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Marketers build social networks

The popularity of MySpace.com and other online services does not allow marketers to sleep. They are trying to create their own social networks, attracting the most loyal consumers there.

Marketers have already fully realized the enormous potential of online social networks. MySpace.com and similar sites are the grains of sand around which pearls of virtual communities are created. Real human relationships are gradually moving online and focusing precisely on such sites. For professionals who aim to instill sincere emotions in relation to certain brands, social networks are just the perfect tool for reaching out to the target audience. Creating a large virtual community around a branded brand is the ultimate dream of every professional marketer.

A firm that makes a decision to build a social network on the Internet for its customers takes on a certain risk. She risks losing control of the user community, and then the community will turn against her. Such cases have already happened, writes USA Today. Recently, General Motors got into such a situation and created a website where owners of the new Chevrolet Tahoe SUV SUV could create their own blogs and share their impressions about the car. To the marketers' surprise, many users were not at all eager to praise their car, but were severely criticized for their increased fuel consumption. The campaign has gained momentum. In the community, satirical banners devoted to this problem even began to circulate. To the credit of the manufacturer, she did not try to in any way impede this movement, introduce censorship or close unwanted blogs.
The opposite example is the Coca-Cola Corporation, which has been supporting the online community Mycoke.com (MySpace style website) for three years. This site has an automatic filtering system for “aggressive” content and bad language, as well as moderators, who carefully keep order. Characteristically, such monitoring does not prevent people from communicating, and now the active audience of Mycoke.com exceeds 8 million people, each of whom spends on the site an average of five hours a month.

The creation of social networks involved not only manufacturers of goods, but also, for example, cable networks. The USA Network cable television network announced a talent competition among its viewers, offering them to send photos and videos via the Internet demonstrating their unusual abilities (for example, making faces or quickly collecting a Rubik's cube). The winners are shown in the screensavers and on the company's website. As the USA Network marketers proudly say, this is the first TV company whose viewers have become part of the brand.

Many companies prefer to act not alone, but attracting influential partners from among Internet companies. For example, the manufacturer of sports shoes and clothing Nike on the eve of the World Cup has created an online community Joga (which means “game” in Portuguese). This site in 14 languages ​​is similar to MySpace, but only for football fans. Here they can design their football webpage, publish videos or other content on football topics. The site from the beginning to the end was created by Google programmers. Nike is responsible for the advertising promotion of the project - it distributes videos on the model of viral marketing. This is the world's first social network specifically for sports fans.

Other companies are involved in building social networks, for example, Kodak. Interactive communication with your audience is now very fashionable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/4037/

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