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Beyond working place: how else can co-working freelancer be useful?

A person goes to coworking not from a good life ... but from a very good one. Often such a choice is due to the fact that the PI is open or an interesting remote work with excellent conditions has been found. And, of course, this is the choice of freelancers, who, for whatever reason, it is convenient to work in this format. All three of these categories are often the professionals of the highest class and at the same time the most helpless from the legal point of view, people. Understanding all the nuances is long and difficult, in fact it means stealing work time from yourself. Leaving everything as it is - to bear the loss when working with customers. This problem is especially acute for freelancers. We could not pass by and tried to help them.

To do this, our team has collected the most popular questions of freelancers with whom they turn to us. Most of it concerns our own support to residents, but the answers will definitely be helpful to all freelancers. Moreover, the situations described happen quite often.

Bad advice. Source: cat-translate.ru

So, the coworking 14 Moscow coworking team answers important questions for freelancers and gives some useful tips.
- Why is freelancers interested in coworking? How is it better than working from home, from the beach or from a cafe?

- Coworking is not just a space in which there is an Internet and desktops, first of all, we provide a fully developed infrastructure for the growth and development of the business environment. You have to agree that working from home is too rosy to begin with, because for those who live with you, the notion of “remote work” is at least alien and they think that you are just sitting at the laptop. Further, their misunderstanding flows into neat requests to help with something - to transfer salt at breakfast, to follow the child, while the wife once again changes her new image for publication, to the children's clinic. For those who still live with their parents, this often flows into the silhouette of a mother in the kitchen with a constant manic desire to feed you to such an extent that there can be no thoughts about work.

Many more have a lot of problems with the construction of their working time and tasks are delayed with the same speed with which you will tighten your belts on stretched workouts and lose customers. In turn, coworking helps to organize your working day, be in a working atmosphere and constantly improve your skills. Social development is one of the main incentives for working in coworking, because in addition to the working atmosphere, residents find communication with colleagues here, who later grow into interesting collaborations and projects.

- What assistance and advisory support are you ready to provide, and to what extent?

- First of all, we are ready to share with our residents knowledge in areas in which each member of our team is professional. But, most importantly, we create a business community in coworking, in which our residents acquire connections that allow them to solve most issues without leaving their workplace.

If we talk about more mundane things, such as tax, accounting and legal advice, then our residents are assisted by the staff of the United Center for the Support of Entrepreneurs and the Chamber of Commerce . As part of the partnership program, the residents of Coworking 14 receive all the advice completely free of charge.

We try to create the most comfortable conditions for work on our site, because the constant growth of our clients' business is also our unconditional growth.

- Now a lot of guys are working for foreign companies - these are programmers, designers. They face problems of currency control, contracts with the employer, etc. Can you help with this?

- Yes, we have experience in the European market and we are faced with problems of currency control. We are ready to share the experience with our residents and safely do it. At the moment, a business psychologist is working with us in the team, there are also a number of activities aimed at developing not only freelancers, but also small-business in general. Now we have the widest package of business support services in the Moscow region.

- Do you work with questions of patenting, because among freelancers and remote workers a huge amount of intellectual property is being formed?
- At the moment, such applications from our residents have not been received, but we will be happy to assist in such matters. The minimum that we can do is to arrange a meeting on the coworking territory ourselves, help the resident to find the most favorable conditions and participate in the negotiations on the resident's side.

- What kind of problems with accounting can arise from freelancers? Are we talking about IP and outsourcing services?

- We often face the fact that freelancers work without any legal protection. Often, the contract is oral, where none of the parties, if necessary, will not be able to prove their case. We want to show freelancers that to conduct their own individual business is not so scary. What PIs are not two letters of the alphabet, behind which there are piles of papers and accounting reports.
First of all, freelancers face problems of a bureaucratic nature and simply do not know how to take the first step - where to go, what to write, and to whom to give it all. We will help to decompose each of these processes, ranging from opening your own IP to opening a bank account.

- What legal issues arise? Are these problems lying on the plane of labor law, or is there something less obvious?

- Legal issues often arise not only in the field of labor law, but also in the field of intellectual property. Example: a person has a website with his assets, he wants to sell it, but nobody knows how to make a sale correctly. How to properly evaluate the assets of this company and derive a clear price for the business - and this is not only the costs of maintenance and promotion. Unfortunately, the practice of such processes in our country is still relatively small.

- Tell us about the most interesting cases and questions that you managed to solve successfully?

- One of our first residents was NewsRoom. Having met us, they were already at the stage of developing their project. Its essence is the creation of a unique conference site, which they wanted to open in the center of Moscow. Day after day, they worked diligently on their project, they constantly held talks with counterparties with us. And not without our participation, they found a common language with developers - and voila! In a week they are already hosting their first event ! Congratulations to the girls!

Another of the teams sitting on our site is PR - agency Collective Media Solutions. They work with the international music festival Sziget, promoting it on the territory of Russia. So, in the first year of their joint cooperation, the guys had a lot of questions about the work of the tax authorities when you work with a European company. First of all, they were concerned with issues of currency control and how to conduct all currency transactions. The Coworking 14 team helped to resolve issues with the translation of the contract, general legal issues and how to properly communicate with foreign exchange controls, what information they provide.

Another excellent resident of ours, Sergey Kolesnikov, is engaged in the production of stainless steel structures. Four months ago, he came to Moscow to negotiate with a large pharmaceutical network (a network of pharmacies). He decided to stay with us in coworking at a travel rate - workplace, slipbox and shower. As a result, Sergey received a major contract in Moscow, and has been with us for four months now!

- In general, as far as a freelancer is not legally protected? How often do freelancers enter into contracts and how ready are the customers for this?

- For the customer to enter into a contract with a freelancer, if he is not an IE, it is much more expensive and is rather a headache. If you do not have an agreement to cooperate with that other company, then you are absolutely not protected. Yes, you can go to court and prove your point with screenshots of correspondence and other rubbish, but as a rule, this is a very long and laborious process, so more than half of the freelancers simply do not.

- What legal and accounting programs and systems do you use in your work? What are they good for, what is missing?

- For accounting, use the classic version of 1C. But CRM is naturally needed for customer relationship management. In our case, this is Bitrix 24 with modifications and integration. The Consultant + online helps to understand the legal moments at times. The undoubted plus of these systems, with the exception of 1C, is the absence of any payment for use with a fairly wide range of functions that can solve most of the emerging issues.

- Give some valuable advice to freelancers and remote employees - what to look for in order to avoid legal conflicts with the customer or employer?

- First of all, it is worth finding out in what status you are with the customer, and more precisely, how your relationship will be regulated from a legal point of view. In the contract it is necessary to clearly state such items as:

  1. The procedure for accepting work performed

  2. Clearly specify the payment procedure, including the conditions on the date and amount of the advance payment, payment schedule that the parties will consider payment. Also, you must specify the method of payment and how the reward will be credited to the contractor. Will it be a bank account and how much or payment will be made using electronic money.

  3. Be sure to specify the timing of claims and the timing of their consideration.

  4. To determine the jurisdiction, since by law the parties can specify the territorial jurisdiction themselves, and in this case, each of the parties, in case of unfair fulfillment of obligations, will be protected by a territorial indication. By default, the territorial binding is at the place of registration of the entrepreneur.

Further, it is necessary to correctly draw up a brief for the customer and request a clearly established TK, with the help of which, in the future, you will carry out the task. Without these documents, as a rule, the work with the customer will be “sluggish” in nature, and the customer will require corrections at all stages of work, and the performer will not see a clearly formed and properly set task. That is, in the minds of each of the parties there will not be a clear picture - the result of what should result from their joint work.

Also, in the first stages you should not chase after large customers, work on small ones, understand how this market works. Feel all the nuances of work in your direction.
Offer something new to the customer. It is always much more pleasant to work with people who are trying to bring something new into the project, even if it is not useful. The customer will be more loyal to you if you show your initiative at the design stage and offer alternative solutions to the task.

Objectively determine the cost of your services, do not put too low prices, fearing to frighten the customer. Remember, first of all, the customer should respect your work and is ready to pay for it - as a professional. But do not forget that your work must be 100% complete.

And most importantly - do not be afraid to start and try! All will be.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403381/

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