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Will pass itself?

Most people from time to time think about their health, but a smaller part takes real steps to preserve and improve it. Most often, this is a promise to start exercising on Monday, eat less sweets, stop smoking. Surely you saw the horned old women from the last forces crossing the road and experienced certain emotions relating this situation to themselves, starting from: “well, this will never happen to me.” I will say a simple thing: in half of the cases, it’s not about luck or heredity, but about ourselves.

We are smart guys, with higher education, system logical thinking (hopefully), so let's consider all aspects of the defeat of our sedentary organism.

Peculiarities of IT labor

Of course, we do not unload trucks and do not pour concrete at minus 30, but nonetheless. Office work is characterized by extremely low physical exertion, which in itself represents stress for an organism that has struggled for survival for millions of years, spending all day in search of food and security. Not only are we sitting in concrete cells, the development of information technology has led people to stare at the monitor all day.

So, factors:

What does this lead to?

Obesity. And understand that obesity is not just pieces of fat that hang from the sides, the worst thing is obesity of the internal organs, including blood vessels, and one disease provokes another.

Thrombosis of the legs and lungs due to slower blood flow. Thrombosis can eventually lead to heart attack and stroke. You will sit with a half of the non-working body. Headaches are a small thing and can be easily eliminated. Angina pectoris, arrhythmia. Inflammatory processes in tendon tissues, such as carpal tunnel syndrome (tunnel syndrome) due to the mouse. Fatigue. An inconvenient posture leads to tension in the muscles of the back and neck of the shoulders. You happen to have been sitting like a pope all day exactly, and you come home and are so tired, you want to lie down and do nothing. Stress. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, reduced vision. Hemorrhoids. Osteochondrosis. And much more.

How to survive


This is the most sinister and uncontrollable. I am too lazy to cook myself, once or I do not know how, accordingly, canteens, cafes. Standard portions, a lot of salt and sugar, excess meat, when tasty, when not, etc., besides seeing the range, the body stretches its paws to everything at once. Eat at night, well, as without it. Here, read and watch smart people, but listen to your body - you are individual.

Snacking during the day is a separate song, often the body just wants to get up and take a walk, and food is a pretext, and maybe you are stuck with stress. Only awareness will help you here.


Pay special attention to quitting smoking. Of course, in our environment, smokers are the exception rather than the rule, but many more suffer garbage. I also secretly took cigarettes from my father as a child and smoked them with boys, but I still didn’t understand why to draw in bitter tarry smoke, it’s unnatural. Understand, dying from cancer is so unfair, stupid and painful. If you do not care about yourself, simulate a situation where you start to shit without getting out of bed, and your relatives will feel sorry for you and take care of you. And you cling to every ghostly chance to live a little longer. And God forbid you to see it even from the side.

We have only one smoking employee left in the company, I hope I will read this article and quit.


Constant struggle with the windows. We are cold, my God, a draft. Having worked with us for some time, the employees start to hurt less, because we often air the room and the windows are constantly ajar, the body gets used and calmly reacts to temperature drops, drafts, rains and walks on the sea. I think if you freeze, you should get dressed, and the air should be saturated with oxygen, not the smell of sweaty bodies.


Monitors try to buy the best at the moment of development of electronics and advise you. Not necessarily the largest diagonal, but the pixel should be small, the picture is clear, etc. Widescreen for watching movies in the office are inconvenient.

The desktop is equipped with a sliding shelf under the keyboard to someone. Someone does not need it, everything is individual.

Good chairs are very important, but I haven’t found such ones yet (my flaw, I’ll be fixed soon).

It is important to monitor your posture and correct yourself. So that the hand does not get tired, I personally try sometimes to shift the mouse to my left hand, but still it’s not very good, the neural interface would be.


Natural lighting is good, the only inconvenience, you need to get up regularly and adjust the blinds. I want to have windows that automatically change the luminous flux. But every cloud has a silver lining, going to the window is a break we need. Well, blink more often.


It is very important to have a beautiful office. Not one of the big corporations that consider developers infantile debiloid, but just a calm and neat style. We have in addition to stylish furniture a lot of living indoor plants.

The premises should not be very large, just for the team. If several people need to discuss something for a long time, then they go into a negotiation so as not to disturb others.

There is not enough additional space for relaxation, but the river is close, you can walk, the main thing is not to be lazy.

How to relax

Rest is not looking at pictures or Facebook correspondence. For rest it is better to move away from the computer. Smokers do the right thing because they interrupt their work, go outside, but then cross out everything, putting a smoking stick in their mouths. Someone goes for tea or coffee. Everyone needs to invent their safest break habit.

Someone recommends frequent breaks, but I recommend adequate ones. If the thought went, then work, fix and do not get distracted. You feel started to slip, immediately from the computer, a circle around the office walked and again for the cause. Noticed, people are moving away from the computer and sticking to the phone, you need to look into the distance.

You can deal with individual factors, but for good, you should arrange a correct lifestyle.

Those who are at work during the day are doing wrong, trying to freelance in the evening, as a result, they are of no use anywhere else and tired like dogs. It is necessary to have time for self-realization at work, and after work to be engaged in other non-working matters. A person's life should be divided into work, family, friends and non-profit occupation, it can be a sport, fishing or other hobby. There is a wonderful book “Third Place”, author Ray Oldenburg, this issue is partially covered in it.

At least some regular sports are required. There are even more possibilities, there are even more excuses: dogs can not poop around the house, they can go far to a rocking chair, and it’s difficult to organize themselves in a fitness center, etc. Look for your, so as not to strain.


The environment and the surrounding strongly affect you. Form it, although it is so difficult. Surround yourself with positive people and be yourself positive. Further, even if you cannot do anything with yourself, then at least grab hold of your children. Provide them not only with iPads and phones, but with proper habits and minimal tools - hang up at home, for example, a rope, consider push-ups and praise for the result. Dig in, finally, a horizontal bar in the yard. All that you were able to lay in childhood and adolescence, it will be, then overcome this bar is difficult.

Money and health

Here is the moment for the holivar, they say, there would be a lot of money, so I would do golf in the break between the yacht and equestrian sport. Ridiculous.

Yes, the availability of money greatly helps in the fight for health, but for some reason, not everyone. Having a reserve of money you can generally lie on the beaches and do nothing, but do you fulfill your mission? What is the meaning of your life? It’s not just the way most millionaires and billionaires continue to work. In the overwhelming number of cases, this is not pathological greed, but the need for self-realization.

Sugar can be replaced by honey, and money will-power - do.

Personal experience

1. I began to consume less meat, I regularly drink home-made teas (ivan-tea and other herbs - my wife trained her).
2. Already half a year I go to yoga. I remember the first classes with shame, only now something has started to turn out. Result: the state of health improved fundamentally, the springy gait returned and minus 9 kg.
3. It seems a trifle, but it works: do not eat up the muffin a bit or what you like there, leave a piece for later. Since childhood, we poured a plate of borscht and inspired that you can not throw away food. The age and metabolism has changed, but the habit has remained.
4. Well, do not allow yourself to hurt. My favorite joke is:
Mother wakes up her son: Vova get up, you'll be late for school.
- Mom, I do not want to let me sleep.
- Little Johnny, well, you're the headmaster.

Thanks for attention!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403687/

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