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Launching the NROL-76 and landing the Falcon-9 stage

On May 01, 2017, at 14.15 Moscow time, the launch complex of the Falcon-9 ILV with the military satellite NROL-76 was launched from the launch complex LC-39A. The launch of the ILV was successful, the first stage returned and successfully sat down on the ground number 1 (Landing Zone 1) at the Canaveral cosmodrome.


It can be said that the Falcon-9 launches are almost a routine, even with SK No. 39A, however, the shooting in this launch, in my opinion, was very entertaining due to tracking with the help of ground-based video cameras on the flight path of the first stage.

In addition to the standard roketkam, from which, as a rule, there is usually little that can be seen, the first stage was filmed during its flight, separation and landing using a special video camera (actually several) in real time, and with a very good approximation. The spectacle is very exciting and also technically interesting with its details, especially at the time of deceleration of the stage (Entry Burn), when the whole stage seems to fly in a fiery umbrella, and when the engine is running during landing (Landing Burn). Considering the speed with which the stage rushes to the ground with its tail, the supersonic gas jet resisting the oncoming air flow looks epic!
This is how it looked in the live broadcast:

Landing Burn:

"Free" fall steps:

The entire broadcast:

I saw something similar only during the Shuttle launches, when a powerful video camera made it possible to observe the work of the RS-25 nozzles close to each other, despite the fact that the carrier was quite far from the start.

It looks like this:


or so:


I hope soon there will be full records from the cameras in excellent quality on the network.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403561/

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