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Choosing a budget "turntable": "warm" vinyl compromises up to 15 K rubles

Today, vinyl and everything connected with it is firmly associated with high cost, “snuffy audiophiles,” astronomical prices for collector layers, or, at best, fashionable aspirations of inspirational hipsters. The stereotype is so strong that the first comment to our previous article on the paradox of the vinyl trend was the following:
"With fat rage. Nothing more to say "

Meanwhile, the stereotype is no longer true. This post is for those who intend to buy a decent turntable, but are not ready to invest astronomical sums in the components. In order that the cost does not cross the psychological barrier of even the most economical clients, I limited the budget of a hypothetical buyer to 15,000 rubles.

The review includes only players for the house with a built-in phono stage, which, in my opinion, corresponds to the wishes of the majority of users of budget turntables.
I believe that the publication will be useful to potential buyers and at the same time will not touch the subtle mental organization of commercial content haters (we are a trade organization and we will be grateful for loyalty). I, in turn, will try to minimize the degree of "warm" vinyl pathos.

The selection of goods for review was made on the basis of the availability in the pult.ru catalog and cost (see above). Sources of information for the post were the documentation on the device, customer reviews on yandex.market, as well as personal user experience. When writing a post, I tried to abstract as much as possible from the marketing component in the descriptions of manufacturers, attachment to brands and pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of specific models (almost everywhere it turned out).

Good and bad news

For those who want to think about specific models, I recommend scrolling down and then returning back.

I will begin, probably, with bad news. Absolutely budget players are always a compromise between a very attractive price and a few tangible deficiencies. The main problems are connected with imperfect mechanics of reproduction, low mass of the device, distortions (sometimes insignificant, and sometimes noticeable) and higher risk of marriage in the situation with noname devices from the Middle Kingdom.

A common problem of almost all low-cost players is low mass (often less than 3 kg). This affects the fact that during playback, the spinner will respond to vibration. When mounted on vibrating surfaces, playback problems are possible, which is not consistent with the electromechanical type of playback. In other words, if the floor is not marble, then cheerfully to dance under the vinyl, reproduced on the budget player, will turn out hardly.

Drive almost all state employees passikovy (belt). Passive stretch periodically and require replacement, fortunately, they are not expensive. DJing with scratching for such players is contraindicated. The belt drive has its advantages : lower level of detonation and less rumble. However, direct drive in this price range is almost casuistry.

Speed ​​stability is another parameter with which budget players can have problems. In the case of c below players - this is noticeable only to very experienced listeners , in cases with the Chinese noname for 2000 r - this almost forever discourages listening to something on vinyl. I do not suffer from brand dependence, but personal impressions are very bad and I haven’t heard any positive reviews about this category of devices. Most models in the range up to 15, have 2 standard modes 33/45 about. in minutes In some models, implemented 78 about. in minutes

Typical Chinese noname

Modification Most budget devices can not be somehow significantly modified. As a rule, needle replacement is implemented. It was not possible in this price category to meet the possibility of replacing the tone arm (here I am afraid to make a mistake, there are different things in the world, but with a high degree of probability this is so).

It may seem to someone that it is exaggerating. May the leadership forgive me for disloyal attitude to the products! I can reassure, depending on the model, you may encounter one or two problems or not feel their importance at all.

Functionality and integration. For this part of the problem are possible, but their probability is much lower. As a rule, even low-end models have a sufficient number of interfaces, automatic control, and good ergonomics. There are models with Bluetooth, which facilitates integration, but as adherents of analog audio, all these things are considered as “not true”.

And now you can and good. The main advantage is naturally the price, since the cost of the basic lines starts from a modest 5-6 wooden K. The design of modern budget players is very impressive and varied, from vintage nostalgic motives to modern minimalism. For obvious reasons, there will be no expensive materials in it, but the heavier the used parts of the table, the better. These devices often do not involve any complicated tinctures. A simple principle: bought, loaded layer - listen.

Pioneer PL-990

Oh good

The price of the device is 12 990 . According to many who left reviews on the layout, the device for this price has no flaws. Direct tonearm is resistant to resonance, which partly compensates for the effect of a light plastic table. The phono stage does not significantly distort the sound, it is equipped with an equalizer, which is really good for this money. There is no stutter about any microdynamics and the influence on the nuances of the scene, for it is a sin. Automatic control. Judging by the reviews, the device is reliable (most users use at least 4 years without any repair), which is surprising considering the cost. The device is simple, clear, convenient. A small detonation level of 0.025%.

About bad

The speed floats, (according to sensations, the manufacturer does not indicate the deviation parameter) - this is attributed to the absence of the built-in voltage regulator. The mass of the plastic case leaves much to be desired. The signal-to-noise ratio of 50 dB is sad, which is tolerable in principle, but far from the limit even for a budget device. Short interblock (1.1 m), soldered to the board. Phonocorrector does not turn off, which makes it impossible to use an external device.


• Weight, kg: 2.65
• Head Type: MM
• Table color: black
• Warranty: 1 year
• Number of engines: 1
• Rotation speed: 33.3 / 45.0
Management: automatic
• Engine: Built
• Speed ​​shift: manual
• Number of tonearms: 1
• Table material: plastic
• Drive Type: Passik
detonation level 0.025%
• Signal to noise ratio: 50 dB

Blue Tooth: ION Audio Air LP

Oh good

Price: 8 990 . A fairly heavy MDF table is 3.7 kg. The ability to transfer sound over Bluetooth (the manufacturer claims that this is the first Bluetooth vinyl player). USB interface. Removable interblock. The device is convenient in terms of ergonomics. Important point: one of the few budget players at a speed of 78 rpm. The sound corresponds to the price category of the device (no more, no less). Hitchhiking, but without other automation.

About bad

Like the Japanese pioneer described above, the American ION can be a little odd with speed. According to a number of reviews, mechanic hitchhiking after a long period of operation may fail. Not advertising for, but for the sake of justice: I did not find reviews about the terrible breakdowns of mechanics. The phono-corrector picks up the high and insufficiently pre-amplifies the MF band (very subjectively, the frequency response of the ears is different for everyone), the problem is solved by equalization at the next stage of the path.

Some specifications
Weight: 3.7 kg
• Head type: MM
Number of USB Inputs: 1
• Number of engines 1
• Rotation speed: 33.3 / 45.0 / 78.0
• Management: automatic
• Analog cable: removable
• Speed ​​shift: manual
• Number of tonearms: 1
Table material: MDF
• Disc material: plastic
• Drive Type: Passik
• Signal to noise ratio: 55 dB

Denon DP-29F - alloy wheels in fashion again

Oh good

Price: 9 990 rub. Cast aluminum support disc - accordingly, normal geometry is guaranteed. The phono stage for my ears is quite a tolerable one; it doesn’t bring terrible audible distortion. Reliable automation. According to the manufacturer, the pressure of the CS head on the reservoir was rebuilt in such a way as to eliminate the appearance of scratches. The signal-to-noise ratio is 60 dB, detonation is 0.15%, which is already good for a budget fan. The first few months, turns with a stable speed. Constructively very simple, from the likelihood of damage is less than the rest. Automatically switches speeds. Equipped with adjustable speed, which in terms of fine-tuning capabilities compares favorably with most price analogues.

About bad

Sensitive to vibration, due to not large 2.8 kg mass. Heavy supporting disc, with a relatively small engine power. Integration is inferior to many devices, there is no USB and Bluetooth. Fixed and short cable, fixed shell.

• Weight, kg 2.8
• Head Type: MM
• Number of engines: 1
• Rotation speed: 33.3 / 45.0
• Management: automatic
• Analog cable: removable
• Shifting speed: automatic
• Number of tonearms: 1
Disc material: metal
• Drive Type: Passik
Speed ​​adjustment: yes
Signal to noise ratio: 60dB

Teac TN-100: personal sympathy

About personal sympathies tell not modestly. The designers of this device have combined almost all the possible benefits that a budget player can have in a segment of up to 15,000.
Oh good

Price: 13,730. One of the main advantages are anti-vibration properties. The case of MDF, more than solid for a budget fan, weight 4.9 kg, an additional damping layer of neoprene on the disk. All these features make the turntable almost insensitive to the everyday level of vibrations. The steps in the room, furniture resonances of this device are not terrible.

A good concealer, optimally fitted to the used head of the ES Chuden Teac Original Version. Signal-to-noise ratio, DB: 67. Anti-skating is also a rare feature for budget models (it does not always save, but better than without it).

High speed stability (speed deviation of no more than 2%), which is realized due to the stable running of the engine and accurate finishing of the steel bearing installed in the bronze cup.

The functional and integration advantages include the ability to switch operating modes with or without a built-in phono stage, USB interface and A / D converter, ability to play shellac at 78 rpm, detachable cord, automatic speed switch.

About bad

Plastic platter, which is considered a disadvantage by many. No Bluetooth integration. As I already wrote, there may be minor problems with speed stability, after long-term operation - it is treated by replacing the belt.

• Weight: 4.9 kg
• Head Type: MM
USB outputs: 1
• Number of engines: 1
• Rotation speed: 33.3 / 45.0 / 78.0
• Shifting speed: automatic
Table material: MDF
• Disc material: plastic
• Drive Type: Passik
Signal to noise ratio: 67 dB
Speed ​​change no more than 2%

On the example of the models presented in the review, one can easily understand what difficulties the budget turntable buyer will face, as well as what benefits it can acquire (the most representative models were chosen, the advantages and disadvantages of which are inherent in most entry-level players). In addition to those described above, in this price segment there are models from such manufacturers as: Sherwood, Audio Technica, AKAI, Marantz, Sony, Dual .

I do not exclude that something significant could have been overlooked and I would be grateful for comments that will help to fully address the topic of the advantages / disadvantages of budget players.

More information about the range of budget players can be on the link

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403477/

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