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Is the dream of a high-tech bright future attainable? Past

Saluton, hello. Remember the Technocom World Automated System, which I wrote about last year? Well, step by step, from the very beginning, a high-tech bright future is being created by social forces. Well, it is demonstrated that for global automation, you can use the most common, affordable solutions, and WordPress began to make the first block - a smart social network with project functionality that should pull millions of users to start. Well, still ... oh well, remember of course. How hard it is to forget those crazy people who walk the streets and shout that Cyber ​​Buddha will come soon and digitize everyone on his engineering calculator, it is just as difficult to forget about Technocom. Many in the comments to the past two articles have written their opinions. Whatever the comment, the words of support and care. We continue.

That all were pre-project reflections, and on October 1, 2016, the launch was announced. At first I was called the project manager, and then they decided that it would be better to reflect the essence, purpose and degree of work (not to be confused with another degree) by the name of me "General Technocom Handyman". So now I am called. We started to gradually gather people (in different places, in Serbia we gathered on the street, bus, museum) and do what we can, with the forces / resources that we have. In Technocom there is a place for all normal people. Basically, we have communists / technocommunists, technocrats, Eurasian patriots, etc. If you are a programmer and analyst, program and analyze. If you are Professor Popov, then you can advise on educational issues and campaign for Technocom in the scientific community. If you are a simple accountant from Astana named Sultan with communist views (the sultan is a communist ... here is a car smile), then you can simply translate the interface into Kazakh and lead a group about physical culture, if you are a TV presenter Yuri Tamantsev, you can sign up in a video in which It is shown how information about the Technocom affects the usual Moscow man in the street, driving around on Hamer, how a person resists and gradually penetrates ... But Herman Klimenko, who is an assistant to the president on the Internet, has not yet penetrated. He hinted that we are psychos (a very cultured person, hints when everyone has been talking about it openly for a long time), said that he didn’t want to know anything more about the Technocomm (What is wrong? Maybe fewer words are needed to conquer the Universe? no more than once every two sentences).

If you are a technical person, perhaps you expect to see many, many schemes. No, there will not be one in this material, although the work on them has also begun. Because now the world is like that, a lot of people, even techies, to believe in the possibility of “something” and start doing something, you first need to see a description of the goal, see the background, see people who are already this “something” do and even see pictures with cats in cosmo form. Yes, this world is now arranged, but whether it will always be like this or the words about the conquest of the Universe will cease to cause laughter depends on us.
More information about Technocom in this video.

In the previous series

After we flew out of the Stargate, a raid squadron attacked us. Prehistory begin here from this place. I stand in Phnom Penh, which we have in Cambodia, and it seems to me that in Khmer language, interspersed with Russian I tell people what good they are, what the future of the country is for them, I’m not afraid to say that the future of the planet. The people understand almost nothing, but they rejoice, the translator translates, adds another 75% from himself, quotes Cambodian classics, everyone is fucking where this barang (foreigner) knows Cambodian culture so deeply. Look around. What is this zakakannaya area under our feet and what a majestic fence described (not in the sense described in verses of poets, but from the word “piss”) right along the course? This is the square in front of the palace of the king of Cambodia and the palace of the same king itself.

It was the period when sellers, who wanted to make money, realized that in Phnom Penh you can emulate the Venetian St. Mark’s Square and sell food for fattening street pigeons (although it has long been banned in the licensed version of the square). People understood that you can pretend that you are in Europe, feed the pigeons without a goal, and then boil broth with them. Pigeons realized that there is where to devour and go to the toilet. And only the local janitors did not understand that they needed to change the small brooms to big shovels, because here you are not Italy, there is free Cambodia, and traders cannot be forbidden to sell pigeon food, marijuana and soft drinks. So they continued revenge with a broom, and you know what the layer gradually grew. Although it may have been conceived, eventually puddles of this very thing could become streams, run along the canals, then it would be possible to launch the gondolas with gondoliers and it would be absolutely like Venice. But we didn’t know this cunning plan, so we gathered a crowd outside the duck’s house to a crowd of the most conscious people in the country and raked everything that looked and smelled from the square and the adjacent waterfront: rubbish, shit, British hippie hippies.

It was also the period when the popular king Sihanouk died a long time ago, and in his place they chose the most unpopular Siamoni, so that he would not interfere with the rule of the true leader of the country, Prime Minister Hun Sen. There are few public toilets even in the center, so many people have chosen the fence of the king’s palace. It was as if in one action and he fulfilled the natural need, and expressed his political position. Conveniently! Not far from this place is the home of Hun Sen. It is immediately clear who is in charge here in the country, because there you will quickly be shot off by what you will try to encroach on the fence of a respected person. Every year, Cambodia is developing, the Canadian company, which is engaged in cleanliness in the capital, is learning more and more money, but the result is gradually appearing, becoming cleaner, including the fence of the king’s palace. The self-awareness of the majority of people is not moving much in the right direction. To remove someone else’s trash, especially near the king’s palace — for many, this is inconceivably ugly, almost anti-religious. Therefore, it was a very steep fact of my biography that I was able, along with like-minded people, to push people to this. But of course it was a local, temporary result.

This was the work of the International Ecological Guard of the Earth Union. I spent a lot of energy to create a system of international guards of the Earth Union, the task of which is to unite people in different directions that they are most interested in, starting with the environmental guard, then space, medical, and so 12 pieces. That is how we wanted to achieve a bright future. But again the bureaucratic structure was obtained, now only the Guards bureaucratic one, which does not provide truly effective tools for uniting people as they are now, everything keeps and moves only at the expense of me and several other people. As soon as you stop dragging people by the collar, they immediately leave for their phones. What is there in these phones? Maybe people are passing a new educational module or are interested in the news of the conquest of the universe? Not. They look at Facebook pictures about the great history of the Khmer empire, which they were cool many years ago, they watch local shows, which are a cross between boxing and clown-up beards in women and children, which again tell us what Khmer are cool, how they throw barangs and watch the speeches of the main local oppositionist Sam Rhengsy (a mixture of Zhirinovsky and Navalny, for the special coolness he heads at once two parties: the name of himself and national salvation), who says that these damned Vietnamese steal from us ngi, wives, bright future, so let us kill them, and then it will be good.

Not many people can afford to spend time gathering and putting kakashki of different varieties into packages. In Cambodia, it is warm all year round, so in general, of course, you can do almost nothing, sleep under a palm tree in a hammock, lie in a rainy season during the rainy season. There are snakes, bananas, etc. In general, to subside, but not for long, any serious illness and death is highly probable, there is almost no free medicine. Young people want to live, want to achieve something. Trying to work. There are those who earn. But many people work almost all day for food somewhere in the field, at a construction site or cafe, and in the evening they have no motivation to unite, learn, change their lives. I understand that we went into the construction of a bright future from the wrong side. I specifically left the work in the field of automation, went closer to the earth, ecology.

We wanted to gather people in different directions, not to frighten them with any worldwide automation, to operate only with everyday topics, and then robotization, automation, etc. After long trials, it became clear that this way we will not be able to quickly raise a lot of people to the desired level, without automation, put in the base, we do not have enough strength. So we need to start with an automated platform and we need to go where people are here and now, and if they are on social networks now, then the first block is to make a smart social network that literally takes a person’s hand and leads in the right direction . Clever methodologies will help people, for example, to create a trade union or a national enterprise, help to find each other and interact effectively. It is also important to help people to believe in themselves. Running into the future, they have now begun to make a video of the series “Act!” To show that you need to act, if necessary, to look for non-standard solutions.

About a cat

Although there is something that the Khmer could hypnotize so that they would not be distracted - this is my cat, Mark Antony Innokentiy II (below I use the example of the presentation of Tekhnokom's public projects, I give a short version of the most futuristic address to Putin (recording a hologram). I am there in more detail about the cat). When the Khmers come to my house, after ritual bows to me, they immediately look behind me and shout “Chmaaa”, which means “cat”, in order to look at Innokentiy. Because even the name Innocent is too long for them, but they cannot tell Kesh, because among about 105 letters (which are considered obsolete, and which are not, the question is still being solved) Khmer alphabet-abukids do not have the letter "sh", therefore they simply shout "Chmaa."

Innocent also learned a little Khmer and realized that when a crowd of people shouting "Chmaa", this refers to him. Therefore, it comes out, lies down in front of this crowd and carefully looks at what they brought to him, how they will entertain him now. If stupid little people think for a long time, then he starts imposingly deserving everyone, first of all sniffing their bags, looking at what's interesting there, if they try to stop him, he does not distract from the business and pushes the little man with his hind paw, everyone is delighted with it. Cats, like dogs in Cambodia, still have food in many places, so when the food behaves so brazenly, it just amazes everyone.

There was a choice how to continue building a bright future now, if bureaucratic mechanisms, even international guards bureaucratic ones, showed their inefficiency. Either select and distribute the most cute cats around the world, or rely on automation. I left the world cat therapy as a plan “B”, and decided that first of all I need to create a world automated system.

I’ll stop here today not to write too much, and next time I’ll go through the past and move on to the present and the future. Here the reader may have the question: "The shabby area, the gondoliers, the fable" Khmers and the cat ", but where are the robots, starships plowing dark matter, etc.? Where is the high-tech bright future? ”You know, I have the same question:“ Where is it? ”. Humanity already has all the technologies to make it exist, but it still does not have it. So, mankind is still not strong enough in this and does not strongly believe in its own strength. We are in the Technocom, to approximate a bright future, we are doing what we can here and now based on our modest forces so far. More and more people click the button “Join the team” on the website, everyone has a little time, everything moves slower than we would like, but it moves. Someone just wanders in groups, improved, someone supports the public projects of Technocom. We'll talk more about all this, and for an example of a public project, in the style of addressing the Russian president, a presentation was made of a high-tech city construction project.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403407/

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