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Repair: how to get high from the process, not paint

From this topic you can go in every way in a conversation, you can try not to think about it, you can constantly transfer it to the plans or shift it to someone else, but the fact is: sooner or later everyone has to face such an event as a repair. Many quite rightly fear this word - after all, it takes time and money, it requires knowledge of the theory and direct hands in practice. We will not help you with any of the above in this article, but we have prepared for you a small selection of tools and all sorts of things that definitely will not interfere with your repair process.

Just say that this is not a digest of wall chasers and pipe benders: choose such tools yourself, depending on the tasks, needs and financial possibilities (and taking Chinese power tools is sometimes unsafe) - we will talk about various trivia that will be useful for almost all repair. And yes, it is primarily about home repairs, and not repairs, for example, a car or a broken tablet.


1. Laser rangefinder, also known as "laser tape measure"
This tool is useful to you right from the very first minutes - to measure all the dimensions of the room and understand how much where and what you need to buy, what will fit and what where - no. The principle of operation is simple: turn on the “laser pointer” on the device and direct the beam to the desired surface - after pressing the button, the measurement result will be displayed on the display. In our store a huge selection of devices in this category - they differ in measurement limits and additional chips.


And there are plenty of chips: logging of results, arithmetic operations with them, measurement of angles, areas (including triangles) and volumes, measurement of distance differences, built-in levels, flashlights, lights, and even cameras, wear-resistant bodies and much more. If you are worried about the accuracy of the readings, then we will calm down: the error of even the cheapest devices is on average ± 1 mm, and this is much more accurate than if you were tormented by the traditional tape measure.


If you call workers for any jobs, then with a probability of 99.99% they will have such a device. The converse is also true - if they do not have such a device, it may be worthwhile to look for other workers. Because all masters use this tool in their work, because it is fast, accurate and convenient. Most likely, the possibilities of even the simplest model are enough for you - for example, like this KXL E40 Laser Rangefinder for 970 rubles (measures at a distance of up to 40 meters). More interesting models (with additional features and measuring up to 100 meters ) cost $ 30- $ 60.

By the way, in conventional retail stores these devices sell for 5-10 thousand rubles (and Leica is not shy about taking from 19 to 90 thousand).

In the end, this device can always cheer up your favorite cat:

2. Laser cunner

Another tool, without which no major repair now begins. It is foolish to deny the presence of the advantages and convenience, which gives such a device. Put a special device on the tripod, press the button and voila - a thin laser line is projected on the desired surface. Align this line (or lines, crosshairs) in the right place and begin to perform the conceived work: whether it is determining the highest point when filling the screed, installing floor lights, erecting or marking the walls, leveling something. This is as convenient as the guides in Photoshop. In essence, a rip fence replaces a whole mountain of tools, including level, plumb, square, and even rule. The error is small - about a millimeter per meter of projection.


The minimum required set of functions is the automatic alignment of the horizon (there is almost everywhere due to the freely fixed plumb line) and the projection of the beam at least 180 degrees. While more expensive models project the beam to 360 degrees, which is also very useful. Another criterion that determines the cost of the device is the “long range” of laser beams: simple tiller shine by 10–15 meters (and this is enough for a home), more expensive ones by 20–25. In addition to the osepastoiteli there are laser levels that “byut” for 50 meters (and rotational levels - for 100 meters or more) and have higher accuracy, but for the house it is all redundant.


In Russia, even for the simplest, tselpostroiteli ask for from 8,000 rubles, while more functional models from brands like ADA cost 20-30 thousand. We still have three devices in our store: Longyun (on 2 lines for 2,650 Nr , for 3 for 3146 Nr and for 5 for 3578 Nr ), Lomvum SPY-03 (4212 Nr) and Lomvum SPY-03 Enhanced (5,405) Yes, they do not know how to project lines 360 degrees, but even with them you can perform many works more accurately. And in the complete set are boxes, glasses and other necessary accessories.


Do not forget to look for a suitable tripod for the skimmer to make it easier to set the horizontal lines to the desired height.

→ The rest of the laser tools (and we have a lot of them) are looking for “ Laser level ” requests.

3. Non-contact temperature meter (infrared thermometer or pyrometer)

The operation of the device is based on measuring the power of thermal radiation of the measurement object mainly in the ranges of infrared radiation and visible light. The device is useful not only in the repair: it is actively used by doctors to measure the temperature of patients, used by enthusiasts to monitor the temperature regimes of all kinds of hardware and other 3D printers. If we talk about repairs, then it will not interfere here either: for example, after installing a heating radiator, you can check the “uniformity” of its heating. Well, or the temperature of the walls and floor in the winter, the temperature of the wires under load or machines in the shield. And if we talk about auto repair, then there is much more that you can measure :)


Models - an enormous number , the price as for a business lunch. The measurement range of the average pyrometer is from -50 to 550 degrees (an error of about 1 degree), other features appear as the price increases.


For most cases, the simplest model is enough, such as the Non-contact Digital IR Infrared Thermometer GS320 for ÂŁ 51. And if you want something at once more, then instead of a couple of dinners you can take such a device , such or such . Ah, well, or so .

4. Digital caliper

Surely each of you has an ordinary caliper, which you still got from your grandfather - a nice piece of iron with sharp edges that your grandfather always tried to protect from you :) A lot of time passed since then, and the tool has not lost its relevance - it is somewhere , and in repair it will definitely come in handy: measure drills, wire sections, fittings, etc. And for convenience, we offer you a digital caliper, the main convenience of which is that it displays the measurement results in large numbers on the display. Only 269â‚˝ and at your disposal a small digital caliper (for objects 10 cm), the error of which is 0.2 mm.

5. Points

If all previous devices were for measurements (and measurements and markings, as a rule, take a lot of time and largely affect the final result), then I would like to complete the MUSTHAVE section with protective glasses - something without which it would be better not to get involved in the repair. In OBI and Leroy Merlin stores for plastic glasses, for some reason, they are asked for 500-1000â‚˝, while at us they cost a little more than a dollar . Buy 10 pieces at once - in the car, in the garage, 5 pieces for repairs (they will suddenly break down or friends will come to help), you will not regret. Take care of your eyes, they will still be useful to you.


Useful stuff

1. Stripper - a device for stripping insulation from wires

If you decide to do an electrician yourself, then definitely such a device as a stripper will be useful to you - to remove the insulation from the wires. And do not need these old-fashioned "yes, I clean the knife perfectly." Strippers are different, for different types of wires and for different sections, but most of the time in home repair you will clean conventional sockets and various weak points - even the simplest stripper, like this self-adjusting Wire Stripper Tool for 670 rubles, is suitable for this. This, of course, is not Knipex, but just believe that even this piece of hardware for $ 11 will save you a lot of time and nerves (while just one Stripper from Knipex will cost you all the devices from this post combined).


If for electrician work you hire a master, and he cleans the wires "in the old-fashioned way", then chase him. Goniiite.

→ Other strippers

2. Xiaomi automatic screwdriver
It should be bought only if only because it is Xiaomi :) A small, stylish automatic screwdriver is useful not so much in repairing an apartment, but in some minor works. Rotation speed up to 100 revolutions per minute, long battery life on a single charge (up to 180 days), built-in lights and a lock function. Included - a small pencil case and 6 interchangeable bits (not enough, but now let's write about the bits too).

→ 1970₽ for owning a funny thing

And if you want not from Xiaomi and almost three times more expensive, then pay attention to such an option with an OLED display:


And once again: these are exactly the screwdrivers that are needed for small jobs. For more rough and power works, you will need a screwdriver, which, by the way, we also have .

3. Conventional screwdrivers and accessories

So what, what, and we have a lot of various screwdrivers - for every taste and color. Therefore, we will list a couple of pieces that we can recommend, but it will be better if you choose for yourself the necessary tasks.

Here is a set of a screwdriver and 28 small bits for 485‚ - - again, not so much for repair, as for working with equipment. But if a tool breaks down (for example, an airbrush), then it can only be dismantled with a similar set. In a set - a convenient penalty.


The L-shaped screwdriver for ÂŁ 5 is not automatic and even without bluetooth, but because of its shape it can be useful. Included - a small set of the most popular bits.

Flexible adapter for the screwdriver for 150â‚˝. Another accessory that will gather dust in everyday use, but which will once come in handy in some hard-to-reach place and you will be glad that you have it.


Universal cap head with an adapter for a conventional screwdriver. It is interesting with its design - due to internal metal rods, it is ready to “hug” any nut, screw or other non-standard fasteners. The price of hugs is only 360 rubles.


Well, once started talking about the screwdrivers, here's a whole section with all sorts of screwdrivers, bits, adapters and other accessories - take any, in the household is useful.

4. Ties

We all know that the world rests on blue electrical tape, but it is not always convenient to use it - until you find the "tip" until you cut it off ... But the screeds will come in handy for sure, so that something can be pulled no less reliably than in the case with electrical tape. So just take at least one pack, and if you are a fan of neat cable management, then at your service - different colors, lengths and quantities.

The most popular product - disposable tie, for 220 rubles per 100 pieces, 4x250mm.
White , red , black (250 pieces) and other colors .

5. Bags and boxes

So that all of the above does not lie, do not get lost and do not get dusty, we recommend that you take some kind of carrier, be it a backpack, bag or even a box. Tet is difficult to recommend something specific - just go to this section of storage systems and choose what you need, prices start at 80 rubles.

As you may have noticed, this time all prices are in rubles. This is because we have a version adapted for Russia with slightly lower prices. And in this case, we have a landing page with various interesting special offers - welcome.

Maybe we forgot something from the useful and necessary? Share usefulness in the comments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403557/

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