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REDMOND Ready for Sky Guard: smart sensors for home monitoring and security

Hello! We have already written about the different elements of a smart home from REDMOND. For example, here is a review of a teapot , here is a post dedicated to a smart humidifier , and here we are talking about a multi-Baker . Today we will talk about the new line of home sensors, which are even more integrated with each other than the previous smart products of REDMOND, can “communicate” with each other and work as one flexible and harmonious system. So, get acquainted: lineup Ready for Sky Guard .

Immediately show what devices are in this very line. There are many of them and they are all useful in their own way. So each user will be able to choose exactly what he needs.

What is the essence of the idea of ​​REDMOND? In that the user could turn his ordinary home into a smart home with minimal effort. Roughly speaking, I bought it, brought it home, spent 15 minutes on the installation - and everything works like a clock. Enjoy and enjoy!

And also - so that the user can turn his ordinary home into a smart one with minimal damage to the wallet. Currently, there are a number of smart home systems on the market, but almost all of them hardly suit an average Russian from a financial point of view. Take, for example, the most talked about system - the Apple HomeKit.

Tim Cook's company has developed a software and service platform, but the production of elements of a smart home - from light bulbs and switches to sensors - is left to third-party companies. And they don’t stint on “beautiful” numbers on price tags: one smart lamp certified for use with the Apple HomeKit can cost, for example, 50-70 dollars. For comparison: the smart base REDMOND SkySocket 202S is estimated at 1,500 rubles. Plus the price of a light bulb. Agree, it comes out much cheaper than Apple and Co.

Well, another subtle point. The same Apple HomeKit is only compatible with iOS 10. Older versions of iOS are not supported, let alone Android. Meanwhile, Ready for Sky Guard devices can work with both iOS 8.0+ and Android 4.3+. What makes them noticeably more universal, yet users of Android-devices in Russia are many times more than the owners, albeit very good, but quite expensive Apple mobile equipment.

However, let us return to the representatives of the Ready for Sky Guard line. Its central part is a smart outlet-gateway REDMOND SkySocket RSP-102S-E (2,999 rubles).

If the remote control of smart irons, heaters, kettles and other household appliances REDMOND from anywhere in the world requires a home smartphone gateway, which will be in the apartment, in the case of devices for the Ready for Sky Guard line, the role of this gateway is played by 102S-E. This device is inserted into a regular outlet, and then connects to your home Wi-Fi network using a smartphone and the Ready for Sky Guard application. (As we said above, it is available for iOS 8.0+ and Android 4.3+.) Actually, that's all: a gateway socket can transfer your commands and collect data from the REDMOND sensors that you purchased and located in your home. And to do this, including when you are even on a nearby street, even across the ocean.

Well, plus to everything, you should not forget that the REDMOND SkySocket RSP-102S-E is not only a gateway, but also an outlet. That is, the device does not "clog" a free outlet, but simply complements. And you can connect to it any unit of technology.

Among other features of REDMOND SkySocket RSP-102S-E is to highlight the timer mode, schedule mode, the ability to remotely turn off connected electrical appliances and the ability to turn them off automatically after the owners leave the apartment. Timer and schedule are designed to limit the work of connected devices. For example, so that children watch TV no more than a couple of hours a day, and the air conditioner worked only during the day, in the very heat. Well, the function of remote shutdown allows, say, to chop off a forgotten iron from the subway.

So, with the center of the system Ready for Sky Guard - REDMOND SkySocket RSP-102S-E - sorted out. Now consider for example a few sensors from this line.

The smart motion sensor REDMOND SkyGuard RG-D31S (999 rubles) sends a notification to the smartphone in case of some “maneuvers” in the seemingly empty house or apartment. It is useful to find out, while in Thailand, that in your dwelling someone wanders. You can immediately contact your relatives and ask them to call the police.

However, other situations are possible: the sensor is able to determine that the children left at home have climbed into the pantry and are trying to steal a jar of jam. Well, or an animal - for example, a cat - climbed to where it was not needed. SkyGuard RG-D31S connected to SkySocket RSP-102S-E will immediately inform the owners about all this.

The REDMOND SkyGuard RG-G31S smart reed sensor (699 rubles) is designed to alert you to the movements of objects, gates, doors, windows.

Plus, it can report whether a room is closed. For example, in the Ready for Sky Guard application you can see if you have forgotten to close the garage door. Well, if someone opens them, a notification will come to your smartphone.

Well, now let's count. The sensors described above and the socket-gateway (let's say, the minimum set) produced by REDMOND will cost 7,200 rubles. Let's look at similar devices from the Apple Store range, which are necessary for organizing a smart home within the framework of the Apple HomeKit concept. Socket costs ... 6 990 rubles. Motion sensor - 6 590 rubles. Motion sensor for doors and windows - 5,490 rubles. Moreover, having bought all this, you can control your smart home only via Bluetooth. For remote control, you have to get an Apple TV or a home iOS device that will play the role of a gateway. In general, the full equipment at home with sensors and devices that are compatible with Apple HomeKit, can cost $ 4,000. Is it a decision from REDMOND: here you can really get by with 20 thousand rubles. Which, of course, is much higher for the people of Russia.

If you have any questions about REDMOND smart sensors, ask them in the comments. We will be happy to answer them and explain everything!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403371/

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