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General information about Technocom

Saluton, hello friends. Last time, he told part of his pre-history of Technocom . I say “my own”, because even now, at the very beginning, Technokom is already quite a few people, and each has its own background. Today I’ll start to tell more specifics, starting with the most general information, and I’m also starting to answer previously asked questions.

Let me remind you: social forces from scratch, but with the maximum use of the most affordable and common solutions, create a worldwide automated system Technocom. Goal: step by step, to ensure that after some time (the amount of time depends on our efforts) robotic production, automated transport and logistics systems, etc. they did their work and freed up the life time for people to do the most important: the study of space, family, development, creativity, travel. And so that thanks to a new education, people really did it, and did not kill each other for fun. It is done by Technocom, starting with the first block of the smart social network with project functionality, on the basis of which the teams “create” the following blocks. That is the task - to create the very high-tech bright future.

What is being done
Once the task is to use the most affordable and common solutions, to create the first block of a smart social network, it was decided to take WordPress and squeeze everything out of it, “pereobuvatsya” along the way. Why is it really so? In order to make the world different, technology alone is not enough; people's faith is their strength. Belief in the fact that humanity is on the shoulder. The faith of each person in their own strength. There are so many people in the world who do not realize their potential because they think that they will fail, they think that they do not have enough strength / resources. So, our task is to help people to believe in their own strength by their example. Show that even small things can be made big. Now it is not only WordPress, it is also MediaWiki, Trac and other engines with varying degrees of integration with each other. Gradually, integration is increasing.

Also used for a hundred extensions (plug-ins) for engines. For many years I was very scornful of the same WordPres, but now, after what we did with him, we are obliged to marry him , as weighed him, instructed crutches here and there and almost without optimization, and he is still pretty well moving. Of course, the work of the development team, the entire community, is worthy of respect.

Now, on the basis of Technocom's public projects, the following units of the system began to move, including on hardware. For a start, various available hardware is considered for intelligent automation of homes, cities, cowsheds, etc. I’ll tell you about this separately, but as a first step, I partially recorded a video, where I took various items from the shelves of our technocomm laboratory and looked at how this can be used in smart automation.

Briefly about what is and what will be

Made basic social network functionality. Used WordPress + BuddyPress + a bunch of additional plug-ins, some converted to our needs. In order to take a step towards clever functionality, now the forces are directed at refining public projects. We did not find the necessary extension, we make our plugin. Several dozens of public projects / subprojects have already been created at the Technocom. We all have goals, people who are interested in these topics are working on descriptions in more detail, designers make beautiful hats and pictures for news and project descriptions. Almost ready is the functionality that allows you to create tasks in projects, stages, directions - this will be the first germs of smart functionality, that is, people will not only be able to support the project by pressing a button, but will be able to offer their implementation tasks and make actions within tasks.

Then you will need to hang more and more algorithms that implement various clever methodologies, so that ultimately automation helps people to formulate an important goal for them, and help them to go to the goal, when they need to, then almost take the hand. This is now a priority: a functional that helps people create national enterprises, trade unions and other organizations. There are a lot of ideas that need to be done to help people find each other faster, to interact as efficiently as possible. So that people get the knowledge, tools and motivation for self-improvement, healthy lifestyle, etc. My lord, you need more atomic bombs. Need more people.

It is being tested, preparing for the introduction of the basic miniCRM functionality, which should then grow into miniERP and develop further. After all, it is not only that people can create national enterprises, trade unions, etc. - all this should work as efficiently as possible. All of them must interact with each other. We need an enterprise management center, electronic document management, etc. This is a topic for a separate, more detailed discussion, now the miniCRM functionality will be a real help for now.

Also, finally, the development of mobile applications for Adnroid. For a long time it was transferred, in the beginning development should start right away for iOS and Adnroid, then first for iOS. But it started for Android. This clearly shows that in some areas the process of team formation is far from complete, someone who wanted to take on some task did not have time (wife, children, illness, revolution, I just want to walk, look into the distance, listen to the birds chirping and forget about everything, etc.), but new people constantly appear, based on their capabilities, motivation and personal preferences, some current priorities are changing.

People's Enterprise

Speaking of the fact that we believe that it is important that enterprises do not belong to a small group of people, even if they are not petty tyrants, but full of cuties, but belong to all employees, here we need to set an example. Therefore, the time is coming when we will need to create a network of people's enterprises and foundations in different countries of the world for the development of the Technocom. To begin with, at least one national enterprise. I and some other members of the Technocom team had many LLCs and Ipshnik we were, I worked a lot with joint-stock companies, but nobody used to work with such a legal form as the joint-stock company of workers (national enterprise) of us. Why not cooperative - sometimes they ask. Here you can simply say that based on the tasks set, namely the fact that we need a network of large corporations in different countries of the world, where the owners are the workers themselves, the best solution is to use joint-stock companies. In Russia there is a special law on joint-stock companies of workers, in some countries there is no such thing, but ordinary joint-stock companies can be used to establish their own internal rules.

Now in this area are gaining knowledge. I talked so far with two people who ... as I initially seemed to be promoted by national enterprises, and after the conversation I realized that I was more likely to be voiced. The second person, in general, did not even just articulate, but used it as a political slogan and did not believe in this idea, moreover, he proved its harm, assuming that, ideally, one could do better one day. It's a pity. Even stupid somehow, in my opinion. To achieve the ideal, you need a lot of time, and if there is an opportunity to achieve half-ideal right now, you need to do it for real. Instead, sabotage and everything stays the same. In general, now there is no system that would allow people to understand that they can, may not just be a “mass” of collars of different colors, but may be full owners of their work. We have to make our own contribution to this. I repeat, our task is to do so in order to create a national enterprise, a trade union or some other association, it would be very easy and provide the tools for further maximum efficient work. There is still a lot to do. About the creation of a national enterprise let's talk separately in more detail. I will describe the manual as the result is achieved.

Informational promotion

We expand information promotion. To find more like-minded people, you need more people to know about our goals, our work. If now about 1 person from several thousand learners writes an application for joining the team, a dozen people from several thousand are registered in the alpha version of smart social. Technocom network, it means you need to know hundreds of millions - it will give people and resources to do more, more useful, and then the percentage of arrivals will become more. Since all this was immediately clear, information promotion was started from the very first day of transition from pre-project reflections to implementation from October 1, 2016. At first, I recorded a video about “getting started” in my kitchen, then they started going out to different media, who they could reach. It is very difficult now to talk about the Technocom, because you will say an extra word about a bright future and they look at you like an idiot. But at the very beginning it was very difficult, now at least there is something to tell and show, and then there was an idea and that’s all. But still, the same as we are, who believes that the world can be different to many, ours are in the media. Even when there was almost nothing on the Serbian television, RTV about the Technocom was described as an idea and our plans for its implementation. Here is the plot:

Now we are moving the promotion work to a more professional track, we can use the miniCRM functionality being implemented for planning, fixing contacts, etc.


After we introduce the above functional tasks, etc. in public projects, I think following the results of the second week, it will be possible to tell in more detail about public projects and their advantages over simple Internet petitions and about plans to further create personal and group projects. I will clarify about the "shortcoming". From May 01, 2017, we gradually move from monthly work planning to weekly work planning. I decided to call such a weekly period a “weekly trademark” - this is such a symbolic message, as if one day we will achieve that at the expense of world automation a week will be done what used to be done during the five-year period. Here is the first week passed, go to the second. Even further I will talk about the communities (groups) that have earned on the Technocom and about our approach to this topic. I will also talk about how we are building relationships with the political authorities of countries in order to achieve their goal, without entering into direct conflict, I will describe a little the faces of State Duma deputies, deputies of regional parliaments and various other officials who have learned about the Technocom. I will tell you about the people who are behind all this interesting and important work, and that “we are going to eat,” in the sense of how to develop further, with what means, etc.

As you have already learned, our task is to find in the world as much as we can to achieve a high-tech bright future together. If you are not disturbed by words about a bright future, if you are also called a psycho, it looks like you are one of us, I urge you to join the Technocom team . I still can not categorically assert that our path is the only realistic one, but this is the path, it is real and gradually turns out.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403767/

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