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Paid email: first contact with a stranger

I want to present here one business model from my portfolio. Force majeure with health (see previous publication) does not allow to prepare a project for launch in the usual private order, therefore I try public discussion. Perhaps someone will find in it a murderous bottleneck, which is not visible to me, and the idea will have to be buried. Or, interested, wants to participate in the project. Welcome!

Electronic communication made it possible to exchange messages almost free of charge and in many addresses at once. The downside was a multiple increase in the number of messages and a decrease (on average) in their quality. The quality here refers to the clarity of the message and its relevance (that is, compliance with the interests and competencies of the addressee). With the general information overload of users, letters from strangers are often perceived without enthusiasm (because of the risks of infection, waste of time ...) and are often not read.

The Postmaster project reduces these risks. First, checking the dispatch for hidden investments and guarantee their absence. Secondly, the reward from the sender - declared pay for attention to his letter.

How it works? The sender writes a letter to some person, possibly a status (politics, business, science ...) or a feast confused by his current work, with whom he is not personally acquainted. And sends this letter to the Postmaster. Specifying the name, profession and other information that uniquely identify the recipient (and possibly the address). Plus, he sends to the Postmaster (as an attachment to his letter) the amount he himself appoints (say, 5, 10, 50, 100 dollars ... a conditional cup of coffee or something cooler).
The postmaster communicates with the addressee and reports that a letter has arrived in his name from such and such an address with such and such declared value. If the addressee agrees to accept this letter, reads it and writes the answer to the sender (sending a reply to the Postmaster for shipment) - The Postmaster transfers the sum to the addressee. If the addressee does not accept the letter or, having read it, does not give an answer to it - the Postmaster returns the sender the amount attached to it.

Hypothetically, this will lead to the fact that the sender will not send unnecessary and vague letters, and the addressee will be notified of the importance of the letter for the unknown sender and will highlight it in regular mail. The mutual responsibility of correspondents will increase, the quality of communication will increase.

There is no guarantee that the letter of the sender (with his questions or suggestions) will be important for the addressee. But there is evidence of its importance for the sender, and this may cause the recipient to display goodwill and a desire to give a full answer to the sender.

Once again, this project is not so much about money (although the addressee is free to keep it for himself, or transfer it to charity, or to the corporate cashier, or return it to the sender), but rather to facilitate the first contact with an unknown person. In case of mutual interest, they will communicate further without the Postmaster.

The postmaster earns money on a modest commission from the answered letters and for the service of establishing the contact data of the addressee (if the sender does not bring them). In this case, the Postmaster keeps a journal, where everyone can see the recipient's reaction to the letters sent to him: he rejects them or reads them, and what answers he gives. Answers are assessed by the Sender and can use only two ratings: “polite” or “essentially”. With any answer (simple “thank you for your attention!” Or with a detailed answer), the money goes to the addressee. But the relationship between “polite” and “essentially” answers will help future senders to assess the prospects for correspondence with this addressee.

Given the large number of potential participants in this kind of correspondence and the diversity of topics and situations, the Postmaster’s activity can be used for other cases - perhaps advertising expensive goods ...

Your criticism and suggestions?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403679/

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