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Wanhao Duplicator 7 changes the rules of the game

Most recently, sales of the long-awaited Wanhao Duplicator 7 3D printer started .

This is the first Wanhao DLP printer. Chinese company Wanhao on
Today is the world leader in the production of desktop 3D-printers
working on FDM technology, last year the company produced 67,000 printers. Purpose
Wanhao is making budget 3D printers available even to students, after all, just 5 years old
back the creators of the company themselves were students passionate about 3D printing.

The DLP method is an alternative to the SLA technology, where instead of laser systems are used
LED projectors. DLP printing is based on photopolymer resins,
hardening when irradiated with ultraviolet light. DLP printers project
image of the whole layer until the polymer resin hardens, after which it is applied
the next layer and projected image of the new layer of the digital model. In comparison with SLA
It is possible to distinguish such an advantage as lower cost of projectors compared to
laser emitters. Accordingly, the price of DLP-printers below stereolithography.
However, the Wanhao Duplicator 7 is not exactly a DLP printer, since
light source for the illumination of the photopolymer uses a built-in LCD-screen, this solution
allowed to reduce the cost of the printer by an order of magnitude and made this model accessible to all
wishing to try a completely different technology of 3D printing, which allows
create more complex models with a higher quality surface model.

The recommended retail price of the printer is 36 900 rubles!

For a high-precision 3D printer printing photopolymers, this is a fantastically low price.

Complete set and appearance

D7 is made in a concise, simple design with a removable massive cover. 3D printer
small in size, weighs only 12 kg.

Grade may seem ascetic, but as practice has shown - this is quite enough.
Work table


An LED matrix with an LCD screen is used as a projector. The principle is very simple
- light c of the matrix is ​​directed to the screen and, depending on the picture, either passes the light, or
not. For printing, any photopolymer that hardens at 405 nm UV wave is suitable.

Management fee:

LED Matrix:

Along the Z axis is already familiar trapezoidal screw

Printed bath is a little atypical. It is a metal frame, on
which is stretched below the film.

This design allows you to simply replace the film. Although accounted for
twist / twist as much as 22 bolts! Fortunately, replacing the film is required less frequently. For all
the time of our use of the Duplicator 7 replacement was required only once after unsuccessful


As a default slicer, it is proposed to use Creation Workshop.

At first, the Creation Workshop seemed a bit unusual, but overall, the slicer is good enough. Of the main advantages I want to highlight the possibility of manual editing supports. Often it helps a lot.

Can also be used as a NanoDLP slicer.

To do this, on the Wanhao website, you need to download the firmware for using NanoDLP and “reflash”
Printer. This can be easily done with CURA. Detailed instructions you can
look at the official website of Wanhao.

Preparation for printing

To connect Duplicator 7, you need a video card with two HDMI outputs. Connecting 3D
printer, which is defined as the "second monitor". Additionally, we connect the printer by
Usb Next, run the slicer.

Before connecting, you need to configure the slicer using screenshots from the instructions.

Calibration was very simple. Turn off the 4 bolts securing the platform, and
we send the printer to "house". Then we firmly press the platform to the display (but without fanaticism,
not to push the display!) and tighten the bolts.

Before printing, the platform must be sent to the "house". Do not forget to pour before
polymer in the printing tray =)

We set up the slice profile on the screenshots from the instructions and we are thrilled that
the printer immediately earned!

Resin Selection and Printing Results

As a result of our first print, we received such beauty. Thickness of a layer is 100 microns.

Partially painted and assembled figure:

With the photopolymer resin that comes with the printer, there were no problems,
Unfortunately, for the time being, Wanhao produces only one type of resin, Wanhao Gray (5700 rubles per liter), but in the future we hope to expand the range of resins.

We also managed to try Photocentric resin! We had to suffer for a long time with the selection
print options, oh the result was worth it. The layer is 50 microns, the exposure time is 20 seconds per layer. TO
Unfortunately, while Wanhao does not provide information on printing options for different types

Photopolymer resin from the German company Detax showed itself perfectly, with the help of which
we have achieved perfect print quality. Even the smallest micro
details of the models. The layer is 50 microns, the exposure time is 25 seconds per layer.


Wanhao Duplicator 7 is certainly a very worthy representative of high-precision 3D printers.
The unique technology of DLP-printing allows you to achieve a minimum layer thickness of 35 microns,
which is unthinkable for FDM printers. Very pleased with the price of the device. Finding a 3D printer with such printing accuracy, intended for the production of small and smooth parts and elements, is cheaper than for 200,000 rubles.

Duplicator 7 will be an excellent auxiliary tool for jewelry workshops,
dental clinics. Also, the 3D printer will be interesting for people who are fond of
miniatures or modeling, design or production of souvenirs.

By tradition, a minute of advertising. Buying equipment in our company, you get 10 advantages:

  1. Ability to use the program Trade In.
  2. Warranty - 12 months
  3. Instructions in Russian
  4. Technical support throughout the lifetime
  5. You buy a 3D printer from an official distributor in Russia
  6. Free shipping.
  7. Free training in our office.
  8. The ability to buy a printer on credit through banks TKS, OTP, Renaissance.
  9. 10% discount on plastic forever.
  10. The opportunity to get acquainted with the printer in our demo room.

The review was prepared by the team of the company Color World.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403723/

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