower is 1 kW weighs about 300 kg, of which the reactor and radiation protection weigh about 230 kg. Unfortunately, not every NASA device sent to deep space has a mass reserve of 100–250 kg, even at the expense of saving $ 50 million on plutonium 238.

Different options for energy sources that can be created on the basis of Kilopower.

In principle, the Kilopower developers would definitely be on horseback if DOE had not resumed the Pu238 production program not so long ago - after all, in 2011, when the project of this space reactor actually started, the possibility of restoring the production of Pu238 was still hypothetical, which fueled interest to alternatives.

Some more iron - tests of heat pipes and thermal reactor-pipe models in a vacuum test bench.

During the development, LANL specialists proposed and calculated the construction of a kilowatt uranium reactor, and more - conducted a small experiment on its critter assembly Flattop, which is a ball of enriched uranium surrounded by a beryllium reflector. The experiment was to install a micro styrling and a heat pipe in the critical assembly, which made it possible to get 25 watts of electrical power from the heat of the chain reaction for some time, so to speak, proof of concept.

The flattop assembly and sliding beryllium reflector, in the right sidebar - installation of a heat pipe and a stirling generator to it.

After a successful demonstration, the Kilopower project received funding directly from NASA and NNSA (this is the agency involved in the storage, production and trafficking of nuclear materials in the USA) for 16.17 and 18 years, which involves creating a prototype kilowatt generator with a real nuclear reactor (!) And testing it in 2018 Nevada. The Y-12 plant (usually engaged in the production of nuclear weapons) will manufacture the reactor, the reflector will fabricate the LANL, the thermal part of the reactor, the vacuum stand and the biosecurity for testing will be done by the Marshal Center of NASA, the module with the reactor simulator (electrically heated depleted uranium) will be tested in 2017 in the center of Glenn NASA.

Plans for the Kilopower project. ISRU - on-site propellant production (on Mars), GRC - Glenn NASA center, SBIR - program for developing a wide range of NASA technologies

Against the background of projects of “large” reactors that pass all circles of development, stand construction, stand tests, regulatory approvals, stand safety justifications, etc. For decades, a project of such duration, simplicity and with a good probability of flying into space cannot but rejoice. He will begin to delight even more if he is selected as an energy source in one of the distant missions that are going to space in the next decade.

PS Interesting NASA presentation on aspects of using nuclear energy in a mission visiting Mars
PPS Slightly unintelligible (explanations start from the middle), but a rather unique video on the development of the late 80s, early 90s - the SP-100 high-temperature space reactor, which was mainly planned for military use, which is still partially classified.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403941/

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