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Several smart sockets that may be useful to you.

We are often blamed for the fact that in selections we show only what we sell, as this does not allow us to look at a particular niche as a whole. And, to be honest, they are doing the right thing.

Below is a small selection of sockets from our catalog.

One of the strangest outlets that we met - Redmond SkyPlug 100S . She can be controlled both from the next room and from the neighboring country, but the last possibility is connected with a certain nuance.

What's the matter. The base outlet is controlled using the Ready For Sky app, which controls all smart Redmond gadgets. However, if you download the R4S application to one of the devices, leave this device at home, close to the equipment, and connect your first device to it, you can control the outlet from anywhere.

In general, if there is an extra smartphone, you can be fooled .

Apparently, having received a hefty dose of criticism, Redmond made the second option - the Gateway RSP-102S-E .

Another application has already been created for it , which allows you to control the outlet remotely without additional gadgets.

Allocacoc , a company known mainly for cubes, has its own smart solution. By themselves, the cubes are quite convenient because in addition to outlets, 2 of them are immediately added to some of them . Models are with extension and without.

Recently, the range has been expanded with the Remote extension model with a smart button .

Unfortunately, the remote control button works locally. And in this version, the extension cable has lost USB ports, which is also pretty sad.

Xiaomi has sockets with USB ports. The company refined its Wi-fi extension cable, in fact, removing Wi-fi from it, but adding USB. Xiaomi has two such extension cables: a larger version differs from a small number of outlets.

A feature of these devices is that one of the ports provides 2.1A, providing accelerated charging of gadgets. But USB has lost another similar device - a smart Wi-fi outlet .

In the new version, this device has become smaller, “divided” into two sockets: Wi-fi and Zigbee. However, connecting via Wi-fi still requires some diligence: most customers complain that it is impossible to connect this outlet to Mi Home the first time.

Another Wi-fi option offered by SonoFF . The socket is controlled through the application and can be turned on and off remotely. It also provides for setting timers for automatic on / off.

In the final, you need to clarify that all of the above are non-integrated gadgets. They are inserted into a regular outlet, which for some is a critical avoidance. At the same time, Xiaomi is inserted into an ordinary outlet through another additional adapter - which significantly increases its dimensions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403481/

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