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How different objects sound using PartyFON MAX vibrators

Hello to all music lovers! Personally, I listen to a variety of music very often, in headphones, whether on a walk or directly from a smartphone or tablet at home. Of course, the volume and sound quality of the small built-in speakers want the best, and the speakers connected to the smartphone from the music center installed in my room without an external amplifier are even quieter. Often I want to cut the music in such a way that “screaming”, and there is no large column at hand. But here I got an interesting device in my hands - the vibrator column PartyFON MAX .

Packing and packaging
According to tradition, for a start it is worth saying a few words about packaging. A good black box with a lid on a magnet is not a shame to present one.

Inside the box of foam material is placed itself column, suction cup, rigid mount and wire

The latter is inserted into the column for some reason using the obsolete MiniUSB connector (who has a PSP, he knows what it is, the rest will have to be remembered). From the other end, the wire is disconnected to the mini-jack (through which, obviously, music is fed) and USB (through which charging is carried out), they can be connected simultaneously. As for fasteners, the column can be fixed on a smooth surface with the help of a suction cup, while a rigid mount with three screws allows you to place it on any surface that can be drilled. If the column simply stands on the table, then no fasteners are needed - just remove the protective film from the bottom, and its sticky surface will not allow it to jump.

However, quite introductions. Music!

What sounds like

And so I took a small, but weighty device in my hands (thanks to soft-touch plastic - it is a pleasure to hold it in my hands, but it’s better not to get carried away - he slaps with a bang) ... And immediately, having turned on the full volume, Nightwish rushed around the apartment attach the column to anything else you can. These emotions are hard to describe - probably, only small children can with the same pleasure try to extract music from everything that comes to hand. Yes, for a while I fell into childhood and just enjoyed it! One Nightwish wasn’t limited to - Fyrdung, Commandantes, Fonkovra and at the end the old Botho Lucas Chor allowed to evaluate music of different genres and styles. So what does it sound like?

• Column by itself. Its upper part is a tweeter, and the vibrating base is responsible for the bass. Therefore, not being installed on anything, it does not sound so good, but it does not remain silent either. Its own sound quality and volume resembles the speaker of an inexpensive smartphone.
• The wooden table enhances the bass well, but sometimes it breaks down with a booming roar, which was clearly not in the original song. Obviously, not for music lovers, but compared with the unarmed smartphone - it’s still better.
• Piano - it sounds good to me even without speakers. :) The acoustically designed hollow design perfectly enhances the sound, especially the batch of drums. Volumetric, loud and clear sound - my favorite instrument did not let me down.
• Fridge. It was not easy to make room for a speaker on him, but he played well. But still the sound was a little quieter compared with the furniture. For the sake of experiment, I put the speaker inside the refrigerator - outside I heard bass and drums filtered from high frequencies, which, in principle, is consistent with the design of the device.

It’s not so easy to find an empty place in a large white refrigerator.

• Metal packaging. The ad states that thanks to PartyFON MAX, “any bucket” will sound. In principle, it is, only the sound will be like that of “any bucket” - metallic and rattling, but loud. The same applies to the biscuit box and, to a lesser extent, the casing of the heating battery. In general, better not worth it.

Not any bucket is capable of music.

• A half-empty 5-liter water canister is the best compact option. The sound is clear and loud enough. Empty or filled to the top of the baklag does not give such an effect. It is necessary to punch 3 holes in the cover and install a rigid mount, and into it - the speaker itself.
• Capital constructions (wall, floor, asphalt road) are silent, as if nothing is happening. It is understandable: to transmit vibration to them, you need something more powerful than a pocket speaker. In principle, I would not have refused a 2-kilowatt vibrocolumn as large as a vacuum cleaner, and the neighbors would have been delighted. :)
• And finally, glass is the ideal option. Loud and crystal clear sound, pronounced bass, rolling drumming - this is it, the happiness of a music lover! And if you connect the PartyFON MAX to the amplifier more powerfully and put it “overboard”, the music will be heard far away. For parties in the country - the most it.

On the window...

... and outside the window

With all the above, it matters how and to what the column is connected. If you use Bluetooth, then you should not count on an impressive volume. Being connected to the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 or Acer Iconia Tab W700, the “djadget” performed much better. But from my arsenal of gadgets, nothing could compare with PPTV King 7 - this Chinese smartphone, which still sells for an astounding 7,000 rubles (!), Besides the “all-flagship” (by last year’s) characteristics like QHD and Helio X10, has dedicated audio chip and special firmware for it. He swung PartyFON MAX up to a very high volume with all the same studio sound quality (the same “screaming” that I dreamed of). If you have something similar (music smartphone or audiophile player - this column is definitely your choice.


Personally, I liked the column . Compact, versatile enough, sonorous and pleasant to the touch. And the first minutes of dating will bring you a lot of emotions! So, what should be remembered:
• It is best to mount the speaker on the suction cup to the window - in this case, the sound will please any music lover. If you need a compact and high-quality "foundation" - use a can of water, as described above. Hollow wooden structures and a refrigerator do a good job. But "every bucket" is better to remain a bucket, not a musical instrument.
• Much depends on the music source, but even the most ordinary smartphone will provide more than enough volume and excellent quality. Less conventional devices are capable of "feats" at all.
• If something goes wrong - the company "Dadzhet" promises a guarantee exchange of any of its device during the year.
• Chinese smartphones, as always, are not “Chinese”. And it is much cheaper. :)

The introduction of the GT-VD promo code will save some of the budget (10%) by purchasing a gadget until May 17.

Author: Stekolnikov Valentin, Moscow

1. Mobile vibrocolumn PartyFON MAX: we fasten on a vertical surface, we listen and we estimate quality.
2. We study the insides of a mobile vibrating column PartyFON MAX.
3. Sound on the glass, or how a PartyFON MAX vibrator can sound.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403593/

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